Tuesday, May 18, 2021

 Hebrews 5 -Jesus, our high priest - was "Begotten" by the Father.  It was God's decision to produce a Son.. to send Him into Mary's womb as a Babe.  It was God's decision to appoint Jesus to be "a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek".  It was God's decision that Jesus suffer.. in obedience to His will.. to become  "to all who obey Him the source of eternal salvation." 

The life of Christ Jesus on earth was one of complete obedience and holiness.  His death was one of complete surrender.. to "learn obedience".. to be "made perfect".. to become the perfect high priest who knows full well how weak us humans are..how much we need someone to mediate for us.. how much we need grace and mercy. 

God took the initiative to send His only Begotten Son.  He took the initiative to appoint Him as High Priest forever. He took the initiative so that the gift of salvation could be ours.. if we will just believe it and receive Him. 

Father, we thank You for not giving up on us and for sending us Your Son to take away our sins so that we will not perish but have Life.  May we bask in the Light of Your glory and grace. May we "rest" in Jesus Christ our Lord.  All glory and honor and praise belongs to You. amen. 

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