Thursday, July 12, 2018

Acts 12 -  I have been thinking about yesterday's passage- and I am encouraged by what the Lord reveals to us through Peter's release:

As we think about how Peter was chained in a dark cell and that the Lord sent an angel to bring light..  we can be encourage that  He can do the same for us.
As we think about how Peter's chains fell off - we can be encouraged that the Lord can remove every chain that binds us.
As we think about how the angel led Peter out of the prison, past 4 squads of soldiers - we can be encouraged that nothing can  stop the Lord from freeing us!
As we think about how Peter was kept safe from Herod's plans - we can be encouraged that our God is able to take care of us, no matter what we are facing... even when others may plan evil against us.

Our God is great!  His ways will always be accomplished for us, as we trust in Him.  Hallelujah!

Acts 13- Paul and Barnabas are sent out on their first missionary journey.  They travel to Cyprus, preaching the Word.  Then they go on as far as Pisidian Antioch.  It is here that Luke records the message that Paul has been delivering as he traveled.  The crux of his message goes like this:

God chose to make the people of Israel great as they lived in Egypt.
He chose to deliver Israel from Egypt and brought them into the promised land.
He established judges and then gave them a king when they asked for one.
Saul was removed and David became king,  because he was willing to do all the will of God.
The offspring of David, "according to promise" is Jesus, the Savior.
John the Baptist proclaimed His coming.
The Jewish rulers rejected Him.
He was crucified, buried, and then raised from the dead.
"And we preach the good news of the promise made to the fathers, that God has fulfilled this promise to our children in that He raised Jesus, as it is also written ... " 
David died and his body decayed, but Jesus rose from the dead according to Scripture.
"Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and through Him everyone who believes is freed from all things from which you could not be freed through the Law of Moses." 

The people loved this message and wanted to hear more. The next week, Paul and Barnabas returned to the synagogue to preach again, but this time  "nearly the whole city assembled to hear the Word of God."  However the Jews became jealous and started trouble.  Paul and Barnabas left the city and went to Iconium.

Father in heaven,  we are so thankful that Paul continued to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, for it is because of his ministry that we are able to come to know forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ.  Thank You that nothing can stop Your Word or Your Spirit from bring the Truth to  "as many as [have] been appointed to eternal life" so that they might believe.  Fill our land with this good news once again Lord, that more will be saved.  Give us the boldness to also speak out the Truth to those around us.  Use me Lord to lead others into the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I ask this in His name. Amen.

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