Monday, August 27, 2018

Romans 9-  This begins a new thought process in Paul's letter.  He has been explaining how God has worked to bring all nations to have faith in Jesus Christ, who is the only way of salvation.  But, Paul's heart breaks when he thinks of his fellow countrymen.. the Jewish people who have not believed in Jesus.

They had every opportunity  - they were descendants of Abraham, they had the covenant  and the Law,  they had the temple, and they had all the promises of God.  Jesus, Himself, was Jewish, "according to the flesh".  But, in their unbelief.. they are separated from God..  " They stumbled over the stumbling stone."  ( v32)

Paul's main point here is summed up in verse 16 "So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy." 

God chose the descendants of Isaac, not the descendants of Abraham's other children.
God chose Jacob and not Esau.
God chooses to "have mercy on whom He desires and hardens whom He desires." ( v18)
God chose to harden Pharaoh's heart.

God chooses to act according to His own counsel..  Paul compares this to a potter.  The potter takes a piece of clay and forms it according to his own choice.  Sometimes he makes a "vessel for honorable use".. and sometimes he makes a vessel "for common use."  One might be a beautiful urn to hold holy oil or an offering in the temple.  Another might be a chamber pot...
Likewise, the Lord chooses.. some as "vessels of wrath prepared for destruction"  and  some as "vessels fo mercy"   - " in order that He might make known the riches of His glory". ( v22-23) 

God chooses to save people who are Gentiles as well as those who are Jews.
He chooses to call some to be His people.
He chooses to call some of  us "Beloved",  even though we weren't His before.
He chooses to call us "sons of the Living God".. even though we had no way to become His on our own.
God chooses to save a remnant.
He chooses to save people through faith... not because of law or because of our bloodline.

In case we have still missed Paul's main point in the first 8 chapters - he says it once more:
 It is " righteousness which is by faith" -  that counts with God!

In light of this truth Paul says, " Brethren, my heart's desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation." ( 10:1)

Father in heaven, You are God alone and all things are under Your sovereign and holy authority.  You have chosen to bring truth and salvation to us who believe in Christ Jesus.  You have given us the gift of Your Holy Spirit so that we might have life and freedom from sin and death. You have counted our faith as righteousness, apart from our works.. apart from our heritage, and apart from our sins.  Thank You!  Father, like Paul, my heart's desire and my prayer is that my brothers will be saved.   I pray that You will choose to have mercy on them and not harden their hearts.  I pray that Your Light will shine into their hearts and open their blind eyes to the Truth of Jesus Christ who came to pay the penalty for their sins.  Grant them faith, Lord, that they might call upon the name of Jesus and be saved.  I ask this, Lord Jesus, in Your precious name. Amen.

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