Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Romans 6  As believers in Jesus Christ,  we are no longer under the reign of sin, but under the rule of grace.   Paul goes on to explain this truth even further.

Again, I want to put this in personal terms...

When I was baptized into Christ Jesus, I was baptized into His death. v3
I was buried with Him through that baptism. v4
This had to happen so that I could be raised with Him into a new life.
I was "united" -( planted together) - with Him " in the likeness of His death".  ( likeness - similarly/ resembling .
I will be similarly united with Him in His resurrection. v5
My "old self was crucified with Him." 
My "body of sin" was "done away with". v6
I am no longer a slave to sin.  I am freed from sin. v7

I live with Christ.  I will continue to live in common with Him.  I will "co-survive" with Him. v8
Christ, having been raised from the dead, will never die again.  His death was "once for all." 
" but the life He lives, He lives to God"v 10 

I must not allow sin to have any reign or rule over me. v12
I do this by presenting "the members of my body" as "instruments of righteousness"  not to sin.
Instruments - tools, utensils, armour.. weapons.
Members - a limb or a part of the body.

When sin was master it caused me to use my hands, my feet, my mouth, my eyes.. for unrighteous acts.  ( Ten commandments comes to mind - stealing, lying, hating...)
But, now I present my whole body as a slave to "obedience" to Christ, not to sin.
I have committed myself to obey, from my heart, the Word of God that has been graciously given to me. ( v17)
As I continually present myself, and all of my body, as a slave to righteousness.. it will result in "sanctification".  - purification, holiness. ( v19)

When I was a slave to sin, I freely did whatever I wanted.. but it was only leading to shame and to death. v21
But now,  I have been freed from sin and I am "enslaved to God" and I am receiving the benefit of sanctification and eternal life. v22
Sin only results in death.
Grace.. a free gift of God results in "eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord".  v23

Father in heaven, You are holy and gracious to all.  Your Name is to be exalted above all the earth. May You receive all glory and honor that is due to You.  I am grateful for the truth of Your Word that leads me to righteousness in Christ Jesus.  Teach me all of Your ways that I might walk in faithful obedience.  I commit myself and every part of me to be Your servant and to do what is right and good.  Take my life and let it be.. as the song goes.. consecrated Lord to Thee.  Take my hands, my feet, my tongue, my heart, and my mind.. all of me, for I present it to You.  Thank You even now for leading me in this prayer. Fill my thoughts with Your Word and Your will today I pray, in Jesus' name. amen.

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