Tuesday, October 13, 2020

 Colossians 4 Paul closes out this letter with another reminder of the vital importance of prayer.

"Keep persisting in prayer... " he begins... be devoted to praying. Devoted- the Greek word here is defined this way - to be earnest toward, to persevere, be constantly diligent; attend assiduously to.. adhere closely; continually.. continually.. continually!

".. staying alert in it.." be awake - watchful - in prayer

".. being thankful.."  - the prevailing attitude of our hearts as we pray - should be thanksgiving. 

Paul asked for prayer for himself and his co-workers and we can use these verses to pray for those who are working around the world, preaching the Gospel:

Pray the God would "open a door for the word.. " (v3)

Pray that God would help them to "speak forth the mystery of Christ". 

Pray that they may "make it clear in the way [they] ought to speak." (v4)

Finally, Paul gives an example of one who is faithful in prayer - Epaphras - "who always agonizes in his prayer on your behalf, praying that you may stand firm, mature, fully confident, as you devote yourselves completely to God's will. " ( v12) 

Father in heaven, we are weak but You are strong. We need You and pray that You would fill us to the full with Your Spirit, that we might also stand firm, mature , and fully confident.. devoting ourselves to do Your will; to be persistent in our praying, and to have hearts overflowing with thanksgiving for all You have done and will do in each of us.  Open doors for us to speak Your Word. Help us to conduct ourselves wisely. Let our speech be seasoned with grace. Be exalted in our lives, our families, and our churches.  We ask this in the powerful and precious name of Jesus, our Master. Amen. 

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