Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Acts 12  Herod Agrippa was an evil man. He had James killed and was planning on killing Peter.  But, God had a different plan.  As Peter was in prison, waiting for his execution, he slept.. chained up and guarded by 4 squads of soldiers.  Even this could not stop God's plans for Peter.

As God's people prayed:
An angel appeared in the cell.
Light entered the darkened place.
Peter was struck on his side to wake him up.
His chains fell off.
He had to be told to get dressed.
He was led out by the angel, still in a fog.
The gates opened themselves.
And Peter found himself freed.

Great joy!  So great that the servant girl couldn't wait to tell the others.. and forgot to open the gate!

When Herod heard that Peter had disappeared, he searched for him, executed the guards, and left town.  Sitting in his royal robes, Herod was addressing his audience when they began to praise him..
Because Herod did "not give God the glory".. he was judged severely.. "and he was eaten by worms and died."

The Word of God could not be stopped, but Herod was.

Our God never changes.  He will accomplish His plans and fulfill the purposes He has for each of us.
He can free us from the darkest of places.
He can release us from every chain.
He can open any door.
He can stop the most powerful or the most evil of men.
He will provide the way for His Word "grow and to be multiplied."

Father in heaven,  You are holy, mighty, and infinite.  We choose to give You all the glory in every circumstance.  We praise You for the rescue of those children in Thailand.  We praise You for the life provided for our friends expecting their first child.  We praise You for granting us the Word of life and Your Spirit to lead us in it.  Abba, our world is in need of You.  Our hearts break at the wickedness that causes young men to kill others.. to kill children, to spread fear and evil in their ways.   How patient You are with this evil world.  Lord Jesus, we need You.  We desire to see You return and rescue us from this dark world that sometimes seems like a prison cell.  Yet, Lord, we know You have a plan and a purpose for all things.  There are many more that need to hear the good news of salvation in Your Name.  Send forth more workers into Your harvest field, Father.  Let Your Name be praised in all the earth.  In Jesus' name we pray. amen.

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