Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Romans 2  Paul continues to teach us about the righteous judgement of God.  Here is what is true:

God will " render to every man according to his deeds."  ( v6)
God is impartial... His judgement will be the same for the Jew and the non-Jew. ( v11)
God looks at the heart.. judging " the secrets of men through Christ Jesus." ( v16, 29)

I want to look at this passage from a personal perspective...

Verse 1 - I am without excuse... If I judge others but not myself for doing the same thing.. I will face God's judgement.  I need to remember what Jesus taught about the beam in my own eye.   Paul brings this up again in Chapter 12:3 "... I say to every man among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think as to have sound judgement... "

Verse 4 - Do I think too lightly of the "riches of His kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads [me] to repentance." ?  The KJ version renders this -"despiseth thou the riches..." - the Greek word meaning to literally think against.. or set your mind against.. to disesteem.  Do I look down upon with contempt.. do I slight.. do I give no value or honor to the riches of God's kindness.. to His forbearance - His self control  and patient restraint;  His tolerance, His patience.. with me?   Or am I  stubborn and unrepentant in my heart?

V 7-10  Do I persevere in doing good? Do I seek glory and honor and immortality? Do I desire the eternal life that God alone grants through Christ Jesus?  Or do I allow selfish ambition to rule my life - disobedient to the Truth and convinced that unrighteousness , wrath, and indignation are the way to go?  Do I know without doubt that trouble and distress will come to those who do evil, but glory and honor and peace to those who do good?

V13 - Do I live by the Law?  Do I do the things that are put in my heart that fulfill the "work of the Law"? 

V17-29  I am not a Jew outwardly.  But, according to this " he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God."   Is my heart circumcised?  Is the condition of my heart bearing witness that I belong to God?  When the day of judgment comes... when Christ judges the secret places of my heart.. will I receive the praise of God or the wrath of God?

Father in heaven, I stand before You.. and You see my heart.  I put my faith in Jesus Christ alone, for I have no excuse and nothing to boast about in my own being.  Thank You for pouring out the riches of Your kindness on me!  Thank You for being patient and forbearing towards me.  Thank You for leading me to repentance and salvation in Jesus, my Lord.  May my words and deeds bear witness of a circumcised heart, a heart fully devoted to Jesus Christ according to Your grace.  Here is where I place my faith and offer obedience to You.. by Your Spirit that fills me.  My love deepens for You as I think about Your generous and amazing grace.  Praise and honor and glory to God the Father, and to Jesus Christ the Beloved Son .  In His name I pray, amen.

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