Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Acts 17  Paul travels through Greece, stopping at Thessalonica, Berea, and then Athens.  In Thessalonica Paul preaches in the Jewish synagogue and some come to believe, but others form a mob.  Paul and Silas are sent away to Berea where the Word is received.  People there examined the Scriptures and many believed.  However the troublemakers from Thessalonica come and Paul leaves Silas and Timothy behind, heading to Athens.

Paul waits in Athens for Silas and Timothy, but is "provoked" by all the idols he finds there.  Paul takes the opportunity to speak Truth to anyone who would listen.  He ends up in the Areopagus - "the hill of Ares" - so that he can sit before the philosophers and explain his "new teaching".

Paul's message here starts differently than those he spoke in the synagogues.  These people did not have any knowledge of the Lord.. they only  had their Greek gods and idols.  They were "religious" in the sense that they feared the demonic power behind their false gods.  Paul starts at the beginning - introducing them to the One True God - " The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth.." 

The One True God:

".. does not dwell in temples made with hands;" 

" .. is not served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all life and breath and all things."

".. made from one, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation..." 

It is God who puts into the hearts of men to seek Him.. " to grope for Him and find Him".

It is God who is close to each of us, "for we live and move and exist" in Him.

We are His "offspring".  He is not like gold or silver or stone - He is not formed by man's thoughts or art.  He formed us!

The One True God has declared that all men should repent from their "ignorance".  For, " .. He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead." 

Father in Heaven, You are the One True God, holy and infinite, all powerful and transcendent above all creation.  You have formed us and in You we live, breathe , and move. Like those in Athens, our world is full of men and women who walk in ignorance of Who You are.   Lord, open the hearts of mankind to receive the message of salvation through Jesus Christ our Savior.  We know the day is coming when all will be judged in righteousness.. and we pray for the lost, the "religious ", the oppressed, and the rebellious.. and even the wicked.. to repent and come to Jesus for the forgiveness that He alone can provide.  We need You Lord God, to open our eyes and hearts to Your Word and to fill us with Your Spirit for the work of the Kingdom.  May Your will be done in us today  we pray.

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