Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Romans 10  Paul's heart yearned to see his fellow Jews come to salvation in Christ.  They did "have a zeal for God".. but that zeal was not enough to save them.  The problem that many people have ( not just the Jewish people) is that they don't KNOW about "God's righteousness".  They seek to "establish their own" righteousness -  their own standards of what is right and wrong - and don't "subject themselves to the righteousness of God". ( v3)

A standard of righteousness based on our own opinions is useless.  We see this so clearly in our society, with many claiming that they can choose to abort babies and it  is good because "it is protecting the rights of a woman".  Or they claim that tolerating immoral behavior is wonderful, for it respects human rights..  The lies of the devil and the deceptions of self-righteous men have led to all that Paul has written in this book of Romans.  God has given mankind over to their foolishness and depravity. They are under the penalty of death.  God's wrath is real.

Paul reminds us of what Moses wrote - "the man who practices righteousness which is based on law shall live by that righteousness."  And any "righteousness"- standard of right and wrong -  that is not based on faith in Christ will only lead to death.

Righteousness based on faith is based solely on the "word of faith" - ".. if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart the God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." ( v9)

It is with our heart ( our innermost being) that we believe, which results in righteousness.
It is with our mouth that we confess that Jesus is our Lord, resulting in our salvation.
It is when we "call upon the name of the Lord" that we are saved.
Jesus is the "Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call upon Him." 

Paul gives us this important timeline of events that lead to this wonderful salvation:

One is sent - to "bring the glad tidings of good things." ( v16)
He preaches the Word of Christ. ( v15)
We hear  the Word. ( v14,17)
We believe the Word. (v14)
We call upon the name of the Lord and are saved. (v13)
"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ." (v17)

The Word has been preached and some have heard it, believed it, and called on the name of Jesus, confessing that He is Lord! How thankful we are that this is true!

But, many of the Jewish people in Paul's time and in ours also - still do not believe the Word even though God Himself has "stretched out [His] hands to a disobedient and obstinate people." ( v21)
And not just the Jewish, but all who are disobedient and obstinate - who refuse to believe in Jesus - will remain subject to sin and death.

Father in heaven, thank You for the Word of Christ! Thank You for allowing us to find You even when we did not seek You.. sending forth a preacher to proclaim the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus, who is Lord of all!  Thank You for the faith to believe in our hearts  and mouths to confess the Truth that Jesus Christ is Lord!  Thank You that when we call upon the Name of the Lord, we are saved.  Father, we do continue to pray for those who are lost and without faith.  Jesus Christ came to seek and to save those who are lost and we pray for our loved ones to be found, even when they have not sought You. Please manifest Yourself even to those who have not asked for You - that they might also come to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus and be saved.  We ask this in the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ,  who is truly Lord of all. Amen

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