Friday, October 2, 2020

 Philippians 2  Paul emphasizes here our union with Jesus Christ.   As believers in union with Jesus we will have "a common purpose and a common love, by being one in heart and mind."   In union with Christ we will receive - "encouragement... comfort flowing from love.. fellowship.. in the Spirit.. compassion and sympathy..." 

Union with Jesus brings about a change in attitude and a change in character... 

One of the most important attitude changes is one of humility.  In humility we "regard each other as better than" ourselves.  We "look out for each other's interests and not just for [our]own".  Humility is an inward change that affects outward relationships.. 

We are called to take on the attitude of Jesus, Himself.  

As Jesus "emptied Himself" and became like a slave... we put away any attitude of superiority or pride. 

As Jesus became "obedient even to death".. we lay down our lives to follow Him. 

This is not something that we can do on our own.. but we must do our part, trusting that "God is the one working among you both the willing and the working for what pleases him.." 

Paul gives two examples of what this looks like in real people... Timothy and Epaphroditus. 

Timothy had a sincere concern for the church in Philippi.  He worked along side Paul to share the Gospel. He wasn't like others who "put their own interests ahead of the Messiah Yeshua's."(v21) 

Epaphroditus, one of their own, also had this humble attitude. He had suffered and almost died as he served Paul, but his concern was not for himself, but for his brothers and sisters who were distressed because of his illness. 

Father in heaven, You know our hearts and minds. You know our selfish ways.. our self-centeredness.  You know how we don't want to be this way.. . but we want  to lay down our lives, pick up our crosses and follow Jesus. We want to be like Him. Thank You for working in us.. to will and to work.. for what pleases You. May we serve You and live for You in every way.. every day!  Come fill us with Your Holy Spirit, sanctifying us through and through, so that we may be pure and blameless before You on that glorious day when we see You face to face. We pray this in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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