Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Daniel 7 -  Daniel's first vision takes place when Belshazzar becomes king of Babylon. ( Before the events of chapter 5-6).   It is a vision focusing on the 4 beasts, the last being the most terrifying.  The beasts all represent powerful kingdoms.. but they all have the same fate - they are crushed and destroyed.  There finally comes a time when the "Ancient of Days" comes and takes His throne.. ready to judge for a final time.

Daniel is given a wonderful vision of "One like a Son of Man" who receives all dominion, glory, and an eternal kingdom.  As powerful and dreadful as the 4th beast is.. he will be "annihilated and destroyed".   Hallelujah!! Along with the Son of Man, the "people of the saints of the Highest One" will also receive "sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven.."

" .. and all the dominions will serve and obey Him".. the "Highest One"!

Daniel was greatly alarmed by this vision.  We have seen through-out history how kingdoms have risen and fallen.  We know that the Son of Man is Jesus and that He will overcome and annihilate every evil and will reign forever over the whole of heaven and earth.  It is not as terrifying to us.. for we are given the Hope that is in Jesus Christ.  But, perhaps we need to be more alert of what is coming..  for the 4th beast is "exceedingly dreadful"...  he will devour, crush and trample... he will  wage war with the saints and overpower them.. us.   He will "intend to make alterations in times and in law;"  and he will " speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the  Highest One."

Father in heaven,  You have given us the words of Daniel and revealed through him future events.  Like Daniel, we long to understand.  Yet, our greatest response to these words is praise to our God Who is the Most High and to the Son, Who has come for us and Who is coming again to reign forever.  Lord, open our eyes and our hearts to make us ready for that day!  Help us to live and walk according to Your Spirit and the Word.. for the Glory of Your Name!  Thank You for choosing to love us and save us from the wrath to come.  Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever O Lord! Amen,

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