Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Acts 24-28  These chapters show the fascinating way that God provided to take Paul from Jerusalem to Rome.

Paul was imprisoned by Felix for two years after declaring that he was on trial due to the fact that he believed in the resurrection of the dead.  He was given many opportunities during that time to converse with Felix about "righteousness, self-control, and the judgement to come." 

When Felix was succeeded by Festus ,the Jews were stirred up again and demanded once more that Paul be killed.  Festus ordered a trial, but would not allow Paul to be sent to Jerusalem.  Paul appealed to Caesar and had to be sent to Rome.

Festus was visited by King Agrippa II and his sister/wife Bernice.  They also wanted to hear Paul and he was brought before them, testifying clearly of the Truth about Jesus Christ.  Even Agrippa agreed that the accusations against Paul were not worthy of this sentence and that he should have been set free... however, since he had appealed to Caesar, he had to go to Rome.

Paul and several of his friends boarded a ship and set off on a long journey. After they were shipwrecked in Malta and God provided for them there.. they finally made it to Rome.  After his arrival there, Paul ended up ministering for at least 2 years in his own rented home.. " welcoming all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness, unhindered." 

During every part of Paul's imprisonment, the Lord provided.  Paul's friends supported him.  Paul's captors treated him well. Paul was able to preach and teach.. and to write many of the epistles we have in the New Testament. God had a purpose in all of this.  We directly benefit from his time in prison when we open up our Bibles and read!

Paul's testimony before Agrippa stands out for me.. Acts 26:18 Paul declares that  Jesus sent him to both the Jews and Gentiles,  " ... to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, in order that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me."

Paul used every opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with both Jews and Gentiles.  Some were persuaded.. and sadly, some were not.

The light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been made known and clearly taught all around the world.
It seems hard to believe that there is anywhere left that has not had the opportunity to hear.  Jesus has sent all of His disciples into the world to preach the Truth.. and some are persuaded, but many are still like the Jews.. their hearts are dull, their eyes are closed and their ears are stopped up.  

Like Paul, Jesus has a purpose for each of us to welcome those who come to us and to tell them about the Kingdom of God and how they can receive the Lord Jesus Christ to be forgiven from all sin so that they might freely enter His Kingdom too.

Father in Heaven, may Your Name be lifted up in all the earth. May the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ be proclaimed to every tongue and tribe and nation. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done!  Thank You for the Word of Truth that has been given to us. May we be filled to the full with the Spirit and Truth of Jesus Christ.  We ask this in His Name. Amen.

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