Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 2 Samuel 13-15

  Amnon, David's first born son, lusted after Tamar, his half-sister.  He was a wicked man who ended up raping Tamar and being killed by his brother Absalom because of his actions. The words of Nathan the prophet were fulfilled, ".. Adonai says, 'I will generate evil against you out of your own household...'" ( 12:11)

When I think of these accounts of David, I feel... disappointed.. sorrowful. The situation with Bathsheba, the failure as a father ( did you realize David had 19 sons and 1 daughter!)... and running away from Jerusalem because of Absalom.. These actions don't sit well when we think of King David, the man after God's own heart.  Yet, we know that David loved the Lord and desired to walk in His ways. We know he trusted God in spite of his many enemies.  David wrote this in Psalm 32:  

" How blessed are those whose offense is forgiven, those whose sin is covered!  

How blessed those to whom Adonai imputes no guilt, in whose spirit is no deceit!" 

David's faith in God's forgiveness and cleansing brought him to praise and rejoice and proclaim the wonderful Name and grace of Adonai.  "Be glad in Adonai; rejoice you righteous! Shout for joy, all you upright in heart!" 

Father in heaven, Adonai, our God, we give praise and thanks to You.. for when we acknowledge our sins and confess our offenses to You, You forgive us and remove our guilt.  Surround us with Your grace, Lord. Instruct us and teach us in the way we should go. Counsel us and watch over us, Mighty Lord.  We trust in You alone and believe Your Word that tells us that You love us and will never leave us.. even when we fail. Keep us in Your Hand and help us to be pure and holy, blameless before You, in Christ Jesus our King.  We ask this in His name. Amen. 

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