Thursday, October 8, 2020

 Colossians 1:14-29

After Paul prays for the church to grow in "the full knowledge of God", he turns his thoughts towards Jesus.  We who have been rescued from darkness have been "transferred .. into the Kingdom of His dear Son."  These verses sing out eternal truths about our Savior!

v14 "It is through his Son that we have redemption- that is, our sins have been forgiven."  

We could stop right there and go no further.. awestruck by this amazing Truth.. humbled and flat on our faces before such a Gracious God who would go so far to bring us to Himself.  Just dwell on this one statement.. let it stir your heart and fill you with thanksgiving and joy!

We have been brought into His Kingdom.. through the redemption that Jesus purchased for us by His own blood.. 

Jesus, "the visible image of the invisible God". 

Jesus,  who is "supreme over all creation". 

Jesus, who created all things.. "they have been created through Him and for Him." - everything - all we see and all we can't see; every nation, every ruler, every authority, EVERYTHING!

Jesus, who existed "before all things". 

Jesus, who "holds everything together". 

Jesus, who is the firstborn;  who is the fulness of God  - is the One who reconciles us with God through His sacrifice on a cross. 

Paul proclaims this Good News to those who had no hope and they grasped it and held on.  May we never be moved from this simple and profound Truth.  It is our armor.  It is our Light. It is our foundation and our joy.  Paul calls it a glorious secret..  a mystery... we.. every single one of us who believe in and trust Jesus as our Savior and Lord.. have been set apart for God and united with Jesus.. forever and ever!

Father in heaven, Holy and Perfect.. great are You Lord and greatly to be praised! What wonder and awe we share as we dwell here in Your Word and marvel at the work of Your Hands.  In all wisdom and power, You sent Your Son to redeem us.. to forgive us all our sins.. and to reconcile us to Yourself in Christ Jesus.  We thank You and praise You and give You all of our worship.. for You are our God. In the wonderful and powerful name of Jesus we pray. Amen. 

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