Tuesday, May 25, 2021

 Hebrews 10:19-25  Jesus gave us this "new and living way" to enter "the holy place".. the place where God is present.  It is through His flesh.. the veil torn.. the mercy seat open to all who will come.  Jesus, our wonderful priest brings us near.. so "let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water." 

We "draw near" - approach, consent..come to Him.  It is a choice that we make.. that we are able to make because He has provided this "new and living way".  It is a choice that we must make.. an act of our will.. deliberate and honest.. from a "sincere heart".  The heart is our center.. our center of thought and feeling.. the core of our being.  We must be sincere and  true. No pretending or pretense.  No play acting.  We come with "full assurance of faith".  Complete confidence: persuaded and convinced that we can believe and trust in these truths.. whereby we are cleansed and made pure. 

Again the writer exhorts us to "hold fast" ( see Hebrews 3)  "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful."  We can hold fast to Him, because He is Faithful and True.

Willingly, completely, purposefully, and assuredly.. we hold on to Jesus. 

Father in heaven, You are our Creator and our God. We honor Your holy Name.  We give You praise and thanksgiving.. for You have made a way for us to come into Your very Presence through Jesus Christ our Savior and Priest.  We come to worship You. We come to love and cherish You.  We want to know You more and to be united with You in heart, soul, and spirit. We cannot do any of this on our own, but we come because Jesus has given us Life.  Your Spirit has come to abide in us and lead us into a life of faith and holiness.  By Your power and might we can love one another... we can do "good deeds".. we can encourage one another as we see "the day drawing near".  May Your will be done in us, may Your Kingdom come, and may Your Name be honored and exalted in all the earth. We pray these things in the Name of our Lord Jesus. Amen. 

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