Tuesday, October 6, 2020

 Philippians 4  The Complete Jewish Bible takes the words "in Christ" and deepens its meaning ( for me) with the words  "in union with the Messiah Yeshua" or "in union with the Lord".  Throughout this letter Paul has focused on this reality for the Christians in Philippi and for us... 

".. in union with the Messiah.. " (2:1) Paul extends encouragement, comfort, love and fellowship in the Spirit to his brothers and sisters, desiring their union with one another with a common purpose and love. 

In 2:5 Paul reminds them and us that this "union with the Messiah Yeshua" should govern our attitudes towards one another - an attitude of humility and sacrifice. 

In chapter 3 Paul says to "rejoice in union with the Lord" and to realize that everything else is worthless in comparison to this wonderful miracle of God's grace, love, and power. 

Here in chapter 4 Paul once again exhorts his readers to rejoice, to stand firm, to reconcile differences, and to trust God fully for every need - in "union with the Lord ".  

It is "in union with Jesus" that we find strength to keep standing in trying times. (v1)

It is "in union with Jesus" that we can truly rejoice! (v4)

It is "in union with  Jesus"  that we can pray.. "Don't worry about anything on the contrary make you requests known to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. Then God's shalom, passing all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with the Messiah Yeshua." (v6-7)

It is in union with Jesus that our minds can be focused on "what is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable, or admirable, on some virtue or on something praiseworthy."

It is " in union with Jesus" that we can rest in the reality that "God will fill every need of yours according to his glorious wealth, in union with the Messiah Yeshua." ( v19)

Father in heaven, it is union with Jesus, the  faithful and righteous One, that we come to You boldly- to your throne room -to praise the holiness of Your Name and to seek Your Face.  You are God alone.  You are all powerful, all knowing, Infinite, all wise, and full of compassion and grace towards us who are in Jesus. To You we offer up prayers and petitions, with thanksgiving. We ask that You meet our daily needs. We ask that You forgive us our sins.   We ask that You lead us in Your paths of righteousness. We ask that You deliver us from the evil one. We ask that You restore our souls and our bodies. We ask that You be our strength, our rock, and our fortress.. that You be near.. and that we would know You more.  We give You thanks for hearing us and for loving us. We thank You for Jesus Christ our Lord, in Whom we stand, Amen. 

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