Thursday, August 23, 2018

Romans 8:1-25  In Christ, we have been set free "from the law of sin and of death".. we are not sentenced to death, but given the "Spirit of life in Christ Jesus."  The Law could not do this, but "God did"!   When Jesus came as a man "in the likeness of sinful flesh" and "as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." ( v2-4)

Paul contrasts a life that is lived "according to the flesh".. with one lived "according to the Spirit". 

A person who is living according to the flesh:

 Will "set their minds on the things of the flesh". v5
Will receive death..v6
 ".. is hostile toward God" v7
".. does not subject itself to the law of God"  and " is not even able to do so". 
And, " cannot please God". 
Therefore.. he is condemned.. sentenced to death -
".. for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die;" v13

But, a person who is in Christ Jesus, who walks according to the Spirit:

Will set their minds on "the things of the Spirit". v5
Will receive " life and peace"  v6
".. is alive because of righteousness" v10
Will put "to death the deeds of the body" v13
Will be led "by the Spirit of God" and "are the sons of God" v13
Have received " a spirit of adoption as sons". v15
Will "cry out "Abba! Father!"  
Will have the "Spirit Himself bear witness with our spirit the we are children of God". v16
Will be an "heir of God" and a "fellow heir" with Christ v17
Will wait eagerly, along with all of creation,  for the day when all corruption will be gone and full redemption will come. ( v19-23)

We do not see it yet, but we have that wonderful hope and we "wait eagerly for it" v25

Verses 9-11 give us a pause... for there we find that vital little word, "if"...

We are in the Spirit and not the flesh - IF

"if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you." 
"But, if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him." v9
"if Christ is in you.. "v10
".. if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you... " v11

Father in heaven,  I look to You, the One who has provided life and given Your Spirit to dwell in us who believe in Jesus Christ, who came to set us free,  and I give You thanks and praise.  I place my faith in this Truth and will trust You to do all that You have promised in Your word..  You are My God and there is no other.  I am Your child, and Your Spirit dwells in me.  I cry out to You, "Abba!"
Spirit of God, bear witness with my spirit.. that I am Your child, Your heir.. and that I will one day have that full redemption that I long for.  I desire to always walk according to Your Spirit and to live in Christ Jesus, fully abiding in You.  May Your will be done I pray. Amen.

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