Friday, August 31, 2018

Romans 13  Paul continues to instruct believers about how to live out a life in accord with the Spirit - a life offered to God as a living sacrifice and a mind that is no longer fashioned in the image of the world, but miraculously metamorphosed according to the image of Christ..

In regard to governments - Paul teaches that all authorities have been established by God and that He is over all of them!  ( Think about the fact that he is writing to Rome! We think ours is a mess... )

Because God has allowed this particular government to be in authority - we should be obedient to it.
That includes: paying taxes, following the guidelines, respecting and honoring those in government as we should.  If we do only what is good.. we will have no reason to fear them or go against our own conscience . ( Yet we do know that at all times we must obey God and not men... so we need His wisdom to discern this also!)

In regard to others, Paul teaches that if we follow the command to " love your neighbor as yourself", then you will fulfill all of the law regarding others, you won't steal, kill, covet, or commit adultery .

When we live this way, we are walking in the Light, putting on the "armor of light".. putting on "the Lord Jesus Christ" and making "no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts."  

This is God's good, acceptable, and perfect will for us!

Father, lead us, fill us, use us, change us... fulfill all Your good purposes in each of us.  We are Yours and yield to Your Spirit.  Thank You for bringing us into Your Light and clothing us with the image of Jesus Christ.  Blessed be His Name in which we can come into Your Presence as we pray.  Amen.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Romans 12  In light of God's mercy:

that He has shown His kindness to us;
that  by His grace He chose us;
That he called to us who had not even known to look to Him..
That He gave us faith to believe and to be reconciled to a God we didn't know;
That we are grafted into a Righteous Root, into Jesus Christ, even though we were nothing but  a wild, uncultivated, and contrary branch.  

In light of this mercy, Paul urges us to "present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship." 

Paul has already talked about presenting the members of our bodies as "instruments of righteousness", ( 6:13) and about living according to the Spirit and not according to the flesh. ( 8:5-10) He has talked about setting our minds on the things of the Spirit.. and that " if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you." ( 8:11)

Now he has returned to this thought once again.. we who have been saved through faith and now belong to Him... and who have His Spirit dwelling in us and giving us life.. need to respond by taking action - a deliberate presentation of our bodies - to Him.
This sacrifice is holy - because it is being given to a Holy God, set apart for Him alone.
It is a living sacrifice - because we are called into life, not death; and we have life in Christ.
It is acceptable to God - well pleasing  to Him - for He will receive it as an act of worship.

We are not to be "conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of [our] mind[s]".. 
Our minds are to be set on the things of the Spirit.. only then can we know "that which is good and acceptable and perfect"... discerning the true will of God.  Conform- to fashion in the same likeness or same pattern.  Transformed - metamorphosis / transfigured;

A body given over to God and a mind transformed into one in the likeness of His will be able to do the things that Paul lists in the rest of this chapter:

v3 We will have "sound judgment" , not thinking more "highly" of ourselves than we ought.
v5-8 We will be able to use the particular gifts that He gives us to serve Him and each other.
v9 We will love without play acting.  We will hate evil and love good.
v 10  We will be devoted to one another in brotherly love;  we will honor one another.
v11 We will be diligent; fervent in spirit; and serving Him
v12 We will rejoice in hope, persevere in tribulation, and remain devoted in prayer.
v13 We will contribute to those in need and practice hospitality.
v14 We will bless those who persecute us.
v15 We will rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.
v16 We will treat others equally..
v17 We will not return evil for evil.
v18 We will strive for peace with all.
v19 We won't take our own revenge, but leave it in God's Hands.
v20 We will treat even our enemies with compassion.
v21 We will not allow evil to overcome us, but" will overcome evil with good."

Father, I am Yours and You are mine. I continually seek to live in according to Your Word.  Complete in me all Your good purposes, for I yield to Your Spirit once again.  Yours is the work of sanctification.. and I am thankful that what You have begun, You will complete!   I rest in the Hands of my Savior, Jesus Christ, in who's name I pray. Amen.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Romans 11

 Paul presents the "mystery" of God's "unsearchable.. judgements and unfathomable...ways" ( v25,33) :

God has made a choice to preserve a "remnant" among the Jews by His grace.  He chose "those He foreknew"... and they have obtained that grace by faith, not by works.

All others have been "hardened". ( petrified like stone, blinded, callous) .  Their eyes do not see and their ears do not hear the Word.
Paul says that this is not God's total rejection of Israel - it is a stumble, not a fall...
"But by their transgressions salvation has come to the Gentiles to make them jealous." ( v11)

If their transgression brings about good for the Gentiles, Paul argues, how much more wonderful will their salvation be! When Israel is reconciled to God it will be all the more glorious!

Paul gives an interesting parable to further explain this mystery ..
The "rich root of the olive tree" - is holy and that which supports all the branches.  Jesus!!!
The Jews are the original branches of this tree, but some have been broken off "for their unbelief". 
The Gentiles who came to faith in Jesus are like wild olive branches that have been grafted into the rich root - into Jesus.  
It is by God's kindness that we are grafted into the Root - into Jesus.
It is only by faith in God's kindness and grace that this happened and that we continue to remain in Him.
God is not done with the Jews, however... they may still be grafted back into the Root, just as easily as we, the wild olive branches, were also grafted in.

Paul considers the hardening of the Jews' hearts as a "partial hardening" until "the fulness of the Gentiles has come in". ( v25)
There will come a time when God will fulfill all His promises to Israel for they "are beloved for the sake of the fathers;"  God chose them for Himself and He will  do all that He has said.
Until that time, we must remember that their disobedience has led to God's mercy on us.
Therefore we must not be arrogant.. but thankful..

We all have been shown God's mercy!

" How unsearchable are His judgements and unfathomable His ways!"

Father in heaven, Your wisdom and knowledge are unsearchable!  The riches of Your grace and mercy are unfathomable.  We cannot begin to grasp this great mystery of Your plan of salvation for both the Jews and the Gentiles.  We praise You that everything is from You, through You, and to You. To You be glory and honor and praise. Because of Your mercy, we are saved.. set free from death and sin and the law.. we are grafted into the divine Root - into Jesus Christ our Lord.  Thank You gracious God and Redeemer. Amen.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Romans 10  Paul's heart yearned to see his fellow Jews come to salvation in Christ.  They did "have a zeal for God".. but that zeal was not enough to save them.  The problem that many people have ( not just the Jewish people) is that they don't KNOW about "God's righteousness".  They seek to "establish their own" righteousness -  their own standards of what is right and wrong - and don't "subject themselves to the righteousness of God". ( v3)

A standard of righteousness based on our own opinions is useless.  We see this so clearly in our society, with many claiming that they can choose to abort babies and it  is good because "it is protecting the rights of a woman".  Or they claim that tolerating immoral behavior is wonderful, for it respects human rights..  The lies of the devil and the deceptions of self-righteous men have led to all that Paul has written in this book of Romans.  God has given mankind over to their foolishness and depravity. They are under the penalty of death.  God's wrath is real.

Paul reminds us of what Moses wrote - "the man who practices righteousness which is based on law shall live by that righteousness."  And any "righteousness"- standard of right and wrong -  that is not based on faith in Christ will only lead to death.

Righteousness based on faith is based solely on the "word of faith" - ".. if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart the God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." ( v9)

It is with our heart ( our innermost being) that we believe, which results in righteousness.
It is with our mouth that we confess that Jesus is our Lord, resulting in our salvation.
It is when we "call upon the name of the Lord" that we are saved.
Jesus is the "Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call upon Him." 

Paul gives us this important timeline of events that lead to this wonderful salvation:

One is sent - to "bring the glad tidings of good things." ( v16)
He preaches the Word of Christ. ( v15)
We hear  the Word. ( v14,17)
We believe the Word. (v14)
We call upon the name of the Lord and are saved. (v13)
"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ." (v17)

The Word has been preached and some have heard it, believed it, and called on the name of Jesus, confessing that He is Lord! How thankful we are that this is true!

But, many of the Jewish people in Paul's time and in ours also - still do not believe the Word even though God Himself has "stretched out [His] hands to a disobedient and obstinate people." ( v21)
And not just the Jewish, but all who are disobedient and obstinate - who refuse to believe in Jesus - will remain subject to sin and death.

Father in heaven, thank You for the Word of Christ! Thank You for allowing us to find You even when we did not seek You.. sending forth a preacher to proclaim the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus, who is Lord of all!  Thank You for the faith to believe in our hearts  and mouths to confess the Truth that Jesus Christ is Lord!  Thank You that when we call upon the Name of the Lord, we are saved.  Father, we do continue to pray for those who are lost and without faith.  Jesus Christ came to seek and to save those who are lost and we pray for our loved ones to be found, even when they have not sought You. Please manifest Yourself even to those who have not asked for You - that they might also come to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus and be saved.  We ask this in the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ,  who is truly Lord of all. Amen

Monday, August 27, 2018

Romans 9-  This begins a new thought process in Paul's letter.  He has been explaining how God has worked to bring all nations to have faith in Jesus Christ, who is the only way of salvation.  But, Paul's heart breaks when he thinks of his fellow countrymen.. the Jewish people who have not believed in Jesus.

They had every opportunity  - they were descendants of Abraham, they had the covenant  and the Law,  they had the temple, and they had all the promises of God.  Jesus, Himself, was Jewish, "according to the flesh".  But, in their unbelief.. they are separated from God..  " They stumbled over the stumbling stone."  ( v32)

Paul's main point here is summed up in verse 16 "So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy." 

God chose the descendants of Isaac, not the descendants of Abraham's other children.
God chose Jacob and not Esau.
God chooses to "have mercy on whom He desires and hardens whom He desires." ( v18)
God chose to harden Pharaoh's heart.

God chooses to act according to His own counsel..  Paul compares this to a potter.  The potter takes a piece of clay and forms it according to his own choice.  Sometimes he makes a "vessel for honorable use".. and sometimes he makes a vessel "for common use."  One might be a beautiful urn to hold holy oil or an offering in the temple.  Another might be a chamber pot...
Likewise, the Lord chooses.. some as "vessels of wrath prepared for destruction"  and  some as "vessels fo mercy"   - " in order that He might make known the riches of His glory". ( v22-23) 

God chooses to save people who are Gentiles as well as those who are Jews.
He chooses to call some to be His people.
He chooses to call some of  us "Beloved",  even though we weren't His before.
He chooses to call us "sons of the Living God".. even though we had no way to become His on our own.
God chooses to save a remnant.
He chooses to save people through faith... not because of law or because of our bloodline.

In case we have still missed Paul's main point in the first 8 chapters - he says it once more:
 It is " righteousness which is by faith" -  that counts with God!

In light of this truth Paul says, " Brethren, my heart's desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation." ( 10:1)

Father in heaven, You are God alone and all things are under Your sovereign and holy authority.  You have chosen to bring truth and salvation to us who believe in Christ Jesus.  You have given us the gift of Your Holy Spirit so that we might have life and freedom from sin and death. You have counted our faith as righteousness, apart from our works.. apart from our heritage, and apart from our sins.  Thank You!  Father, like Paul, my heart's desire and my prayer is that my brothers will be saved.   I pray that You will choose to have mercy on them and not harden their hearts.  I pray that Your Light will shine into their hearts and open their blind eyes to the Truth of Jesus Christ who came to pay the penalty for their sins.  Grant them faith, Lord, that they might call upon the name of Jesus and be saved.  I ask this, Lord Jesus, in Your precious name. Amen.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Romans 8:26-39   "... and in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness.."  

The Spirit of God dwells in us and we live as He gives life to our mortal bodies.
By Him we are able to put to death the "deeds of the body".  
By Him we are able to cry out to our Father in heaven, Abba!
By Him we are able to walk in righteousness.

And in the same way.. the Spirit continually "intercedes" for us.. coming along side us in our weaknesses.  Even in our failure to know how to pray.
The Spirit of God "intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." v27

God's purpose for us for each of us who love Him ..  is "to become conformed to the image of His Son.. " 
To do that.. He "causes all things to work together" for that "good"- for that purpose which is His will for us:
He foreknew us.
He predestined us.
He called us.
He justified us.
He glorified us.

He has done it all.. He is for us, so "who is against us?"
He didn't spare His own Son, so won't He complete everything that He has promised?
Would the One who died for us, now condemn us?  No, He also intercedes for us!
Can anything separate us from His love? No, never!

There is nothing that can happen to us.. " tribulation.. distress.. persecution.. famine.. nakedness.. peril.. sword."  Not even " death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created things, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

Abba! Father, You have done this for us that we might be forever with You, complete in Christ Jesus, our Savior. Thank You!  We bow before You and give You praise.. we exalt Your Name! Oh Mighty God, that You want us and have done all of this.. thank You!  How my heart bursts with love for You.. keep me in this joy of Your Presence! Fill us all with Your Grace and Peace, through Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Romans 8:1-25  In Christ, we have been set free "from the law of sin and of death".. we are not sentenced to death, but given the "Spirit of life in Christ Jesus."  The Law could not do this, but "God did"!   When Jesus came as a man "in the likeness of sinful flesh" and "as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." ( v2-4)

Paul contrasts a life that is lived "according to the flesh".. with one lived "according to the Spirit". 

A person who is living according to the flesh:

 Will "set their minds on the things of the flesh". v5
Will receive death..v6
 ".. is hostile toward God" v7
".. does not subject itself to the law of God"  and " is not even able to do so". 
And, " cannot please God". 
Therefore.. he is condemned.. sentenced to death -
".. for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die;" v13

But, a person who is in Christ Jesus, who walks according to the Spirit:

Will set their minds on "the things of the Spirit". v5
Will receive " life and peace"  v6
".. is alive because of righteousness" v10
Will put "to death the deeds of the body" v13
Will be led "by the Spirit of God" and "are the sons of God" v13
Have received " a spirit of adoption as sons". v15
Will "cry out "Abba! Father!"  
Will have the "Spirit Himself bear witness with our spirit the we are children of God". v16
Will be an "heir of God" and a "fellow heir" with Christ v17
Will wait eagerly, along with all of creation,  for the day when all corruption will be gone and full redemption will come. ( v19-23)

We do not see it yet, but we have that wonderful hope and we "wait eagerly for it" v25

Verses 9-11 give us a pause... for there we find that vital little word, "if"...

We are in the Spirit and not the flesh - IF

"if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you." 
"But, if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him." v9
"if Christ is in you.. "v10
".. if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you... " v11

Father in heaven,  I look to You, the One who has provided life and given Your Spirit to dwell in us who believe in Jesus Christ, who came to set us free,  and I give You thanks and praise.  I place my faith in this Truth and will trust You to do all that You have promised in Your word..  You are My God and there is no other.  I am Your child, and Your Spirit dwells in me.  I cry out to You, "Abba!"
Spirit of God, bear witness with my spirit.. that I am Your child, Your heir.. and that I will one day have that full redemption that I long for.  I desire to always walk according to Your Spirit and to live in Christ Jesus, fully abiding in You.  May Your will be done I pray. Amen.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Romans 7  These next couple of chapters are so full.. so deep.. so complex...Holy Spirit, speak to me and grant me understanding, please!

Paul starts out with an example based on marriage.  A man and woman are married and the law binds them together for life.  But, if the husband dies, the woman is no longer bound to him, but released from the covenant of marriage.  That much we understand.

In a similar way, Paul says,  we "were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ". ( v4)
Then we were joined "to Him who was raised from the dead.." Joined to Jesus.

When we died with Christ.. buried with Him as evidenced through our baptism.. we died to sin and to the Law.  When we were raised in Christ, we were joined to Him, and now live with Him for the purpose of bearing "fruit for God".  We live "in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter." (v6)

The Law had a purpose.  It revealed what sin is.  Without the Law, Paul explains, we would not know that it is a sin to covet.  We would not know that it is a sin to steal, lie, murder, or commit adultery.
But, unfortunately , the Law also allowed sin to come in and take over.  It made us able to see just how sinful we really are in the flesh.
".. for sin taking opportunity through the commandment, deceived me, and through it killed me." 

There is an ongoing battle in us, Paul goes on to say.   The battle is between our new nature that desires to do what is good and fulfills the Law that is holy and righteous.. and our old sin nature that wants to rise up and reign in us again.  It will not be until the resurrection, when we have a new body, that we will be totally free from this "waging war" in our minds and body.

Until then, we must continue to serve God, setting our minds on Him, and keep considering ourselves dead to sin's authority over us.  "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!"  Paul exclaims, and we along with Him... for what we have no power over.. He has overcome!

Thank You Jesus, for not condemning us, but freeing us from the "law of sin and death."  Thank You for giving us life and hope !  We cling to You and trust You to bring us through this mortal life and into Your eternal kingdom where we will no longer struggle with the flesh.  Hallelujah!  A day is coming when we will be with You forever.  Lord, haste the day!  Amen.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Romans 6  As believers in Jesus Christ,  we are no longer under the reign of sin, but under the rule of grace.   Paul goes on to explain this truth even further.

Again, I want to put this in personal terms...

When I was baptized into Christ Jesus, I was baptized into His death. v3
I was buried with Him through that baptism. v4
This had to happen so that I could be raised with Him into a new life.
I was "united" -( planted together) - with Him " in the likeness of His death".  ( likeness - similarly/ resembling .
I will be similarly united with Him in His resurrection. v5
My "old self was crucified with Him." 
My "body of sin" was "done away with". v6
I am no longer a slave to sin.  I am freed from sin. v7

I live with Christ.  I will continue to live in common with Him.  I will "co-survive" with Him. v8
Christ, having been raised from the dead, will never die again.  His death was "once for all." 
" but the life He lives, He lives to God"v 10 

I must not allow sin to have any reign or rule over me. v12
I do this by presenting "the members of my body" as "instruments of righteousness"  not to sin.
Instruments - tools, utensils, armour.. weapons.
Members - a limb or a part of the body.

When sin was master it caused me to use my hands, my feet, my mouth, my eyes.. for unrighteous acts.  ( Ten commandments comes to mind - stealing, lying, hating...)
But, now I present my whole body as a slave to "obedience" to Christ, not to sin.
I have committed myself to obey, from my heart, the Word of God that has been graciously given to me. ( v17)
As I continually present myself, and all of my body, as a slave to righteousness.. it will result in "sanctification".  - purification, holiness. ( v19)

When I was a slave to sin, I freely did whatever I wanted.. but it was only leading to shame and to death. v21
But now,  I have been freed from sin and I am "enslaved to God" and I am receiving the benefit of sanctification and eternal life. v22
Sin only results in death.
Grace.. a free gift of God results in "eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord".  v23

Father in heaven, You are holy and gracious to all.  Your Name is to be exalted above all the earth. May You receive all glory and honor that is due to You.  I am grateful for the truth of Your Word that leads me to righteousness in Christ Jesus.  Teach me all of Your ways that I might walk in faithful obedience.  I commit myself and every part of me to be Your servant and to do what is right and good.  Take my life and let it be.. as the song goes.. consecrated Lord to Thee.  Take my hands, my feet, my tongue, my heart, and my mind.. all of me, for I present it to You.  Thank You even now for leading me in this prayer. Fill my thoughts with Your Word and Your will today I pray, in Jesus' name. amen.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Romans 5: 12-21  Paul continued to lay out his thorough argument explaining the whole of the gospel of Jesus Christ.   He has made it clear that all of us are sinners, guilty and condemned, rightfully due the punishment of death .   He has shown us that God's wrath is just and impartial. And, he has clearly explained that it is only through faith in Jesus Christ that we can be saved from that wrath, for it is God's gift of grace to all who will believe.  God displayed His righteousness in the blood of His Son shed for us.. the propitiation, the atonement,  the payment of our penalty.  Because we have been justified - declared innocent through faith in Jesus, we are welcomed into the glory of God's presence.. reconciled with Him.

In these next verses, Paul gives us a contrast between Adam, through whom sin entered mankind, and Jesus, through Whom grace has come.

When Adam sinned in the garden "sin entered into the world and death through sin..."
Death "reigned"- it ruled; it was king .. . and it spread through all the world as all sinned.
Sin resulted in judgement which resulted in condemnation.
One man - one transgression - one act of disobedience - brought about condemnation for all.
The Law was given " that transgression might increase.."   - so sin would abound - superabound .
Sin was "imputed" reckoned and put on our account, when the Law was given.  The Law made it clear that sin abounded and brought death to every man. Sin abounded before the Law was given, but it superabounded when Truth was revealed through it and in spite of it.

In Christ Jesus grace abounds.   More than sin - which spread and increased to all of mankind - the grace of God - the free gift through the One - abounds more!  "... much more those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ." 
One act " of righteousness" resulted in "justification of life to all men." 
Through the "obedience of the One, the many will be made righteous." 
Sin increased, but grace increased more.
Sin reigned in death.. but grace reigns through "righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." 

Death vs Life
Sin vs Righteousness
Condemnation vs Grace

Sin entered the world by one man's disobedience and it took over.  It's king was death.  It grew and spread and brought condemnation to every single person.

But, GRACE entered through Jesus Christ.  Grace overpowered sin.  Death has lost its throne!  Life - eternal life through Christ now reigns without end! Sin can never reign again.. it can never overcome grace.. it can never abound more than grace can.

Father, help our minds to grasp the glory of these truths!  You are so wonderful and amazing and gracious!  We give You praise and honor and glory!!!  Thank You for salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank You that grace reigns in life through Jesus.  Holy Spirit, fill us with spiritual wisdom and understanding of these great truths and transform our minds by Your resurrection power that lives in us.  Amen and amen.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Romans 5  Paul continues to carefully lay out the truth about justification.

Because we have been justified ( acquitted ) through Jesus Christ.. we have peace with God. (v1)
We also obtain an introduction, or admission, into God's graciousness.
Because of this we can "exult in hope of the glory of God". (v2)  We have confident expectation of participating in the gloriousness of God's Presence.

That is our future.. but there is also a present grace -  we can exult "in our tribulations". 
Tribulations produce perseverance, which produces proven character, which produces more hope. (v3)
All these bring us into the realization of God's love which "has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. "  ( v5)

We were helpless sinners.. "but God.. " demonstrated His love.. through Christ who died for us. (v8)
Now, as justified believers.. "we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him." 

We were enemies of God, "reconciled" to Him "through the death of His Son."  A change has occurred;  a restoration of relationship is accomplished;  We have been brought back to friendship and are no longer enemies of God.

This reconciliation is made possible only one way - "through our Lord Jesus Christ". 

Let me stop here and just ponder on this vital truth.  Here is the answer to every one who has ever thought that there could be any other way to God...
Only Jesus can bring peace between God and man.
Only Jesus could provide justification through His blood.
Only Jesus can give us hope.
Only Jesus came to save us when we were His enemies, helpless sinners.. guilty and condemed.
Only Jesus can bring us to the glory of God.

Praise to our God who has brought us life through His Son, Jesus Christ who died for us!  He paid the price.  He reconciles us with God.  He brings us into God's grace and will bring us into Glory!
Amen!!! Thank You Jesus.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Romans 4  - This is what I wrote on May 22, 2015:

Romans 4  "Reckon" - the Greek word is logizomai - to take inventory, estimate, count, impute, number, reason, suppose, think on... from the root word logos - something said, spoken, reasoning, account, cause, communication, utterance, word.  " And Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness."  A wage is earned, not reckoned, Paul explains.  "But to the one who does not work but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness." ( v5)

We cannot earn righteousness.  We can not be made innocent or just by working for it.  Abraham did not "earn" righteousness by his obedience or by his circumcision.  He was declared righteous because he believed God.  So, Paul argues, circumcision or uncircumcision, does not determine righteousness.  The only thing that God reckons as righteousness is faith. 

Abraham is the model of faith that is reckoned as righteousness.   He believed God's promise that he would become of father of nations. Even when years passed and he was 100 years old and Sarah was well past child-bearing years - Abraham believed.  Even though hope was fading - he believed. In fact, Paul writes, " he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what He had promised, He was able to perform."  This was what God counted and declared to be righteous. 

This is the truth for us:  " those who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, He who  was delivered up because of our transgressions and was raised because of our justification." 
"Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (5:1)

God declares us righteous- innocent, just.  He does not count our sins, but He counts our faith.  When we believe His promises, not wavering, being fully assured that " what He promised He was able to perform", we are from God's grace, declared righteous.  Our faith is what is reckoned as righteousness.

Father in Heaven,  Your Word, Your declaration to us that we who believe in You, who raised Jesus our Lord from the grave, that You will reckon as righteousness that faith... Oh what marvelous Grace!
Not that we have performed perfectly, not that we do all the works of the Law, not that we are strong or wise or successful or anything... but that we believe that You are able to do what You have promised... this is what counts to You!  Glorious Lord, Mighty God.  You are worthy of all our worship and praise and thanksgiving.  Thank You.  And Jesus, we thank You that we have this great salvation through You, who died for us. It is in Your Name that we pray. Amen

And I am still in awe of that word - reckon ! God takes account of my faith in Jesus Christ, the one who died because of my sin and was raised to justify me... and declares me.. reckons me to be  righteous. "Only believe! Only believe!  All things are possible, only believe."  Take a moment to read the stanzas of that song...

"Fear not, little flock, from the cross to the throne,
From death into life
He went for His own;
All power in earth, all power above,
Is given to Him for the flock of his love.

Fear not, little flock, He goeth ahead,
Your Shepherd selecteth the path you must tread;
The waters of Marah He'll sweeten for  thee
He drank all the bitter in Gethsemane.

Fear not, little flock, whatever your lot;
He enters all rooms, the door being shut.
He never forsakes, He never is gone
So count on His presence in darkness and dawn."

Believe! He did this all for love..
Believe! He is with us through every step we take.
Believe! There is nothing that can stop Him from being with us!
Precious truths to cling to in good times and bad! 
Praise God!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Romans 3

 Guilty!  The verdict is in and every single person on earth, past or present or future, has been convicted of unrighteousness.  The Jews had been given the "oracles of God", but failed to believe.

David wrote in the psalms that God is justified in His condemnation of sin.  He alone is righteous. He remains faithful to His Word and will do all that He has said He will do.. including pouring out His wrath on the wicked.  Since, "there is none righteous, not even one.." then all are under the wrath of God.  We are all "accountable to God." Therefore, we are all condemned.

But... God has revealed His righteousness.  He has provided a "gift by His grace".. We who have sinned and fallen short of His glory are "justified" through faith in Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.  God "displayed"  ( exhibited/ purposed ) Jesus "publicly as a propitiation (atonement, penalty paid) in His blood through faith.."  Paul writes, " This was to demonstrate His righteousness because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed; for the demonstration , I say, of His righteousness at the present time, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus." ( v25-26) 

God is just and He judges us with complete righteousness.
And..  God is the justifier - for He renders us innocent.. He makes us righteous.. through the payment made with the blood of Jesus.  This is the "demonstration" - declaration/ evidence/indication - of God's righteousness.  This justification - this "gift of His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus" is not available through works, nor through the Law.  It is only able to be received in one way... "through faith". 

Father in heaven, God of Grace, You are kind and forbearing and patient,. Holy is Your Name.  I praise You and pour out my thanksgiving to You for the gift of redemption through Jesus Christ.  Praise to our Just God who is our Justifier.  Thank You for the forbearance that You have displayed.. not treating us as our sins deserve.. but bringing us salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
Thank You for leading us to repentance and granting us faith that we might become righteous by Your provision in Him.  All glory and honor and praise to You and to the Lamb, in Who's name we pray.  Amen

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Romans 2  Paul continues to teach us about the righteous judgement of God.  Here is what is true:

God will " render to every man according to his deeds."  ( v6)
God is impartial... His judgement will be the same for the Jew and the non-Jew. ( v11)
God looks at the heart.. judging " the secrets of men through Christ Jesus." ( v16, 29)

I want to look at this passage from a personal perspective...

Verse 1 - I am without excuse... If I judge others but not myself for doing the same thing.. I will face God's judgement.  I need to remember what Jesus taught about the beam in my own eye.   Paul brings this up again in Chapter 12:3 "... I say to every man among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think as to have sound judgement... "

Verse 4 - Do I think too lightly of the "riches of His kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads [me] to repentance." ?  The KJ version renders this -"despiseth thou the riches..." - the Greek word meaning to literally think against.. or set your mind against.. to disesteem.  Do I look down upon with contempt.. do I slight.. do I give no value or honor to the riches of God's kindness.. to His forbearance - His self control  and patient restraint;  His tolerance, His patience.. with me?   Or am I  stubborn and unrepentant in my heart?

V 7-10  Do I persevere in doing good? Do I seek glory and honor and immortality? Do I desire the eternal life that God alone grants through Christ Jesus?  Or do I allow selfish ambition to rule my life - disobedient to the Truth and convinced that unrighteousness , wrath, and indignation are the way to go?  Do I know without doubt that trouble and distress will come to those who do evil, but glory and honor and peace to those who do good?

V13 - Do I live by the Law?  Do I do the things that are put in my heart that fulfill the "work of the Law"? 

V17-29  I am not a Jew outwardly.  But, according to this " he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God."   Is my heart circumcised?  Is the condition of my heart bearing witness that I belong to God?  When the day of judgment comes... when Christ judges the secret places of my heart.. will I receive the praise of God or the wrath of God?

Father in heaven, I stand before You.. and You see my heart.  I put my faith in Jesus Christ alone, for I have no excuse and nothing to boast about in my own being.  Thank You for pouring out the riches of Your kindness on me!  Thank You for being patient and forbearing towards me.  Thank You for leading me to repentance and salvation in Jesus, my Lord.  May my words and deeds bear witness of a circumcised heart, a heart fully devoted to Jesus Christ according to Your grace.  Here is where I place my faith and offer obedience to You.. by Your Spirit that fills me.  My love deepens for You as I think about Your generous and amazing grace.  Praise and honor and glory to God the Father, and to Jesus Christ the Beloved Son .  In His name I pray, amen.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Romans 1   This book is, in my opinion, one of the most vital messages of truth in the letters of Paul.. clearly pertinent to our world and culture and absolutely essential to true Christian living.

Paul's emphasis is laid out in the the first few verses.. ".. the gospel of God".
This is his calling.  This is what he is set apart for.. this is " the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.." (v16)
The gospel is the fulfillment of God's promise given to the prophets and written in the Scriptures.
The gospel is the Truth about Jesus, the descendant of David, "according to the flesh".. but the Son of God "according to the Spirit of holiness"... authenticated by the "resurrection from the dead" .(v3-4)
The gospel is given through grace. (v5)
The gospel is "about the obedience of faith".. for Gentiles and Jews alike.

The gospel is the revelation of the "righteousness of God"... which we receive by faith.  (v17)
The gospel is what makes clear to us God's revelation - the real truth:

Ungodliness, unrighteousness, and suppression of the truth - result in the wrath of God.
Wrath is a violent passion of justifiable  abhorrence.. anger.. indignation, which will be punished.
God's wrath is righteous because He has made "evident" - clearly exhibited - since the beginning of creation - "His invisible attributes, His eternal power, and divine nature". ( v19-20)
 God's wrath is righteous, " For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations , and their foolish heart was darkened." ( v21)

Mankind has always had an opportunity to acknowledge God and to find Truth. But, instead we have chosen the lie:
We choose to be fools instead of wise men.
We choose the corruptible idols over the incorruptible God in His glory.
We choose lies instead of Truth.
We choose the creation over the Creator.

Because we have chosen the lies, God "gave" us over to them. This is the cause of:
"degrading passions"
"indecent acts" 
 and "depraved minds" 
These lead us  to:
" all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; [ making us] full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; gossip, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents.. 
without understanding, untrustworthy , unloving, unmerciful;... worthy of death..." 

This part of the gospel is often overlooked.  We want to get to the good part - that  God loves us and has a wonderful plan for us.. and indeed that is true!  But, we have to know, understand and tell others the whole truth !  We are all deserving of God's wrath because of theses truths.. and will be punished eternally due to the complete righteousness of God.. unless we  are "called of Jesus Christ" to the "obedience of faith". 

Father in heaven.. We honor You as God and we give You thanks for Your grace and peace through the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whom we live.  Forgive us, Lord, for the sinfulness of our nation and our world.  Free us from the lies of the evil one and bring us into the Light of Your Word where Truth is found.  Make straight the way for us to come to You fully as we have been called to be Your obedient servants in faith.  Thank You for making us Your own.. Sons and daughters of God through Christ the Lord. All glory and honor and power to You we pray, in Christ.. Amen.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Daniel 10-12 is a detailed record of Daniel's last vision.   It again gives information about what will happen through the time of the Persian  and the Greek Empires.  Why Daniel was given this vision and what we are meant to gain from it is somewhat of a mystery to me.  I know there are a lot of scholars that can explain a lot of this.. but, I don't feel led to go any deeper into it in that way.

What I do note from this whole book of Daniel is that we need to be prepared to persevere when the time of persecution comes to us.  Daniel and his friends faced death and survived because they had absolute trust in God.  We also have an enemy who desires for us to fall and who will not quit....        "Many will be purged, purified, and refined; but the wicked will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand."  Daniel is told.  Meanwhile, just go on with life until you die.. knowing you will rise again "for your allotted portion at the end of the age." 

We do not know the day or the hour when all of time will come to an end.  But, we do know that there will be great trials and tribulation on earth before it is finally over.  Whether we will suffer as believers before that or not is up to debate... but, we can know least some of God's people will.

Father in heaven, let Your Spirit bring understanding and wisdom to our minds that we might be among those who have insight.  May we stand firm in the steadfastness of Christ our Lord.  May we persevere no matter what we face.. knowing Your promises are true.. You are our Hope, our Rock, and our Strength.  We cannot stand on our own, but like Daniel we will fall on our faces.  Take us my Your Hand and lead us into Your love.  Thank You for choosing to make us holy.. set apart for You.
O Lord, hear. Forgive. And Act on our behalf .. for the Sake of Your Holy Name.  We are in Christ Jesus and pray in His Name. Amen.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Daniel 8 records a second vision given to Daniel, 2 years after the first.  It is similar to the first in its description of future events and it completely exhausted and sickened Daniel.  The power and wickedness of evil men who destroy "the holy people" is a frightening thing to contemplate.  Daniel saw the truth flung to the ground... he saw a powerful being who exalted himself and opposed God,  and it devastated him.

Daniel 9 takes place after the Medes and Persians conquer Babylon.  Under Darius, Daniel is brought back into a place of leadership.  It is during this time that he begins to seek after the Lord even more than he had before.  He wrote, " So I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes."   Daniel read the prophecy written by Jeremiah that, " the completion of the desolations of Jerusalem, namely, seventy years."  Daniel had been in captivity around 66 years at that point.. he knew the time was coming soon and he was whole-heartedly committed to doing all he could do to hasten that day.   We know from chapter 6 that it was during this time that Daniel faithfully prayed 3 times a day.. even when he knew that he would be thrown into the lion's den!   Perhaps this is why Daniel refused to stop praying... God was about to restore Israel.. this was of much more importance than his own life.   He knew and was willing to lay down his life for the sake of the kingdom.

Daniel's prayer is such an example to us.  Here is Daniel, God's faithful servant and prophet... yet he prays, " Alas, O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments, we have sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly, and rebelled, even turning aside from Thy commandments and ordinances...." ( v4-5)
He goes on -
We haven't listened...
We have only shame..
We have been unfaithful..
We have sinned against You.
We have gotten what we deserved.

" O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! For  Thine own sake, O my God, do not delay, because Thy city and Thy people are called by Thy name." ( v19)

Daniel receives an answer to his prayer of confession and supplication... as Gabriel is sent to instruct him.  What Daniel hears next goes well beyond anything he could have imagined..

Father in heaven, You are the great and awesome God who keeps Your covenant and loves us in spite of our shame and guilt, our unfaithfulness, and our sin.  Thank You for saving us, redeeming us with the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ the Lord.   O Lord, hear us, forgive us, and take action on behalf of Your church , Your people who are called by Your name. Bring us to repentance and revival.  May we be the light in our dark world.  May we publish the glad tidings of the gospel to a world in great need of hope.  May the truth of Your Word be lifted up and no longer flung to the ground.  Prepare us for the days ahead, O Lord, that we might stand firm in Christ no matter what happens.  We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Daniel 7 -  Daniel's first vision takes place when Belshazzar becomes king of Babylon. ( Before the events of chapter 5-6).   It is a vision focusing on the 4 beasts, the last being the most terrifying.  The beasts all represent powerful kingdoms.. but they all have the same fate - they are crushed and destroyed.  There finally comes a time when the "Ancient of Days" comes and takes His throne.. ready to judge for a final time.

Daniel is given a wonderful vision of "One like a Son of Man" who receives all dominion, glory, and an eternal kingdom.  As powerful and dreadful as the 4th beast is.. he will be "annihilated and destroyed".   Hallelujah!! Along with the Son of Man, the "people of the saints of the Highest One" will also receive "sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven.."

" .. and all the dominions will serve and obey Him".. the "Highest One"!

Daniel was greatly alarmed by this vision.  We have seen through-out history how kingdoms have risen and fallen.  We know that the Son of Man is Jesus and that He will overcome and annihilate every evil and will reign forever over the whole of heaven and earth.  It is not as terrifying to us.. for we are given the Hope that is in Jesus Christ.  But, perhaps we need to be more alert of what is coming..  for the 4th beast is "exceedingly dreadful"...  he will devour, crush and trample... he will  wage war with the saints and overpower them.. us.   He will "intend to make alterations in times and in law;"  and he will " speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the  Highest One."

Father in heaven,  You have given us the words of Daniel and revealed through him future events.  Like Daniel, we long to understand.  Yet, our greatest response to these words is praise to our God Who is the Most High and to the Son, Who has come for us and Who is coming again to reign forever.  Lord, open our eyes and our hearts to make us ready for that day!  Help us to live and walk according to Your Spirit and the Word.. for the Glory of Your Name!  Thank You for choosing to love us and save us from the wrath to come.  Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever O Lord! Amen,

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Acts 6 Daniel is an older man.. probably in his 80's, when Darius appointed him to be one of his commissioners.  He was still distinguished above any others and was about to be promoted to head of the kingdom... but, the jealous commissioners and satraps under him wanted to bring him down.  The only way they could do that was to find a way that involved his relationship with God.

Daniel knew what they were doing.  He knew the consequences for praying.. and he did it anyway.  His reputation was well known.  His devotion to prayer was well known.  Even Darius knew that Daniel was absolutely committed to serving the Lord.  When Daniel was thrown into the lion's den, the king fasted for God to save him... and He did.

Daniel stayed the night in a den of lion's and slept like a baby.  Now, that's faith!

Reminder.. God never changes!  He is "the living God" who endures forever.  His kingdom will never be destroyed.  His dominion never falters.  He is the Deliverer.  He does what we think is impossible!
If He can deliver Daniel from a pride of hungry lions.. then He can deliver us from :

Or whatever else we are facing!

Father in Heaven, I am so thankful that You never fail and never change!  Thank You for being my provider, my deliverer, and my God.  Father,  You know our daily  bread needs.. and we ask that You would give us what we are in need of today.  Father, I ask that You would provide the funds needed at BCS today.  Provide in a way that reveals Your glory, honor, and dominion .  We need the strong faith that Daniel had... so we ask that You would grant that to us also.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Daniel 5-6  Some 23 years after the incident with Nebuchadnezzar and the statue, Belshazzar, his grandson or great-grandson.. decided to take the gold and silver vessels from the Temple and use them for his party.  The crowd toasted the gods and goddesses of "gold and silver, bronze, iron , wood and stone.."  What happened next was extraordinary .  A hand appeared.. writing 4 words on the plaster wall in the palace.  " Mine, Mine, Tekel, Upharsin".   When no one else could interpret, Daniel was called in and gave the interpretation.  " Mine - God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it. Tekel - you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient.  Peres- your kingdom has been divided and given over to the Medes and Persians. "

The message was very clear - Belshazzar was proud and foolish. He did not acknowledge the God Most High like his ancestor Nebuchadnezzar had.  He exalted himself " against the Lord of heaven.. the God in whose hand are your life-breath and your ways, you have not glorified." 

"Numbered" and "weighed".. When it came to what mattered.. to what counted.. Belshazzar didn't add up to anything of worth.  That very night, he was slain by the invading Medes.

Somehow this passage always makes me think of the time when Jesus wrote in the sand after the Pharisees had brought before Him a woman caught in adultery.  He also numbered and weighed the accusers.. finding them unworthy.. deficient .. lacking that which counts the most.   Instead of justice, they chose to punish the woman and let the man go.  Instead of mercy, they chose to humiliate and judge her harshly.  They wanted to test and harm the reputation of the Holy One.. and they used a poor woman to do it.  Like Belshazzar, they did not glorify the God in whose Hands their life-breath was held.

One thing that we desire the most as followers of Christ is to be worthy of His calling.. to be "good and faithful servants"... to be all that He calls us to be.  Daniel is a man who lived that kind of life.
Even though it meant spending a night in a lion' s den.. Daniel chose to stay faithful.  May we also be found of worth in the balance of our God. 

Father in heaven .. fill us with the knowledge of Your will, through all wisdom and understanding, so that we may live a life worthy of our Lord, pleasing You in every good work, bearing fruit and growing in the knowledge of God, and being strengthened with all power according to Your glorious might.  I ask this in the Name of the Infinite and Merciful Savior, Jesus. Amen.