Wednesday, October 14, 2020

 II Samuel 1-4  After Saul died... David was made king of Judah. But, there was no peace and no unity in the nation. 

Saul's son Ish-bosheth was made king over some of the tribes, until he was murdered. 

Abner was on Ish-bosheth's side, until he was insulted by him, and then went to David. 

Joab murdered Abner because he had killed Joab's brother. 

In other words.. it was a mess!

Those who thought they were doing David a service by killing others, ended up being killed themselves. 

David didn't think the way others thought.  Not at all. David desired to show "kindness and truth" to even those who were against him. David didn't want revenge.. he wanted peace and hope for all the people of Israel. 

In our present day we are witnessing the same kinds of division and enmity between people who disagree with one another.  As believers in Jesus Christ we must strive for the same things that David desired in these pages.. kindness.. truth.. peace.. and hope.  We might have our own opinions on politics.. but that must not take our focus off our Lord and His Kingdom and His righteousness. 

 Abner spoke to Joab in the middle of a battle and it strikes me as words we need to hear. "Must the sword go on devouring forever? Don't you know that in the end it can only produce bitterness? How long will it be, then, before you tell the people to quit pursuing their brothers?" ( 2:26)

How long before the arguing and dissension stops filling our country? .. filling our airwaves.. and our minds?

Our God is faithful.  He is all wise.  He is actively accomplishing His plans for each of us and for all the nations. May we turn our faces towards Him and our hearts to what He wills for us- even as David did - may we show kindness and truth - "making full use of every opportunity" - letting our conversations be seasoned with grace... ( Col. 4)

Father, we seek You and desire to be in Your Presence.  You are our Light and our Salvation and we do not need to fear. We seek You and know that You will not abandon Your children.  You will care for us and lead us in straight paths. We put our hope in You. We will be strong and courageous because You are our hope and our Refuge. In a world where things are a mess.. we know that You are still in control. We trust in Who You are. In You we rest. Blessed be Your name. Amen. 

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