Monday, August 13, 2018

Romans 1   This book is, in my opinion, one of the most vital messages of truth in the letters of Paul.. clearly pertinent to our world and culture and absolutely essential to true Christian living.

Paul's emphasis is laid out in the the first few verses.. ".. the gospel of God".
This is his calling.  This is what he is set apart for.. this is " the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.." (v16)
The gospel is the fulfillment of God's promise given to the prophets and written in the Scriptures.
The gospel is the Truth about Jesus, the descendant of David, "according to the flesh".. but the Son of God "according to the Spirit of holiness"... authenticated by the "resurrection from the dead" .(v3-4)
The gospel is given through grace. (v5)
The gospel is "about the obedience of faith".. for Gentiles and Jews alike.

The gospel is the revelation of the "righteousness of God"... which we receive by faith.  (v17)
The gospel is what makes clear to us God's revelation - the real truth:

Ungodliness, unrighteousness, and suppression of the truth - result in the wrath of God.
Wrath is a violent passion of justifiable  abhorrence.. anger.. indignation, which will be punished.
God's wrath is righteous because He has made "evident" - clearly exhibited - since the beginning of creation - "His invisible attributes, His eternal power, and divine nature". ( v19-20)
 God's wrath is righteous, " For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations , and their foolish heart was darkened." ( v21)

Mankind has always had an opportunity to acknowledge God and to find Truth. But, instead we have chosen the lie:
We choose to be fools instead of wise men.
We choose the corruptible idols over the incorruptible God in His glory.
We choose lies instead of Truth.
We choose the creation over the Creator.

Because we have chosen the lies, God "gave" us over to them. This is the cause of:
"degrading passions"
"indecent acts" 
 and "depraved minds" 
These lead us  to:
" all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; [ making us] full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; gossip, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents.. 
without understanding, untrustworthy , unloving, unmerciful;... worthy of death..." 

This part of the gospel is often overlooked.  We want to get to the good part - that  God loves us and has a wonderful plan for us.. and indeed that is true!  But, we have to know, understand and tell others the whole truth !  We are all deserving of God's wrath because of theses truths.. and will be punished eternally due to the complete righteousness of God.. unless we  are "called of Jesus Christ" to the "obedience of faith". 

Father in heaven.. We honor You as God and we give You thanks for Your grace and peace through the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whom we live.  Forgive us, Lord, for the sinfulness of our nation and our world.  Free us from the lies of the evil one and bring us into the Light of Your Word where Truth is found.  Make straight the way for us to come to You fully as we have been called to be Your obedient servants in faith.  Thank You for making us Your own.. Sons and daughters of God through Christ the Lord. All glory and honor and power to You we pray, in Christ.. Amen.

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