Friday, August 17, 2018

Romans 5  Paul continues to carefully lay out the truth about justification.

Because we have been justified ( acquitted ) through Jesus Christ.. we have peace with God. (v1)
We also obtain an introduction, or admission, into God's graciousness.
Because of this we can "exult in hope of the glory of God". (v2)  We have confident expectation of participating in the gloriousness of God's Presence.

That is our future.. but there is also a present grace -  we can exult "in our tribulations". 
Tribulations produce perseverance, which produces proven character, which produces more hope. (v3)
All these bring us into the realization of God's love which "has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. "  ( v5)

We were helpless sinners.. "but God.. " demonstrated His love.. through Christ who died for us. (v8)
Now, as justified believers.. "we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him." 

We were enemies of God, "reconciled" to Him "through the death of His Son."  A change has occurred;  a restoration of relationship is accomplished;  We have been brought back to friendship and are no longer enemies of God.

This reconciliation is made possible only one way - "through our Lord Jesus Christ". 

Let me stop here and just ponder on this vital truth.  Here is the answer to every one who has ever thought that there could be any other way to God...
Only Jesus can bring peace between God and man.
Only Jesus could provide justification through His blood.
Only Jesus can give us hope.
Only Jesus came to save us when we were His enemies, helpless sinners.. guilty and condemed.
Only Jesus can bring us to the glory of God.

Praise to our God who has brought us life through His Son, Jesus Christ who died for us!  He paid the price.  He reconciles us with God.  He brings us into God's grace and will bring us into Glory!
Amen!!! Thank You Jesus.

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