Tuesday, May 11, 2021

 Hebrews 1  " In days gone by, God spoke in many and varied ways to the fathers through the prophets. but now, in the [last days], he has spoken to us through his Son, to whom he has given ownership of everything and through whom he created the universe." ( v1-2 CJB) 

Jesus is the "radiance of His glory..." the "Sh'khinah" - the "very expression of God's essence" - He is the Light.. the Brightness.. the Brilliance..of God. 

Jesus is the Son of God. Angels may have been called "sons of God", but Jesus is the only One to be called the Son. He has been given all authority.  He has been given a Name above every other name. He has been given a seat at the right hand of the Father.. a throne forever.. a victory that is certain as all His enemies will be "a footstool for [His] feet." 

Jesus "upholds all things by the word of His power".   He made it all. He owns it all. And He keeps it all- He carries it, bears it - upholds it. All of creation.. ALL of it. 

Jesus "made purification of sins" - He cleanses us and makes us pure and whole and righteous.  He is the only One who can. 

Father in heaven, we praise You and we praise the Son! Help us Holy Spirit to grasp the greatness of our God.  Help us to see You more clearly, to loveYou more deeply, and to serve You always.  As the Psalmist wrote.."Let them praise the name of Adonai, for his name is above both earth and heaven. He has increased the power of his people, granted praise to all his faithful." ( Psalm 148:13-14)  You have given us the ability to praise.. and that is powerful.  May we truly praise You with all of our hearts. Amen.

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