Thursday, October 29, 2020

 II Samuel 21-24

These last few chapters of II Samuel add some details about David's reign over Israel. The highlight is chapter 22 which records a song of David to Adonai.  David's relationship with the Lord is a great example that can encourage us in our walk of faith.  Like David we can stand on the Truth of who our God is and grow more and more in love with Him... 

"Adonai is my Rock, my fortress, and deliverer." (v2)   He is the One who will give us shelter, who will be our shield and who will save us from the enemy. 

We can always call out to the Lord when we are in distress and know that He will hear us. ( v5-7)

David felt the earth shake, the heavens tremble, and the Presence of God in the darkness. We can too .

No matter what calamity we face.. "Adonai [will be] our support." v19

Our God will rescue us. (v20)

He will treat us with mercy, purity, and honesty.. when we walk in uprightness. (v25-27) 

Adonai will "light up my darkness"... just like He did for David! (v29)

He will be our "strength and protection; he [will make] my way go straight.." (v 33)

Only our great God is a "tower of salvation". (v51)

He is truly worthy of all our praise!

Father in heaven,  speak these words of Truth deeply into our hearts and minds, that we might draw nearer to Your heart. May we stand firm, girding ourselves with this belt of Truth.  No matter what the days ahead hold for us, personally or nationally.. You are our Light, our Rock, our Refuge, and our tower of Salvation. We cling to You. Make our paths straight, Mighty God, that we might honor You with every part of our lives. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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