Monday, October 26, 2020

 2 Samuel 10-12  It starts out with a noble intent... David sends a message of comfort to Hanun, the king of the Ammonites, when his father died.  But, Hanun's advisors foolishly think that David has evil intentions and insult David by humiliating his servants.  This leads to war. 

Amon is in trouble and they know it. They hire some additional help from the Arameans and from the kings of Maacah and Tob.  However when Israel sends their army, the Arameans end up running away and the Ammonites retreat.  A second try resulted in the defeat of Arameans.  But, the war with Amon continued. 

It is at this time that David decides to stay in Jerusalem and send the army out to the battle that spring. It is at this time that he sees Bathsheba, sends for her, and commits adultery with her.  This leads to her pregnancy, the scheme to get Uriah back in town to cover it up, and then sending him back to battle so that he would be killed.  Verse 27 of chapter 11 sums it up -- "But the thing that David had done was evil in the sight of the Lord." 

We know the story... Nathan confronts David.  David repents. The baby dies. But, by God's grace,  David and Bathsheba have another son - Solomon....a child that was special from the start, for  "Adonai loved him.. " 

The consequences for David's sins were severe. There would be evil within David's own family, his wives would be abused by others, and the baby would die.  Even though David himself was spared physically, the conflicts that would come later were devastating.  David still loved the Lord and was still considered a man after the Lord's heart.. but there is a radical change in David's life, family, and leadership after this. 

Father in heaven, it is only because of Your great grace and infinite goodness that any of us can find redemption and forgiveness for our sins. We have all fallen and come short of Your glory and holiness. We want to be pure and righteous before You, but we cannot do it on our own.  How thankful we are for Jesus our perfect Redeemer!  Thank You for showing us such kindness.  Thank You for loving the sinner, healing the broken, rescuing the lost, and strengthening the weak. Thank You that we can learn from the examples in Your Word, to fear You and honor You; to repent and submit to You, and to always hope in You... no matter what else happens.  You are our refuge and rock. With David we say, "I trust in you, Adonai; I say, 'You are my God'" ( Ps. 31:14) We rejoice in Your goodness and bless Your Name. Thank You that we can come to Your throne room in the name of Jesus our great Savior asking for Your grace and peace to fill us and for Your Spirit to lead and guide us in Your ways.  Amen. 

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