Friday, August 31, 2018

Romans 13  Paul continues to instruct believers about how to live out a life in accord with the Spirit - a life offered to God as a living sacrifice and a mind that is no longer fashioned in the image of the world, but miraculously metamorphosed according to the image of Christ..

In regard to governments - Paul teaches that all authorities have been established by God and that He is over all of them!  ( Think about the fact that he is writing to Rome! We think ours is a mess... )

Because God has allowed this particular government to be in authority - we should be obedient to it.
That includes: paying taxes, following the guidelines, respecting and honoring those in government as we should.  If we do only what is good.. we will have no reason to fear them or go against our own conscience . ( Yet we do know that at all times we must obey God and not men... so we need His wisdom to discern this also!)

In regard to others, Paul teaches that if we follow the command to " love your neighbor as yourself", then you will fulfill all of the law regarding others, you won't steal, kill, covet, or commit adultery .

When we live this way, we are walking in the Light, putting on the "armor of light".. putting on "the Lord Jesus Christ" and making "no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts."  

This is God's good, acceptable, and perfect will for us!

Father, lead us, fill us, use us, change us... fulfill all Your good purposes in each of us.  We are Yours and yield to Your Spirit.  Thank You for bringing us into Your Light and clothing us with the image of Jesus Christ.  Blessed be His Name in which we can come into Your Presence as we pray.  Amen.

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