Monday, July 30, 2018

Daniel 2  This chapter deals with Nebuchadnezzar's dream and his command that someone tell him the dream first and then the interpretation.  Apparently, he no longer trusted the words of the magicians, conjurers, sorcerers, or Chaldeans.. who were more than willing to interpret but couldn't begin to tell him what the dream was.   How could anyone know what someone else had dreamt?  It is impossible.. even when threatened with death.

Daniel and his friends were included in the death sentence, even though they were not present when it was handed down.  But with "discretion and discernment "  Daniel was able to gain some time to seek the Word of the Lord.  Daniel was given the "wisdom and power" of God to proclaim the mystery that Nebuchadnezzar had been given.  He clearly attested to the  Truth.." However, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the latter days..." ( v28)

Daniel explains that this mystery was revealed to him...." for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king, and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind."  Nebuchadnezzar had been thinking about the future.  God chose to reveal something to him that continues to unfold before us to this day..

The dream:  A statue with a head of gold;   The interpretation:  The kingdom of Babylon;
                The breast and arms were silver                               The kingdom of the Medes and Persians
                 The belly and thighs of bronze                                   The kingdom of Greece
                 The legs of iron                                                          The kingdom of Rome
                 The feet of clay/iron                                                    The divided kingdoms

We live in a world of divided kingdoms still.  Some of it is iron.. strong and tough; some of it is brittle - common and unable to combine with the iron.

In Nebuchadnezzar 's dream a stone " cut out without hands"  strikes the feet of the statue and the whole thing crumbles to dust, blown away like "chaff.. so that not a trace of them was found."  The stone becomes a mountain that fills the whole earth.   Daniel says that this speaks of God's kingdom.
" And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever." ( v44)

Daniel attests that this is a true dream and a trustworthy interpretation.  God has made this known.  Nebuchadnezzar's actions reveal that Daniel got it right.. " Surely your God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, since you have been able to reveal this mystery. " 

This dream was given to  Nebuchadnezzar around 603 BC.  The Roman Empire lasted 1229 years and ended with the fall of Rome in 476 AD. Since that time there has not been a united kingdom with one king to rule over all people.  There are many nations with many leaders, some strong and some brittle.  But there is coming a day with a Stone.. unmade with human hands, will crush all lesser kingdoms and One will rule over all the earth.  Over 2,600 years since Nebuchadnezzar was given this revelation.. we await that day when the  King of Heaven will come down and His eternal kingdom will endure forever.

Father in heaven,  You are the revealer of mysteries.  Why Nebuchadnezzar ?  Why was he given this dream to know what would happen long after he had left this earth?  Why has this been shared with us?  What are we to learn?  We know Your Word is Truth, Lord.  We know that the day is coming when Christ Jesus will return to earth and set up the Kingdom of God, and there will be no other kingdoms left.  We look forward to that day.  We grow weary of war and politics.. of those who are unyielding like iron.. and those who are brittle as clay.  Fear and poverty abound.  Oppression and hate... terrorism and destruction.. cover the earth.  May Your Kingdom come, Mighty God!  May we be ready, alert, and looking for the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ to reign forever more! Amen.

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