Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Acts 6 Daniel is an older man.. probably in his 80's, when Darius appointed him to be one of his commissioners.  He was still distinguished above any others and was about to be promoted to head of the kingdom... but, the jealous commissioners and satraps under him wanted to bring him down.  The only way they could do that was to find a way that involved his relationship with God.

Daniel knew what they were doing.  He knew the consequences for praying.. and he did it anyway.  His reputation was well known.  His devotion to prayer was well known.  Even Darius knew that Daniel was absolutely committed to serving the Lord.  When Daniel was thrown into the lion's den, the king fasted for God to save him... and He did.

Daniel stayed the night in a den of lion's and slept like a baby.  Now, that's faith!

Reminder.. God never changes!  He is "the living God" who endures forever.  His kingdom will never be destroyed.  His dominion never falters.  He is the Deliverer.  He does what we think is impossible!
If He can deliver Daniel from a pride of hungry lions.. then He can deliver us from :

Or whatever else we are facing!

Father in Heaven, I am so thankful that You never fail and never change!  Thank You for being my provider, my deliverer, and my God.  Father,  You know our daily  bread needs.. and we ask that You would give us what we are in need of today.  Father, I ask that You would provide the funds needed at BCS today.  Provide in a way that reveals Your glory, honor, and dominion .  We need the strong faith that Daniel had... so we ask that You would grant that to us also.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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