Friday, August 10, 2018

Daniel 10-12 is a detailed record of Daniel's last vision.   It again gives information about what will happen through the time of the Persian  and the Greek Empires.  Why Daniel was given this vision and what we are meant to gain from it is somewhat of a mystery to me.  I know there are a lot of scholars that can explain a lot of this.. but, I don't feel led to go any deeper into it in that way.

What I do note from this whole book of Daniel is that we need to be prepared to persevere when the time of persecution comes to us.  Daniel and his friends faced death and survived because they had absolute trust in God.  We also have an enemy who desires for us to fall and who will not quit....        "Many will be purged, purified, and refined; but the wicked will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand."  Daniel is told.  Meanwhile, just go on with life until you die.. knowing you will rise again "for your allotted portion at the end of the age." 

We do not know the day or the hour when all of time will come to an end.  But, we do know that there will be great trials and tribulation on earth before it is finally over.  Whether we will suffer as believers before that or not is up to debate... but, we can know least some of God's people will.

Father in heaven, let Your Spirit bring understanding and wisdom to our minds that we might be among those who have insight.  May we stand firm in the steadfastness of Christ our Lord.  May we persevere no matter what we face.. knowing Your promises are true.. You are our Hope, our Rock, and our Strength.  We cannot stand on our own, but like Daniel we will fall on our faces.  Take us my Your Hand and lead us into Your love.  Thank You for choosing to make us holy.. set apart for You.
O Lord, hear. Forgive. And Act on our behalf .. for the Sake of Your Holy Name.  We are in Christ Jesus and pray in His Name. Amen.

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