Thursday, October 15, 2020

 2 Samuel 5-6  All the rest of the tribes of Israel finally realized that David was God's chosen king for the whole nation and he was anointed in Hebron.  He was 30 years old.  David then went up and conquered Jerusalem and made it his stronghold, "The City of David".  He fought against the Philistines again and then he focused on bringing the Ark to Jerusalem. 

David had another lesson to learn.. the first attempt to move the ark failed.  They used a cart when it should have been carried by Levites.  Uzzah touched it when no one should have done so. When Uzzah was instantly struck down.. David "was frightened of Adonai that day...".   And rightfully so.  We often need to be reminded that our God is a consuming fire.. 

The second attempt to move the ark was successful.  David had the bearers stop every six paces while he offered sacrifices.  When they entered the city, there was rejoicing and music and David himself danced with joy!  David offered more sacrifices, gave gifts to all the people, and blessed them. 

Everyone went home with joy.. except Mikhal, the daughter of Saul.  Mikhal felt only contempt for David. She scorned him and called him shameful.  Yet, David knew his own heart.. that he was rejoicing before the Presence of the Lord... and he was not ashamed.  He would humble himself again.. for the sake of the God whom he served. 

This reminds me of a statement that Jesus made.. " For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when He comes in His glory, and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels." Luke 9:26)  Jesus said this in the context of talking about laying down His life on the cross and calling on His disciples to lay down their own lives, denying themselves and following Him. It is better to lose your life than gain the world.. Jesus tells us. David understood that.. what mattered most to him was serving and worshiping Adonai.. even if meant be scorned by his own wife or anyone else. 

Father, we are reminded  of Your greatness and holiness through Your Word. We cannot ever forget that all of Your attributes remain unchanging.. and we are right to honor You with a holy fear.  We are right to humble ourselves before You.  We are right when we lay down our lives to follow Jesus. And we are thankful that You are infinitely wise and infinitely kind and infinitely merciful.  You know that we are just people made of dust.. and yet You have made us so much more.. Your children, Your people, Your masterpieces!  How amazing that You should love us so!  Thank You Father. Help us, Lord, to have the humble attitude of our Savior.  Help us to cling to Jesus every day in faith and obedience to Your Word. May we never be ashamed but always sing praises to Him who fills our hearts with joy!  Amen. 

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