Friday, July 13, 2018

Acts 14  Paul and Barnabas continue their trip, preaching the Word, speaking boldly, and persevering through difficulties.  In  Lystra the two are mistaken for Zeus and Hermes.. and had to stop the people from offering sacrifices to them.  But, after that Jews came and caused an about-face.. and Paul was stoned and left for dead.

Even with all of that, many people came to believe in Jesus and churches were begun.  As they returned home to Antioch, Paul and Barnabas joyfully reported all that God had done.  This statement is notable.. " .. they began to report all things that God had done with them and how He had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles."  A door of faith..   The Bible Knowledge commentary makes 3 points about this statement:
1." It shows that Gospel had gone to the Gentiles."
2. "It was a 'by-faith' message and not by works of the Law"
3. "God did it, for He opened the door." 

It is God's grace that opens a way for  us to come to faith, to believe the good news, that Jesus came to give eternal life to all people, Jew or Gentile, man or woman.  He opens a door so that all who will believe in Him  can  receive forgiveness of their sins.  He opens a door so that all can be freed from sin, death, and hell.  God opens the door for us and by faith we walk in .. into His Kingdom.. into His arms.. into His Body.   Amazing Grace!

Father in heaven ,  we seek Your continued grace.. to open that door for our unsaved loved-ones!  Please call them to Yourself and grant them the faith to believe and receive. O Lord,  You alone can save.. all of grace!  How wonderful You are!  Praise Your Holy Name.  Amen!

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