Monday, July 23, 2018

Acts 20-23   Paul traveled back to many of the places that he had started churches, heading back to Jerusalem .  He was well aware all along the way that trouble was ahead.  He knew that he would be imprisoned. He knew he would be persecuted.  But, he also knew that this was God's purpose for him and he was willing and ready to go.

After Paul is seized by the Jews and rescued by the Romans, he is given several opportunities to testify of what God had done in his life.  In Jerusalem Paul testifies before the Jews twice.  Also, there are two unique encounters recorded here between Paul and Jesus.

The first is found in 22:18 and 21.  Paul recounts that Jesus met him as he prayed in the temple in Jerusalem.  Jesus told him to leave Jerusalem and sent him to minister to the Gentiles.  The second encounter happened after Paul addressed the Jewish council.  This time Luke writes, " But on the night immediately following, the Lord stood at his side and said, 'Take courage; for as you have solemnly witnessed to My cause at Jerusalem, so you will witness at Rome also.'" ( 23:11) 

Paul was sent secretly to Caesarea, escorted by soldiers and horsemen after a plot by the Jews is uncovered by Paul's nephew.  And so he arrives to be heard by Felix, a Roman governor.

 Paul's testimony before men is an important part of this book of Acts.
  In his farewell address to the elders from Ephesus, Paul reminds them that:

 He testified "to both Jews and Greeks of repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ." (20:21)

He did "not consider [his] life of any account.. in order that [he might] finish [his] course and the ministry.. received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God."  ( v24)

And that he could testify that "I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I did not shrink from declaring to  you the whole purpose of God." 

He freely testifies of his faith before the Jews that had seized him and before the council that accused him.  He would go on to testify before Felix, Festus, and  Agrippa before being sent to Rome.

There are two Greek words used here for testify - diamarturomai -  to attest to or protest earnestly - to charge and the word martureo / martus, from which we get our word martyr.   This has the idea of bearing witness or giving evidence.. reporting, going on record..

So, in verse 21, Paul is saying that he earnestly charged both Jews and Gentiles to repent before God and to have faith in Jesus.  Also, in verse 24, he is saying that his ministry from Jesus was to solemnly and earnestly attest to the gospel of grace.. this was his greatest desire and he wanted to finish this course that God had set him on.

In verse 26, Paul is raising his hand and swearing on record that he did what God had told him to do... he had preached the Gospel just as he had been charged to do.  In Acts 23:11 Jesus confirms this to Paul Himself. ..   You have attested to My cause in Jerusalem.. now you will become a martyr -an official witness who will present evidence of Christ before the court of law.

So, this makes me ask myself... do I testify - do I attest to the grace of God?
Do I earnestly charge others to repent and to have faith?
Do I consider my own life less important than the ministry that Jesus called me to do?
Can I be a legal witness, swearing that I have declared the Truth of God's Word, the Gospel of Grace.. and am innocent of the blood of others?  
Have I testified of "the whole purpose of God"?

Father in heaven, hallowed is Your name.  You have called us to Yourself and given us a purpose for living.  Your will for us is to believe on the Name of Jesus Christ and to abide in Him, for He is the Vine and we are the branches.  Your will for us is to love You with all of our being and to love our neighbor as ourselves.  Your will for us is to be merciful, just , and humble as we walk with You in this life.  You have set our courses and You have promised to fulfill the purposes that You have for each of us.  Thank You Father!  When we are weak, when we are weary.. You are able to use us anyway.  Let Your will be done and Your kingdom come!  Forgive us for sin, debt, and trespasses, Lord and bring glory to Your Name as we forgive others.  Lead us in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.  Deliver us from the evil one.  Grant to us the daily bread needs that we have.. for we are utterly dependent on You.  We ask these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

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