Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Acts 16 Paul takes Silas and returns to some of the churches he and Barnabas had founded.  He finds Timothy in Lystra and takes him along on their trip.  Luke apparently joins them in Troas, as he changes from using "they/them" to "we" in his narrative.  Paul and the gang are "forbidden by the Holy Spirit" to speak in Asia.  They tried going to Bithynia, but were also stopped from going that direction.  Unable to go north or east, Paul has a vision that sends them west.. to Macedonia. And we are so thankful he obeyed!  The first convert in Europe comes as Paul speaks along the riverside in Philippi.  This convert is Lydia, who listened to Paul.. " and the Lord opened her heart to respond.."

Lydia invites the team to come stay at her home and a new church is begun.  Paul and Silas went back to the river to pray.. apparently every day.  A slave girl began to follow them.  Being a fortune teller, this girl had an evil spirit, who interestingly called out, " These men are bond-servants of the Most High God, who are proclaiming to you the way of salvation."   This annoyed Paul after a while and he commanded the demon to depart from the girl. But this made her owners angry, since they made money from her fortune telling.  These men called the magistrates in and they arrested and beat Paul and Silas.

But, God was not through with His plans for Phillipi.  In jail, Paul and Silas sang hymns until an earthquake came and shook the prison house and unfastened all the chains and opened all the doors!
Even then,  God was not done..  for He was opening the heart of the jailer and his family to be saved.

When Paul is told to leave the prison quietly, he politely refused.. for the magistrates had illegally judged and beaten him, a Roman citizen, without a trial.  He insisted that they come face to face with him and release him the proper way.. which they did.

God opened the door for the gospel of Jesus Christ in Europe.  Because of that, we are able to trace the spread of Christianity to our own country!  Thank You Lord!   Paul's letter to the Philippians shows that this church grew and matured.  They sent help to Paul when he was imprisoned in Rome.
They meant a lot to Paul and to the ministry of the gospel.

Father, thank You for opening the heart of people to receive Your Word and to believe in Jesus.  Thank You for sending out men and women of God to preach the Truth around the world.. and  for coming to us.. to me, that I might also be saved.  Your grace abounds and Your mercies never end. So, once again I ask that You will saved my loved ones, Lord.  Please open their hearts that they might also believe in Jesus.  Thank You, Lord. Amen.

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