Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Romans 7  These next couple of chapters are so full.. so deep.. so complex...Holy Spirit, speak to me and grant me understanding, please!

Paul starts out with an example based on marriage.  A man and woman are married and the law binds them together for life.  But, if the husband dies, the woman is no longer bound to him, but released from the covenant of marriage.  That much we understand.

In a similar way, Paul says,  we "were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ". ( v4)
Then we were joined "to Him who was raised from the dead.." Joined to Jesus.

When we died with Christ.. buried with Him as evidenced through our baptism.. we died to sin and to the Law.  When we were raised in Christ, we were joined to Him, and now live with Him for the purpose of bearing "fruit for God".  We live "in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter." (v6)

The Law had a purpose.  It revealed what sin is.  Without the Law, Paul explains, we would not know that it is a sin to covet.  We would not know that it is a sin to steal, lie, murder, or commit adultery.
But, unfortunately , the Law also allowed sin to come in and take over.  It made us able to see just how sinful we really are in the flesh.
".. for sin taking opportunity through the commandment, deceived me, and through it killed me." 

There is an ongoing battle in us, Paul goes on to say.   The battle is between our new nature that desires to do what is good and fulfills the Law that is holy and righteous.. and our old sin nature that wants to rise up and reign in us again.  It will not be until the resurrection, when we have a new body, that we will be totally free from this "waging war" in our minds and body.

Until then, we must continue to serve God, setting our minds on Him, and keep considering ourselves dead to sin's authority over us.  "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!"  Paul exclaims, and we along with Him... for what we have no power over.. He has overcome!

Thank You Jesus, for not condemning us, but freeing us from the "law of sin and death."  Thank You for giving us life and hope !  We cling to You and trust You to bring us through this mortal life and into Your eternal kingdom where we will no longer struggle with the flesh.  Hallelujah!  A day is coming when we will be with You forever.  Lord, haste the day!  Amen.

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