Thursday, July 19, 2018

Acts 18  Paul leaves Athens and goes to Corinth where he meets Aquila and Priscilla.  Silas and Timothy finally catch up with him there and they stay for a year and a half preaching and teaching; building the church there.   God moves Paul again, this time heading back towards Caesarea.  Aquila and Priscilla travel with him to Ephesus, where they stay and meet Apollos.  Apollos is a believer, but needed to know a bit more, which Aquila and Priscilla teach , explaining " to him the way of God more accurately."   Apollos heads back to Achaia ( where Corinth is located) and becomes a powerful apologetic  preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love how God brings fellow workers alongside us for the work that He has for us to do.  Tent-makers, evangelists, teachers, and servants.. are all part of the team that the Lord used to start churches all over Greece, Syria, and the Roman Empire.  He used Dr. Luke to write it down, so we can learn and be encouraged.

No matter who we are.. or what job we hold, or once held.. God can use us to:

testify that Jesus is Christ ( v5)

strengthen other disciples in the faith ( v23)

be "mighty" in the Scriptures ( v24)

be "fervent in spirit" (v25)

explain "the way of God more accurately" when needed ( v26)

help "those who had believed through grace" (v27)

This is why it is so important to be part of a family/body of believers.  To have a church family that will come alongside you and pray for you.. to strengthen you when you are weak, to pray for you to have wisdom when you are confused.. to encourage you by the Word of God.  So thankful for my church family and for special prayer partners who have shared my burdens.. especially through this year as I faced some challenges.

Father in heaven, I praise You and rejoice in Your love and grace to us.  I pray for my family and for my church family, that we may be faithful to trust You with all our hearts and lean on You, not on our own understanding.  May we acknowledge You.. know that You are here.. in all our ways and surrender to Your leading.  Direct our steps today Lord.  Reveal Your will and help us to trust and obey!  We need You, Lord.  Unless you "build the house" all our efforts are in vain.  We can do nothing on our own.. But we have a great and wonderful God Who is our Rock, our Provider, our Hope, and the Lover of our souls. You never fail and never forsake Your children!  Be glorified in Your people today I pray, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Lord. amen.

1 comment:

  1. What would we do without our fellow believers in Jesus? Without the loving support we receive from one another? Without the encouragement and exhortation and strength they provide when we need it? (Which is daily.) They point us to the One and Only, Who is able to help us in our time of need. They pray for us when we just can't. They lift our burdens before the Lord - praising God with us when we see His hand at work in our lives and praising God with us when we can't see His hand but are trusting His heart. I agree with you Peggy, and I also thank the Lord for those very special prayer partners who have come along side through the years. Through the good times and through the bad. What a wonderful thought that we will celebrate throughout eternity the things Jesus has done-together with the family of God. <3 <3 Great is His Faithfulness!!!
