Friday, January 31, 2020

Leviticus 14-15  These chapters have to do with cleansing.  Chapter 14 gives the process of cleansing after a person has leprosy.  Chapter 15 deals with bodily discharges, either for men or women.

 Two things -

In 14:21-32 there is a provision in case the person cannot afford the regular sacrifices.  He still offers a guilt offering and a burnt offering, but it is according to his means.

Secondly, 15:31 gives us the purpose for all these procedures "In this way you will separate the people of Israel from their uncleanness, so that they will not die in a state of uncleanness for defiling my tabernacle which is there with them." 

The commentary here compares these ritual washings to baptism. The rabbinical writings taught the practice of "mikveh" - a ritual immersion for healings and service.  "One Jewish interpretation of the mikveh relates it to an experience of death and resurrection, and also to the reentry into the womb and reemergence."  Reborn - a new birth!

This sheds light on John 3 and the discussion that Jesus held with Nicodemus.  Nicodemus would have known all about being "born again" - or at least according to Jewish traditions. As a boy turned 13 and had his bar mitzvah, he was said to be born again.  When he married, he was said to be born again; and when he became a teacher, again he was considered born again..   What he did not understand was that he needed to be spiritually reborn by the Holy Spirit, not by self-effort or achievement.

Father in heaven, You desire us to be clean, cleansed from sin and unrighteousness and You sent Your  Son to provide that cleansing for us. Thank You. We are washed by the blood of the Lamb.  We are born again by the Holy Spirit so that we are new creatures.  We are so thankful and amazed.  Help us to really understand this  - the uncleanness of our sinfulness and the greatness of Christ's provision that cleanses us from all unrighteousness!  Hallelujah what a Savior!  You are our Mighty God and You will sanctify us fully.  Praise God.  Amen.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Leviticus 12 is a short chapter that deals with childbirth.  A woman would be isolated for a period of time, for her "purification"  and then a sacrifice would be presented. This purification period was 33 days for a male and 66 days for a female child.   A male child would be circumcised on the 8th day. This sounds like a judgement, but would actually be a blessing to a new mom, wouldn't it? A month or two with the new baby... God is good!

Chapter 13 is a long chapter dealing with leprosy - tzara'at - it is quite detailed.  The person who had any skin issues was to report to the priests.  It was the priests responsibility to examine and determine the treatment of the condition. This may result in the person coming back several times to see if there was any changes. The final decision then would be "clean" or "unclean".  They would also deal with articles of clothing, etc.  The priests had a lot on their hands!

The Complete Jewish study Bible adds an interesting commentary about leprosy.  According to rabbinical writings it was understood that "the practice of gossip or slander opens the door for both spiritual and physical oppression and illness."   Miryam spoke against Moses and the Lord struck her with leprosy... words matter.   James wrote about the tongue and how lack of control there indicates a worthless religion. ( James 1:26)

Psalm 34:13 "Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit." 
Psalm 39:1 says, "I said, 'I will guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue; I will guard my mouth as with a muzzle..."
And Psalm 141:3 gives us this prayer, " Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips." 

Proverbs hits these truths about guarding the tongue and our words also, for example:
13:3 "The one who guards his mouth preserves his life; the one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin." 
12:14 " A man will be satisfied with good by the fruit of his words.... " 
And 12:18 "There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
And many more...

Father in heaven, You have taught us that words matter.  There are consequences for speaking out of evil hearts and there are rewards of grace for speaking in kindness and love and truth.  May we speak carefully, and give glory to You.  Help us to guard our tongues this day.  May we learn this important truth I pray, in Jesus' name. amen.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Leviticus 11  After the dedication of the tent of meeting and the consecration of the priests.. and after the judgement of God on Nadav and Avihu when they burned unauthorized incense to the Lord,  He said that the priests were to teach the people of Israel so that they would be able to distinguish between the "holy and the common" and "between the clean and the unclean".   This chapter begins that teaching, starting with dietary or "Kosher" laws.

Adonai gave specific laws about what foods the Israelites could eat and which ones they should not.  He called some "unclean" and he called some "detestable" for them.  To eat something that God called detestable, would defile them and make them detestable.  God's desire for His people is holiness... "For I am Adonai your God; therefore consecrate yourselves and be holy, for I am holy; and do not defile yourselves... You are to be holy, because I am holy." ( v43-45) 

The purpose of these laws were to give the people the ability to "distinguish between the clean and the unclean.." 

We know that some of these rules helped the Israelites health-wise, but, according the the rabbinical commentary they were primarily a spiritual issue.  So, when Jesus talked about the fact that it was not what one ate that defiled them, but what is in the heart that defiles a man... He was "raising the issue of kosher to a higher level".

The restrictions given to the Jews were for their good... physically, spiritually, and morally.  And, this is true for us also.  As Paul wrote in I Corinthians so clearly.. although many things are permitted, they are not helpful.. not profitable.  We have been "set apart for God".... made holy by the blood of Jesus.

"Everything is permitted, you say? Maybe, but not everything is helpful. Everything is permitted? Maybe, but not everything is edifying. No one should be looking out for his own interests, but for those of his fellow. Well, whatever you do, whether its eating or drinking or anything else, do it all so as th bring glory to God... Do not be an obstacle to anyone.... so that they may be saved!" ( I Corinthians 10:23-24;31; 32;33b)

To be holy as our God is holy, which is His will for each of us who are in Christ Jesus, we need to learn how to distinguish between what is holy and what is not.  Paul's teaching helps us to see this more clearly.  It's not the kosher food laws that Jesus wants us to observe, but  discernment in our own lives about what is helpful, what brings glory to God, and what will not be an obstacle in anyone's way.. "so that they may be saved!" 

Father in heaven, You are holy and worthy of all our praise, all our trust, and all our obedience.  We desire to have the spiritual discernment given by Your Spirit in us, that we might do all things for Your glory.  Help us to live in this way so that we might please and honor You with our whole beings.
May our love for You.. with all our hearts and minds and souls and strength.. grow deeper and deeper we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Leviticus 9   " On the eighth day..."  After Aaron and his sons were dedicated during the 7 days ordered by Adonai, there was a final ceremony.   They had learned about all of the various offerings, the tent of meeting was ready to go, and now the priests were consecrated and ready.  This ceremony seems like a complete run through of everything.. not a dress rehearsal, so to speak... but a opening act... the beginning of a new life, a new nation,  a new religion... and most important - the appearance of Adonai.

Aaron and his sons offered, according to God's command:
A sin offering for Aaron.. for his atonement.
A sin offering for the people.. for their atonement.
Both of these burnt offerings.
Then a grain offering and then a peace offering - some burned and some waved.
Everything was done according to God's directions.

Aaron raised his hands and blessed the people and then he and Moses entered the tent of meeting.
When they came out, they blessed them again.. and then..

"Then the glory of Adonai appeared to all the people! Fire came forth from the presence of Adonai, consuming the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces." 

( Chapter 10)
"But..."  Perhaps caught up in the glorious and powerful events, two of Aaron's sons, Nadav and Avihu  "offered unauthorized fire before Adonai, something he had not ordered them to do." 

The immediate result was... " fire came forth from the presence of Adonai and consumed them, so that they died in the presence of Adonai."  

"This is what Adonai said: 'Through those who are near me I will be consecrated, and before all the people I will be glorified.'"  

The actions of Nadav and Avihu were perhaps presumptive or perhaps done in their drunkenness, because  - Verse 8 " Adonai said to Aaron, 'Don't drink any wine or other intoxicating liquor, neither you nor your sons with you, when you enter the tent of meeting, so that you will not die. This is to be a permanent regulation through all your generations, so that you will distinguish between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean; and so that you will teach the people of Israel all the laws Adonai has told them through Moses.'

Our God is a consuming fire!  The writer of the book of Hebrews reminds us that this is a truth that we must not forget.  We come to a greater place than the tent of meeting, through a greater sacrifice than the sacrifices of bulls and sheep, with a greater high priest than Aaron or his descendants.. we come to "an unshakable kingdom" -  He writes - "Therefore, since we have received an unshakeable Kingdom, let us have grace, through which we may offer service that will please God, with reverence and fear. For indeed, 'Our God is a consuming fire!'" ( Hebrews 12:28-29)

Father in heaven, holy, holy, holy,  are You, our God.  As we draw near to You through Jesus Christ our great high priest, our Savior and our King, we do not want to come in any way that is less than pleasing to You.  May we come in faith, without which we cannot please You.  May we come in humility and in complete submission, for You will lift up the humble. May we come in reverence and fear, obedient to every truth of Your Word.  May we come in the only way we really can - through Jesus Christ, our righteousness.. for although this is impossible with men, nothing is impossible with You. Lead us in Your ways.. in grace and service today we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Leviticus 8  In this chapter we read the record of Aaron and his sons actually being consecrated for the priesthood.  Aaron is washed, dressed, and anointed by Moses according to the command of Adonai.  His sons are also washed and dressed accordingly.

There are several sacrifices offered:

First, there is a bull offered as a sin offering.
Then, a ram as a burnt offering.
Then, a second ram as an offering of consecration.
And finally a wave offering consisting of matzah, oiled bread, and a wafer along with parts of the ram of consecration.

Next, Aaron and his sons are sprinkled with anointing oil and blood from the sacrifices.  Then they are commanded to stay at the door of the tent of meeting for seven days and seven nights "since Adonai will be consecrating you for seven days."   The atonement was made, but they still had to obey the command to stay at the tent of meeting "so that [they] may not die." 

Aaron and his sons obeyed the words of Moses.

But... Jeremiah records this " You may as well eat the meat of your burnt offerings along with that of your sacrifices. For I didn't speak to your ancestors or given them orders concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices when I brought them out to the land of Egypt.  Rather, what I did order them was this: 'Pay attention to what I say. Then I will be your God, and you will be My people. In everything, live according to the way the I order you, so that things will go well for you'" 

They didn't listen or obey. The sacrifices became meaningless.  They even went as far as to place idols in the holy place reserved for God Himself.

What was most important in all that Moses was commanded them to do - all the washing, clothing, anointing, sacrifices, and consecration - was that it was done in obedience to God's voice. It was specific.  It was solemn.  It was holy.  But, it wasn't the acts in themselves that mattered as much as it was the obedience to God's Word.. by faith in the real and holy God who was bringing them into an amazing relationship - " I will be your God and you will be my people." 

This is what God desires for us too.  He offers Himself so that we can be His people and He can be our God.  He has not changed who He is - He is holy... He is Sovereign.  He is God alone.   He desires obedience and faith.  He wants the best for us because He loves us.   It is an offer that we must receive by faith in Jesus Christ, the anointed One. "Trust and obey.. there is no other way."

Father in heaven, we hallow Your name, for You are Adonai our God, Mighty and Holy, the only True God.  We surrender to Your will, praying that You will be glorified in our lives as we walk by faith in Christ Jesus. Open our eyes and ears, Lord God, that we might listen and obey Your Word.
We ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

 Leviticus 6-7  Here the Lord gives instructions to the priests regarding the sacrifices that He had initiated..

What stands out to me most are two things:

1.  Every offering is considered "especially holy".
2. Parts of the offerings are given to the priests as their portion to eat.

An offering to the Lord, whether a sin offering, grain offering, guilt offering, or peace offering, as we have noted, is meant to bring the worshiper near to God.  It is set apart - holy - because it is offered to Adonai. Anything or anyone that touches it is made holy.  Anyone unclean who touches it is condemned.  There is a sacredness that we don't grasp in our day and age.  Perhaps there should be!

When we give to the Lord, whether it be an offering at our church or a gift of support for a missionary.. it is sacred- holy, because it has been set apart for God's use.  It is not meant to be an automatic, recurring, contribution or tax-deduction.  Yes, it is used to support the church or organization and for the furthering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but it is more than that.

And, that is where I am sensing a need to change my thinking about how we give...

Father, forgive me for giving our offerings from habit or conviction... although that is not a bad thing.. but it has made me forget that every offering is meant to be a personal connection between me and You.  I want to understand and to consciously experience that connection.. that drawing near to You.  I imagine that in the temple when a man slaughtered an animal that he had raised, or brought grain that he had grown in his own fields.. that it was very personal and very sacred.. to physically lay it at Your altar.  How do we learn to do that with a check stuck in an offering envelope?  Change our thinking and attitudes towards giving, Lord. Help us to understand that this is a holy offering.  Teach us Your ways, Lord.  I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Leviticus 5 - The guilt offering is slightly different than the sin offering.  One is offered for omitting a specific action that is required and the other is for committing an action forbidden by the Law.  This could be by ignorance or forgetfulness.

Either way, God calls these things "sin".  And He considers us "guilty".  The only option for a person is to confess the sin, bring an offering, and have atonement made so that he can be forgiven.

We are given some specific actions -

"dealing falsely with a neighbor"
not returning an item that you find to the owner;
"swearing to a lie"   Lev.  6:2-3

(The Hebrew Bible includes the first part of chapter 6 with chapter 5.)

The main point here is that we sin in ways that we are not always aware of.. or do without thinking.  We are still guilty and we still must bear the consequences .   But, God has provided atonement for us... not with the blood of bulls or lambs,  but with the blood of Jesus Christ who gave Himself up for us.  Burnt offerings, grain offerings, sin offerings, guilt offerings - all were meant to bring the worshiper near to the Lord God... to provide a way back into relationship with the One who made us and who loves us.  And, this is what Jesus did for us, once and for all!  He has made a way for all who will believe in Him, to come near to the throne of Grace.. to the feet of our Holy Father and to know Him fully.

Thank You Father for the salvation bought by the blood of Jesus Christ who poured out Himself for this world.. for me.  I take this time to draw near to You, to bring a thanks offering and an offering of praise to the One who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!  Forgive my every sin... those of omission as well as those of commission.  And if I am unaware of something that I need to confess... Lord, may Your Spirit speak clearly to me that I might repent and find once again Your all sufficient grace and forgiveness .  I come to You, drawing near to You in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Leviticus 4  This chapter outlines the sacrifice called "a sin offering".  This deals with an inadvertent or unintentional failure to keep an instruction from the Law.  There are different instructions for this offering depending on who is the guilty one - an individual, a priest, a leader,  or the whole congregation.  Once the mistake is made known, then the offering must be brought to the tent of meeting.

If a priest or the whole community makes a mistake in keeping the Lord's instructions, a bull is to be sacrificed.  If it is a leader, then it would be a male goat.  If it is an individual the sacrifice would be a female goat or lamb.   In every case, the sacrifice is offered and the priest would "make atonement .. and he will be forgiven." 

The sacrifices were made "in the presence of Adonai."  The inadvertent sin of failing to keep God's instructions - of doing something that should not be done - brings a judgement of "guilty".   When this is made known to the individual - then atonement must be made so that they can be forgiven.

Likewise we learn in the New Testament that we need to hear the word.. to repent and confess our sins.. and find forgiveness - " In Him ( Jesus) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of His grace..." ( Eph. 1:7) The once for all, perfect sacrifice of the Lamb of God  - "... at the consummation of the ages He has been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifices of Himself.. so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many... "  Hebrews 9: 26-28

 How thankful I am for the perfect and final sacrifice that covers every sin - inadvertent or intentional - when I confess my sins and find forgiveness through the offering of my Savior's blood.

This is the glory of Christ Jesus who brings us perfect atonement forever and ever. Amen!

Father in heaven, thank You for the grace that allows us to draw near to You "with sincere hearts, in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water."  I  pray that I will hold fast this confession of hope without wavering.. for You are faithful! ( Hebrews 10:22-23)  Help me Lord to KNOW this truth.. to abide in this truth.. and to proclaim this truth.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Leviticus 3  A peace offering was a voluntary sacrifice of either an ox, lamb, or goat.  The animal could be male or female, but it had to be without defect.  The worshiper would lay his hand on the head of the animal and slaughter it himself.  Then the priest would sprinkle the blood of the animal around the altar and offer select pieces on the fire as a burnt offering.

The blood and the fat of the animals were burned up.  "It is to be a permanent regulation through all your generations wherever you live that you will eat neither fat nor blood." ( v17)

This offering was given to express love and gratitude, the commentary adds.  It describes the relationship of peace - shalom- between God and the worshiper.  And, like the other offerings, it is meant to draw one closer to the Lord.

Thanksgiving - daily, hourly, continually - giving thanks to the Gracious God who provides us with all things.  I love the book, one thousand gifts, by Ann Voskamp.  She is given a dare to make a list of 1000 things she is thankful for, and ends up learning a whole new way of life.. a life of thanksgiving.
One vital lesson she learned focuses on the concept of Eucharisteo - grace - thanksgiving -  joy. 
She says that in counting the gifts, she is really seeing and remembering and recording the grace - the goodness of God; naming the ways God loves her.  Then, giving thanks.. and finding true joy.

This takes practice, Ann Voskamp tells us.  It takes our attention .. in the present... knowing His Presence.

A man who brought a voluntary offering from his herd or flock.. to draw near to Adonai.. to confirm shalom - peace - in his relationship with Him... Wouldn't he be one who recognized the grace of God, the gifts of goodness that God had given him?  For it is with thanksgiving that he offered his sacrifice.. and it is with great joy that he celebrated his nearness to the God who loves him.

How do we do this?  What peace offering can we make?  Like Ann Voskamp, we can make a list.. we can become more aware and thankful of the graces of God's goodness towards us.  We can begin to practice eucharisteo - see the gifts He bestows on us; intentionally offer thanks; and find the joy in His Presence.

Father in heaven, help me to do this and to know the peace - shalom - of relationship with You.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Leviticus 2  Directions for the grain offerings.

Grain offerings consist of fine flour, olive oil. and frankincense.  These offerings can never include leaven or honey.  A portion of the flour and all of the frankincense are brought to the altar and burned completely.  The rest is given to the priests.. "It is an especially holy part of the offerings for Adonai made by fire." v3, 10.

We are told that the burned portion makes a "fragrant aroma for Adonai."  Just as the burnt offerings were also a "fragrant aroma".

Adonai, is pleased with the offerings that draw us nearer to Him.  It is a sweet smell to Him.  Think of that!  Our Creator has given us the gift of being able to smell.  It is a way that we are made in His image.  Like Him, there are things that give us joy to smell.... a baking turkey on Thanksgiving morning,  the scent of bread fresh out of the oven, the smell of spices and herbs, and the wonderful aroma of roses...

But, there are also things that we don't like to smell.  Something dead.. something rotting.. something sour or putrid.  Proverbs 10:7 " The memory of the righteous is blessed; but the name of the wicked will rot."  Ezekiel 8:17 is a word of the Lord to Ezekiel as he watches men in the Lord's house, bowing to the sun,  turning their backs on God...  "they have filled the land with violence and provoked Me repeatedly.... " the Lord says, "for behold, they are putting the twig to their nose. "  Idolatry is a stench to God.

Are our offerings to the Lord.. acceptable?  Do they bring Him pleasure as a sweet aroma?
Or, do we make a stinky, rotting, dead smell before Him?

Will our names be remembered for the righteousness that we have done... or will leave behind a legacy of rottenness?

Our God calls us to live for Him and to draw near to Him. We have to start with honoring His Word and being obedient to His will.  To bring our offerings according to His directions. Cain's offering was not accepted, because it was not what God required.  Able brought the better offering.. in obedience and faith.  Again, I am reminded that God calls us to trust and obey... There is only one offering that is acceptable to God, the blood of Jesus Christ.  It is through Him that we can come close to the Father and bring a pleasing aroma.. There is no other way.

Thank You Father for making a way when there was no other way to draw near to You, and to be saved from the wrath we deserve.  We offer ourselves, as living and holy sacrifices to You, through Jesus Christ.. in worship and surrender.  Be glorified in us we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

 I received a surprise in the mail yesterday.. a thoughtful and encouraging friend sent me a new bible - The Complete Jewish Study Bible.   So, as I head to the next OT chapter, Leviticus, I am excited to  learn from a new perspective.. from a decidedly more  Hebrew translation of God's Word.

Leviticus 1

This book is called Vayikra - "He called"  since it begins with Adonai calling to Moses from the tent of meeting.  Adonai begins to give Moses instructions for the offerings, the priesthood, the laws, etc.
This first chapter introduces the burnt sacrifices.    Offerings - korban - a word from the root word meaning "come close" or "draw near" .   The commentary explains that an offering is an opportunity to draw near to God.  This could be any object that helps us draw near to God.

This opens our eyes to the offering of Jesus, as He gave Himself for us - that we might draw near to God.  He is the ultimate and only offering that can bring us to the Father.  That is what He came for and that is what He clearly preached.

But, it also makes me think about the "offerings" we bring to the Lord.  When we put money in the offering plate.. is it really fulfilling its purpose?  Are we giving out of the desire to draw near to God? Or are we giving out of habit or obligation?  If we are not giving at all... what does that say about our desire to draw near to our Father in heaven?

I'm drawn back to one of my favorite chapters.. Romans 12:1 "I exhort you, therefore, brothers, in view of God's mercies, to offer yourselves as a sacrifice, living and set apart for God.  This will please him; it is the logical "Temple worship" for you. " 

Adonai calls to us as He called to Moses.. to come near to Him.  To come closer.  He calls us to true worship, through Jesus Christ, the True offering.  He calls us to come and offer ourselves first, and then to bring offerings with a grateful and willing heart.  So we can be nearer to Him.. because He loves us and wants us....

Father in heaven, open our eyes and help us to see You more clearly.  Help us to know You better and to know the greatness of Your love for us.  Thank You for this word. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Luke 23-24  No matter how many times I read about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, I marvel at the plan that God chose and carried out.. to save us.

Jesus was falsely accused.
He was considered innocent by Pilate and Herod.
He was beaten anyway.
And He was sent to the cross because of the evil, insistent voices of men.

Luke quickly gives us the details of the trials, the crucifixion, and the burial.. hurrying on to the best part.. the resurrection of Jesus Christ! He gives an abbreviated account of the appearances that Jesus made with His followers and ends with the ascension.

The point has been made... Jesus fulfilled every Law and every Prophecy and every Psalm.. It was all finished and now it became the work of His followers to proclaim "repentance for the forgiveness of sins.. in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem".  ( 24:47)

And that is what happened and is still happening.

Father, may our hearts burn within us as we walk with You and talk with You.. as we read Your Word and listen to Your voice.  May we proclaim the truth of the gospel to a world that is in desperate need of it.  Open doors and give opportunities to Your children to give witness to the Truth in Jesus name.
We ask this in His name. Amen .

Monday, January 13, 2020

Luke 22  Jesus and His disciples join together in their last Passover before His death.  Jesus says, "I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.."  It is a monumental moment.  The end of His time on earth as the Lamb of God.  Jesus is the prepared Passover Lamb.  His body will be broken and His blood will be poured out.  It is a planned sacrifice according to the Father's will. It will institute a new covenant between God and man.  And it all points to a new and glorious Kingdom.

Jesus tells us that the Passover will be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.. and then He will again eat with them.. He will drink the fruit of the vine again when the kingdom comes.  He grants His disciples a seat at His table in His kingdom.  That time is coming.

Meanwhile there are other things that must take place to fulfill prophecy concerning Jesus .  He will be "numbered with the transgressors.  He will be betrayed.  He will be denied.  He will be crucified.

But, He will also be resurrected and will "Be seated at the right hand of the power of God."

The day of Christ's return approaches.  We look at the world and wonder how long will He continue to wait.  Psalm 46: 10 has spoken to me deeply this week.. " Be still and know that I am God,  I will be exalted among the nations.  I will be exalted in the earth."   We don't see God being exalted as He should be.. it doesn't show up on the news..  But, His word is True and that day is coming and it will be glorious!

Be exalted O God above the heavens!  Be exalted over all the earth!

Father in heaven... May Your name be hallowed.. honored.. and exalted today as Your people call on You and give You all praise and glory.  You are God and we are recognizing, discovering, acknowledging, and growing in our knowledge of You.  Help us to see You, hear You, and love You more and more we pray.. In Jesus' name. amen.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Luke 21  Verses 1-4  Jesus observes a poor widow who puts her last 2 coins in the offering.  She has given more than any other, he says, because she gave all she had.  Giving out of our abundance is one thing... giving out of our poverty is altogether different.  God sees our hearts..He knows.

As they gaze at the temple, Jesus begins to tell them what will happen.  This beautiful building will be torn down. Everything will change... a day is coming when all that we know now will be gone. How do we prepare for that?

"See to it that you be not mislead... " v8
"... do not be terrified.." v9
"... make up you minds..." v14
" ... straighten up and lift up you heads, because your redemption is drawing near.." v28
"Be on guard.." v34
".. keep on the alert.." v36

And a key verse.. " By your endurance you will gain your lives." v19

The details that Jesus shares with His listeners are kind of overwhelming...

There will be some who claim to be Him.
There will be wars... and more wars..
There will be earthquakes, plagues, and famines.
There will be persecution of Christians.
There will be hatred of believers.
Jerusalem will be desolated and trampled.
Israel will be in "great distress".
The sun, moon, and stars will bring dismay to the nations.
The sea and waves will cause fear to the point of men fainting.
The "powers of heaven will be shaken". 
And then Christ will come.

Jesus tells His listeners that "when you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near." 

We need to pay attention and believe that the things we see happening in this world are signs that the time of Christ is near.  "But keep on the alert at all times, praying in order that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man." v36

Reminded again that like the widow.. Jesus wants us to fully surrender.. to be all in.  And as He taught we must also be alert.  Lay down our lives.... take up our stand.. and follow Him.. endure until He comes... and He is coming soon.

Father in heaven, we thank You that You are patient and are still bringing men and women to salvation in Jesus Christ.  We pray for unsaved loved ones yet again.. asking that You would change their hearts and lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ.  But, we look up, with expectation, Lord.. recognizing that some of these signs that Jesus taught us have already happened and are happening even now.  We do pray for strength and endurance that we might gain our lives and stand before Jesus, our Lord and King. We pray this in His name, the wonderful, powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Luke 20

The chief priests, elders, and scribes began their confrontation with Jesus by questioning His authority to act and to speak.   Jesus questioned them about the baptism of John.  They would not answer Him because they couldn't admit that they didn't believe John's words in front of people who believed John was a prophet.  The question in my mind is why didn't Jesus just tell them?   He spoke about the fact that He only did what the Father told Him to do and only spoke what the Father told Him to speak...  So, there must have been another reason that He refused to answer them at that time.

Instead, Jesus tells the parable of the vine-growers who refused to give the owner His produce.  They killed his slaves and also his son. They foolishly thought that they would inherit the vineyard!  The owner would come and destroy them and "give the vineyard to others."  The scribes and chief priests recognized that this parable was about them.  They resolved even more to get rid of Jesus.  They did not recognize the lesson that Jesus was giving them.  God's kingdom could never be taken by those who were desperately trying to usurp Him.  God alone will choose who to give His kingdom to.. and He chose Jesus, His Son.  And Jesus has given it to all who will believe and follow Him.

Jesus is asked some questions by those who want Him to incriminate Himself.  He answers them with such wisdom and truth that they can not answer and give up asking more questions.  But, Jesus has a question of His own.  "How is it that they say the Christ is David's son?"  David would not call his physical son "Lord".  Yet, he wrote, "The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand until I make thine enemies a footstool fo they feet."  

The Lord - is more than the son of David,  He is the Son of God.  The priests and scribes and elders had no idea who Jesus was.. but they could have if they would have stopped their evil ways and really listened.

Perhaps what we need to learn from this passage is that God's plan is so much greater than we can ever truly understand or think about... but when we stop and really listen to His word we will find Him waiting to tell us what we need to know... and it will all be focused on His Son.

Father, teach us Your ways and increase our understanding so that we can know Jesus more.  We look to You so that we can find life and hope and rest. For all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Jesus Christ our Lord and He has redeemed us and made us Your children.  This is our cornerstone and we stand on this firm foundation forever and ever. Amen.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Luke 19: 28-47   Jesus enters Jerusalem just as the prophets said He would.. on a donkey's back.  He did  not come as a military man or a power broker.. He came as the Savior, the Lamb of God, who would take away the sins of the world.  Many greeted Him with praise and joyful singing.... but the leaders of Israel greeted Him with scorn and accusations.

He came anyway.

Jesus wept over the lost city of Jerusalem.. His city.  Where He will reign.  But, for now, they would not accept Him.. and "did not recognize the time of [their] visitation." 

So many people have remained lost.. they had an opportunity to meet Jesus, but chose instead to question, rebel, mock, and scorn Him.   I can never understand the hatred that people of the world have for Christians.  It seems so out of proportion... why do they always want to persecute and destroy the people who are the kindest, most loving, most law-abiding, and least violent?

Why do the terrorists target the people of God?  The only answer that I can think of is that it is Satan's influence and power at work in them.  It is not because of our faith or our character.. it is because Satan has filled them with unreasonable hatred.

And this is what happened to the Pharisees and elders in Jerusalem. They were filled with hatred for Jesus.  They would not stop until they destroyed Him.  But, they did not know that they were actually destroying themselves and serving Satan.  They did not know that God would take what they did to fulfill His own plan for the redemption of mankind.

What a mighty God we have.

Jesus cleansed the temple one last time before He prepared for His death.  Oh how He loved them and wanted them to know the Truth.. this place was to be "a House of Prayer"... a place to meet God and to find life and hope in Him.  How sad it was to Him that it had become a market place and nothing more.

Father in heaven, let us not miss the opportunities You give to us to meet with You.  Let us not allow anything to block our way to be in Your Presence.  Draw us nearer and fill our hearts with the joy of knowing You more and more.  May Your name be praised and Your honor and glory be proclaimed in all the earth.  Our world is in desperate need of You, Lord.  We are in need of You.  Help us we pray. Amen.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Luke 19 : 11-27  Jesus is on the way to Jerusalem for the last time.  He is surrounded by great crowds who think that He is going to make the kingdom of God "appear immediately".  So, He tells them another parable.

In this story the nobleman goes away to receive another kingdom for himself.  He assigns 10 slaves to do business for him and gives them each a mina - a 100 days wages.  He goes and comes back and asks the slaves to give account of their progress.  The first does great!  He doubles the amount of money.  The second also does well, but only adds half again to the amount.  The third man does nothing.  In fear, he hides the mina and only has that amount to give back to the master. We are not told about the other 7 slaves.

The master rewards the first two slaves with great authority.  But, the third man loses what he had and receives nothing.  Also, there were some citizens who did not want the nobleman to reign at all.  These people were brought in and slayed in front of the nobleman.

There is no explanation given about this parable. We can speculate that the slaves are the followers of Jesus and that He will reward those who do well with what He gives them in this life.  We reckon that the third slave remains in the kingdom but without reward.  And, it is quite apparent that the citizens that rejected the ruler are those who reject Jesus and end up in hell.

So why this parable at this time? What does He want to say to us? to me?

One obvious conclusion is that those who refuse the reign of Jesus will be removed from His presence.. forever.  The kingdom belongs to Him and we either accept that or we are removed from it.

The other thing we can say for sure is that He will reward those who serve Him faithfully.  There is a variety of rewards; it will be fair to every individual according to their service.  It will be more than we could ask or imagine.

It is the third slave that is difficult for me..  He had the same opportunity as the others.  But, his understanding of who the master was is different - he sees the master as "an exacting man" who takes "up what [he] did not lay down, and reap what [he] did not sow."  The master calls him "worthless". 
He could have done something... at least put it in the bank and get some interest.  That would have been better than wrapping it up in a handkerchief.

If we see that Jesus is the Master in this parable... then we must examine our perspective of Him - Is He exacting and unrealistic in His expectations for us?  Exacting here comes from the greek word - austeros - rough, austere, severe.. mean.  Is this true about Jesus?  Absolutely not!  We must learn to not be afraid but to trust Him with all that He gives us and all that He calls us to do.

All that we are and all that we have comes from our Lord.  We have a responsibility to be good and faithful servants, stewards of His gifts.

Father in heaven,  I want to be a good and faithful.. and fruitful servant.  Fill my life with Your Spirit so that I will be like a fruitful branch which is abiding in the True Vine, Jesus Christ.  Do what You desire and help me to trust and obey.  Bless my brothers and sisters in Christ, to recognize the gifts that You have provided and to serve You whole-heartedly also.. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Luke 19:1-10  

Zaccheus "was a wee little man" - He was also:

A chief tax-man.
A rich man.
A curious man.
A happy man... when Jesus invited Himself to his house.
A changed man... repenting of his sin of "defrauding" others.

And a saved man.  "Today salvation has come to this house.. "  Jesus says.

What a wonderful proclamation Jesus makes, "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."  Even Zaccheus.  Even me.  Even you....

The critics grumbled that Jesus would choose Zaccheus to visit. This man was a sinner in their eyes and they gave him no grace.. no mercy.. and no chance to repent.  But, Jesus saw his heart and knew that he was "a son of Abraham".   A man who needed salvation.  A man who knew he needed Jesus and was earnestly seeking Him.

No matter who it is.. no matter how impossible it seems that someone could change... no matter how bad of a sinner he or she might be... God is able to save them!

Thank You Jesus for coming to seek and to save all of us.. for we were lost but now we are found!  Amazing Grace.. how sweet it is!  Father in heaven, continue that work in us that You have begun.  Help us to live for You each and every day.  May we draw closer and closer until that day when we see You face to face!  O Praise to the King!  Amen.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Luke 18:35-43  Sometimes it just takes a bit for the Word to hit home... The long chapters in Luke, that stack 3,4, or 5 events together sometimes seem incongruent.. but, looking back today, I see something I didn't before...

Jesus spoke about the widow who kept coming to the judge and how her continuous entreaties finally brought her an answer.  Then He talked about the 2 men praying and how the tax-gatherer pleaded for mercy and was granted his petition.  He also spoke about how we need to be like children to receive the kingdom.  Then He encountered the rich young ruler, unwilling to give it all up for the One he called "Good"...

This final encounter is with the blind man on the road near Jericho..

This man called out for mercy... and he kept calling out even when others tried to silence him.  He was like the widow who kept trying.. and he was like the tax-gatherer who needed mercy and asked for it.

He was not like the rich young ruler.. for he had nothing he needed or wanted to hold on to. Instead he was like a child, who when asked what he wanted.. answered it humbly and honestly - "Lord, I want to regain my sight!"  

Lord, I also want to sight... to see You clearly, to know You fully, and to grasp the height and depth and width and length of Your love for me.  Lord Jesus, Son of David.. Son of God, have mercy on me!


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Luke 18:18-34   The young man comes to Jesus with an important.. vital question, "Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"  

Jesus answers with a life-changing question.."Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone."   Did the young man truly believe that Jesus was "good"?  Did he believe that Jesus was God?
The answer to that question is vital to the discussion to come... And vital to our own lives as well...

Jesus reminds the man that he knew the commandments.. and the man agrees and proclaims that he has obeyed them all..

"And when Jesus heard this, He said to him, 'One thing you still lack; sell all that you possess, and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." 

Here is the bottom line.. the test of true belief in Jesus.. in God... will you surrender it all for Him?
All your wealth, all your family, all your life?  Do you believe that Jesus is God and trust Him with all that you possess on this earth?

Do you desire treasure on earth or treasure in heaven?

"How hard it is for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!"  Jesus states.  And, his disciples.. and everyone else who hears this.. are shocked!  How can anyone be saved?

Jesus tells us the complete truth.. "The things impossible with men are possible with God." 

No one is saved except for the impossible grace of God.  No one.. rich, poor, strong, weak, wise, or foolish.. no one.

Peter has something to say.. "Behold, we have left our own homes, and followed You."  
Yes, Jesus answers him.. "... there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who shall not receive many times as much at this time and in the age to come eternal life."

The apostles laid up their treasures in heaven.  They had no treasures on earth.  But, God would meet every need and bring them into the glory of heaven.  Except Judas.. who valued the earthly treasures more than the promise of eternal life.

We must examine our own hearts.. have we left behind the treasures of this world to follow Jesus?
Do we truly believe that He is good and that we can trust Him with our lives here on earth and then for eternity? He requires nothing less...

Father in heaven,  I desire to live for You and to store up treasures in heaven and receive the eternal life that is in Christ Jesus alone.  Thank You for doing the impossible in my life!  Thank You for every loved one who lives for You and seeks You first.. Your kingdom and Your righteousness and trusts You to provide what we need in this world.  Be glorified in us, Lord.  You are our great Treasure and we want to follow You all the days of our lives.  Help us to truly believe and to truly surrender all to You in this new year..  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.