Friday, October 23, 2020

2 Samuel 8-9  David was successful in subduing all the nations around Israel.  "Adonai gave victory to David wherever he went". ( v6 and14)  These people became subjects of David and paid tribute to him. He also received great quantities of gold, silver, and bronze, which he dedicated to the Lord. 

"David ruled over all Israel; David administered law and justice for all his people." (v15)  What a profound statement for a human king... this is what we desire more than anything for our country too... yet it is something that rarely happened in God's chosen nation of Israel, let alone in any other country in this fallen world. 

But... one day.. we will have a King who will rule every nation.  Listen to this description of His coming from Revelation 19: 11 "And I saw heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True; and in righteousness He judges and wages war." The "King of kings and Lord of lords" will reign with "a rod of iron".  He will judge with righteousness.   And, He will dwell with His people forever and ever.  Hallelujah!

David was victorious over other nations and the Lord was blessing him greatly.  Yet, it is at this time that David stops to inquire about Jonathan's family.  He did not forget the covenant he had with his dear friend even after everything that happened.  Jonathan's son Mephibosheth was the only one left.  David summoned him to come see him, which was pretty terrifying I'm sure... but he came and bowed at David's feet.  Instead of revenge against Saul..David showed grace and kindness because of Jonathan.  He didn't know what kind of a man Mephibosheth was and it didn't matter to David.  He was determined to show kindness because of Jonathan. 

No matter what our circumstances may be... successes or failures...may we be like David in this manner.. may we be determined to show kindness to others..  and may we do it because of the kindness of Jesus, our eternal King. 

Father, may we remember that when we cry out for justice, it's not asking for everything to be how we want things to be.. but for what is right in Your eyes to be judged as right.. and for what is evil in Your eyes to be judged as evil. There are many people yelling and clamoring for justice...when they need to be repenting and crying out for mercy.  Your Word makes it clear that the King will come and He will judge in righteousness.  To those who are His, He will give living water; He will wipe away our tears and take away our grief.  But to those who are "cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.. " ( Rev. 21 ) This is true justice.  O Lord God, forgive us and show us kindness and mercy, turning hearts back to You, to Your word which is True and Faithful.  Thank You for being always True, always Just, and always Kind.  All honor and glory and praise we give to You.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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