Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Daniel 1   Daniel, Hananiah ( Shadrach), Michael ( Meshach), and Azariah ( Abednego).. were taken to Babylon, "the land of Shinar".. to the "house of his ( Nebuchadnezzar's)  god".  They were members of the royal's or noble's families.  They were chosen for their looks, wisdom, and intelligence.  They were educated in the language and literature of the Chaldeans for 3 years.  They were prepared to serve in the king's "personal service ".

Daniel decided from the beginning that he would not compromise his beliefs, beginning with the food that was set before him... which was the best that could be offered, from the king's own table.  God blessed Daniel and his friends because of their commitment to obey His Word.  "God gave them knowledge and intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom; Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams."

After they completed the 3 years of training, these 4 young men were found to be the best of the best.
The king, himself, found them " ten times better than all the magicians and conjurers who were in his realm." 

Much is made over Daniel's diet and Daniel's courage.. but the most important thing about Daniel was his complete commitment to follow God.  From the time of his captivity around 605 BC to his old age during the reign of Darius.. Daniel stayed faithful to the God of Israel.  God in turn revealed Himself to Daniel in ways that we can't even fathom. Daniel shares a prayer of praise and thanksgiving in chapter 2 that gives us a glimpse of his faith in  and dependence on the Lord:

"Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever,
for wisdom and power belong to Him.
And it is He who changes the times and epochs;
He removes kings and establishes kings;
He gives wisdom to wise men,
and knowledge to men of understanding.
It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
And the light dwells with Him.
To Thee, O God of my fathers,
I give thanks and praise,
For Thou has given me wisdom and power;
Even now Thou hast made know to me what we requested of Thee.
For Thou hast made known to us the king's matter." 

God gave Daniel an answer to prayer that saved his life and the lives of many others.  Daniel made sure to testify that it was God at work.. not himself, and to give thanks and praise to the One he served. 

Father,  You are the God Who never changes.. the God who reveals mysteries and who gives wisdom and understanding to Your people.  Please grant to us today, wisdom and power to live a devoted life, a holy and blameless life, acceptable to You.  We, once again, present our bodies to You, living and holy sacrifices.. as a spiritual act of worship.  We give You thanks and praise for all of the blessing that You have poured out on us in Christ Jesus.  May our lives be pleasing to You, we pray, in Jesus' Name. Amen. 

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