Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Daniel 3-4   Nebuchadnezzar must have been impressed with the statue from his dream.. so he decided to build one himself.  This statue was made of gold and stood 90 feet high and 9 feet wide.  Then he commanded that music be played and that everyone bow and worship it.  The Jews, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, would not join in this idol worship, but instead chose to obey the Lord's commands.  Nebuchadnezzar seems to have forgotten all about the lesson he learned through Daniel.. so he acts out of anger, throwing the 3 into a furnace of fire.  We know the story.. how the Lord preserved them and even joined them!  And, once again Nebuchadnezzar responded with praise to God and acknowledgement that "there is no other god who is able to deliver.." 

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, were truly men of great faith.  We find encouragement in their choice to trust God.  " If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.  But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up." 

What faith!  When the pressure is strong.. to conform, to compromise, or to deny God.. we need to trust God to deliver us from the hands of men.. knowing that we are in the Hands of the One who is King over all the earth.  He Is the Most High God.. He will deliver us from every foe.. one way or another.  The thing that set these guys apart.. was they were willing to die, if that was the way that God wanted to deliver them.  Death in the Hands of the Most High God is a much better choice than life yielded to Satan's idols or man's pride.

Nebuchadnezzar still had another lesson to learn.  Another dream was given to him and again Daniel was called in to interpret.  This dream warned Nebuchadnezzar that he was about to become like a "beast in the field".   Daniel pled with him to repent from his sins and become of man of righteousness and mercy..  but 12 months later the vision is fulfilled.  For seven years Nebuchadnezzar dwells with the cattle, eats grass, and grows hair like an "eagle's feathers" and nails like "birds' claws".   At the end of the 7 years, he finally lifts his eyes to heaven and worships God.

" I, Nebuchadnezzar , raised my eyes toward heaven, and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever;  For His dominion is and everlasting dominion , and His kingdom endures from generation to generation. And all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted nothing, but He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him, 'What has Thou done?'"

The last recorded words of Nebuchadnezzar are given in verse 37 " Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise, exalt, and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride." 

Father in Heaven , these words ring true.. for we know that You are true and just. You do humble the proud and lift up the meek.  You are the everlasting and faithful God who does according to Your own will in heaven and earth.  We give You all praise and glory and honor!  Father, may we have faith like Shadrach and his friends.  May we stand firm even in dire circumstances and in our own daily lives.. filled with distractions and worldly idols.  Strengthen us with spiritual wisdom and understanding so that we may live a life worthy of You.  May the power, love, and grace of Christ overflow in our lives today as we declare that You alone are Lord!  It is in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Daniel 2  This chapter deals with Nebuchadnezzar's dream and his command that someone tell him the dream first and then the interpretation.  Apparently, he no longer trusted the words of the magicians, conjurers, sorcerers, or Chaldeans.. who were more than willing to interpret but couldn't begin to tell him what the dream was.   How could anyone know what someone else had dreamt?  It is impossible.. even when threatened with death.

Daniel and his friends were included in the death sentence, even though they were not present when it was handed down.  But with "discretion and discernment "  Daniel was able to gain some time to seek the Word of the Lord.  Daniel was given the "wisdom and power" of God to proclaim the mystery that Nebuchadnezzar had been given.  He clearly attested to the  Truth.." However, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the latter days..." ( v28)

Daniel explains that this mystery was revealed to him...." for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king, and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind."  Nebuchadnezzar had been thinking about the future.  God chose to reveal something to him that continues to unfold before us to this day..

The dream:  A statue with a head of gold;   The interpretation:  The kingdom of Babylon;
                The breast and arms were silver                               The kingdom of the Medes and Persians
                 The belly and thighs of bronze                                   The kingdom of Greece
                 The legs of iron                                                          The kingdom of Rome
                 The feet of clay/iron                                                    The divided kingdoms

We live in a world of divided kingdoms still.  Some of it is iron.. strong and tough; some of it is brittle - common and unable to combine with the iron.

In Nebuchadnezzar 's dream a stone " cut out without hands"  strikes the feet of the statue and the whole thing crumbles to dust, blown away like "chaff.. so that not a trace of them was found."  The stone becomes a mountain that fills the whole earth.   Daniel says that this speaks of God's kingdom.
" And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever." ( v44)

Daniel attests that this is a true dream and a trustworthy interpretation.  God has made this known.  Nebuchadnezzar's actions reveal that Daniel got it right.. " Surely your God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, since you have been able to reveal this mystery. " 

This dream was given to  Nebuchadnezzar around 603 BC.  The Roman Empire lasted 1229 years and ended with the fall of Rome in 476 AD. Since that time there has not been a united kingdom with one king to rule over all people.  There are many nations with many leaders, some strong and some brittle.  But there is coming a day with a Stone.. unmade with human hands, will crush all lesser kingdoms and One will rule over all the earth.  Over 2,600 years since Nebuchadnezzar was given this revelation.. we await that day when the  King of Heaven will come down and His eternal kingdom will endure forever.

Father in heaven,  You are the revealer of mysteries.  Why Nebuchadnezzar ?  Why was he given this dream to know what would happen long after he had left this earth?  Why has this been shared with us?  What are we to learn?  We know Your Word is Truth, Lord.  We know that the day is coming when Christ Jesus will return to earth and set up the Kingdom of God, and there will be no other kingdoms left.  We look forward to that day.  We grow weary of war and politics.. of those who are unyielding like iron.. and those who are brittle as clay.  Fear and poverty abound.  Oppression and hate... terrorism and destruction.. cover the earth.  May Your Kingdom come, Mighty God!  May we be ready, alert, and looking for the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ to reign forever more! Amen.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Daniel 1   Daniel, Hananiah ( Shadrach), Michael ( Meshach), and Azariah ( Abednego).. were taken to Babylon, "the land of Shinar".. to the "house of his ( Nebuchadnezzar's)  god".  They were members of the royal's or noble's families.  They were chosen for their looks, wisdom, and intelligence.  They were educated in the language and literature of the Chaldeans for 3 years.  They were prepared to serve in the king's "personal service ".

Daniel decided from the beginning that he would not compromise his beliefs, beginning with the food that was set before him... which was the best that could be offered, from the king's own table.  God blessed Daniel and his friends because of their commitment to obey His Word.  "God gave them knowledge and intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom; Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams."

After they completed the 3 years of training, these 4 young men were found to be the best of the best.
The king, himself, found them " ten times better than all the magicians and conjurers who were in his realm." 

Much is made over Daniel's diet and Daniel's courage.. but the most important thing about Daniel was his complete commitment to follow God.  From the time of his captivity around 605 BC to his old age during the reign of Darius.. Daniel stayed faithful to the God of Israel.  God in turn revealed Himself to Daniel in ways that we can't even fathom. Daniel shares a prayer of praise and thanksgiving in chapter 2 that gives us a glimpse of his faith in  and dependence on the Lord:

"Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever,
for wisdom and power belong to Him.
And it is He who changes the times and epochs;
He removes kings and establishes kings;
He gives wisdom to wise men,
and knowledge to men of understanding.
It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
And the light dwells with Him.
To Thee, O God of my fathers,
I give thanks and praise,
For Thou has given me wisdom and power;
Even now Thou hast made know to me what we requested of Thee.
For Thou hast made known to us the king's matter." 

God gave Daniel an answer to prayer that saved his life and the lives of many others.  Daniel made sure to testify that it was God at work.. not himself, and to give thanks and praise to the One he served. 

Father,  You are the God Who never changes.. the God who reveals mysteries and who gives wisdom and understanding to Your people.  Please grant to us today, wisdom and power to live a devoted life, a holy and blameless life, acceptable to You.  We, once again, present our bodies to You, living and holy sacrifices.. as a spiritual act of worship.  We give You thanks and praise for all of the blessing that You have poured out on us in Christ Jesus.  May our lives be pleasing to You, we pray, in Jesus' Name. Amen. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Acts 24-28  These chapters show the fascinating way that God provided to take Paul from Jerusalem to Rome.

Paul was imprisoned by Felix for two years after declaring that he was on trial due to the fact that he believed in the resurrection of the dead.  He was given many opportunities during that time to converse with Felix about "righteousness, self-control, and the judgement to come." 

When Felix was succeeded by Festus ,the Jews were stirred up again and demanded once more that Paul be killed.  Festus ordered a trial, but would not allow Paul to be sent to Jerusalem.  Paul appealed to Caesar and had to be sent to Rome.

Festus was visited by King Agrippa II and his sister/wife Bernice.  They also wanted to hear Paul and he was brought before them, testifying clearly of the Truth about Jesus Christ.  Even Agrippa agreed that the accusations against Paul were not worthy of this sentence and that he should have been set free... however, since he had appealed to Caesar, he had to go to Rome.

Paul and several of his friends boarded a ship and set off on a long journey. After they were shipwrecked in Malta and God provided for them there.. they finally made it to Rome.  After his arrival there, Paul ended up ministering for at least 2 years in his own rented home.. " welcoming all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness, unhindered." 

During every part of Paul's imprisonment, the Lord provided.  Paul's friends supported him.  Paul's captors treated him well. Paul was able to preach and teach.. and to write many of the epistles we have in the New Testament. God had a purpose in all of this.  We directly benefit from his time in prison when we open up our Bibles and read!

Paul's testimony before Agrippa stands out for me.. Acts 26:18 Paul declares that  Jesus sent him to both the Jews and Gentiles,  " ... to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, in order that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me."

Paul used every opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with both Jews and Gentiles.  Some were persuaded.. and sadly, some were not.

The light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been made known and clearly taught all around the world.
It seems hard to believe that there is anywhere left that has not had the opportunity to hear.  Jesus has sent all of His disciples into the world to preach the Truth.. and some are persuaded, but many are still like the Jews.. their hearts are dull, their eyes are closed and their ears are stopped up.  

Like Paul, Jesus has a purpose for each of us to welcome those who come to us and to tell them about the Kingdom of God and how they can receive the Lord Jesus Christ to be forgiven from all sin so that they might freely enter His Kingdom too.

Father in Heaven, may Your Name be lifted up in all the earth. May the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ be proclaimed to every tongue and tribe and nation. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done!  Thank You for the Word of Truth that has been given to us. May we be filled to the full with the Spirit and Truth of Jesus Christ.  We ask this in His Name. Amen.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Acts 20-23   Paul traveled back to many of the places that he had started churches, heading back to Jerusalem .  He was well aware all along the way that trouble was ahead.  He knew that he would be imprisoned. He knew he would be persecuted.  But, he also knew that this was God's purpose for him and he was willing and ready to go.

After Paul is seized by the Jews and rescued by the Romans, he is given several opportunities to testify of what God had done in his life.  In Jerusalem Paul testifies before the Jews twice.  Also, there are two unique encounters recorded here between Paul and Jesus.

The first is found in 22:18 and 21.  Paul recounts that Jesus met him as he prayed in the temple in Jerusalem.  Jesus told him to leave Jerusalem and sent him to minister to the Gentiles.  The second encounter happened after Paul addressed the Jewish council.  This time Luke writes, " But on the night immediately following, the Lord stood at his side and said, 'Take courage; for as you have solemnly witnessed to My cause at Jerusalem, so you will witness at Rome also.'" ( 23:11) 

Paul was sent secretly to Caesarea, escorted by soldiers and horsemen after a plot by the Jews is uncovered by Paul's nephew.  And so he arrives to be heard by Felix, a Roman governor.

 Paul's testimony before men is an important part of this book of Acts.
  In his farewell address to the elders from Ephesus, Paul reminds them that:

 He testified "to both Jews and Greeks of repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ." (20:21)

He did "not consider [his] life of any account.. in order that [he might] finish [his] course and the ministry.. received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God."  ( v24)

And that he could testify that "I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I did not shrink from declaring to  you the whole purpose of God." 

He freely testifies of his faith before the Jews that had seized him and before the council that accused him.  He would go on to testify before Felix, Festus, and  Agrippa before being sent to Rome.

There are two Greek words used here for testify - diamarturomai -  to attest to or protest earnestly - to charge and the word martureo / martus, from which we get our word martyr.   This has the idea of bearing witness or giving evidence.. reporting, going on record..

So, in verse 21, Paul is saying that he earnestly charged both Jews and Gentiles to repent before God and to have faith in Jesus.  Also, in verse 24, he is saying that his ministry from Jesus was to solemnly and earnestly attest to the gospel of grace.. this was his greatest desire and he wanted to finish this course that God had set him on.

In verse 26, Paul is raising his hand and swearing on record that he did what God had told him to do... he had preached the Gospel just as he had been charged to do.  In Acts 23:11 Jesus confirms this to Paul Himself. ..   You have attested to My cause in Jerusalem.. now you will become a martyr -an official witness who will present evidence of Christ before the court of law.

So, this makes me ask myself... do I testify - do I attest to the grace of God?
Do I earnestly charge others to repent and to have faith?
Do I consider my own life less important than the ministry that Jesus called me to do?
Can I be a legal witness, swearing that I have declared the Truth of God's Word, the Gospel of Grace.. and am innocent of the blood of others?  
Have I testified of "the whole purpose of God"?

Father in heaven, hallowed is Your name.  You have called us to Yourself and given us a purpose for living.  Your will for us is to believe on the Name of Jesus Christ and to abide in Him, for He is the Vine and we are the branches.  Your will for us is to love You with all of our being and to love our neighbor as ourselves.  Your will for us is to be merciful, just , and humble as we walk with You in this life.  You have set our courses and You have promised to fulfill the purposes that You have for each of us.  Thank You Father!  When we are weak, when we are weary.. You are able to use us anyway.  Let Your will be done and Your kingdom come!  Forgive us for sin, debt, and trespasses, Lord and bring glory to Your Name as we forgive others.  Lead us in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.  Deliver us from the evil one.  Grant to us the daily bread needs that we have.. for we are utterly dependent on You.  We ask these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Acts 19  Paul goes back to Ephesus again. This time he comes across 12 men who were disciples of John and leads them to Jesus.  He prays for the Holy Spirit to come upon them, and He does.  Paul ends up spending over 2 years there, preaching the Gospel and teaching the Word.  Paul was anointed by the Holy Spirit so that he was used by God to perform many miracles in Ephesus.  Eventually the ministry was so successful that "all who lived in Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks." ( v10)

Something important began to take place in Ephesus.  Paul's ministry included the casting out of evil spirits.  Some Jewish "exorcists" thought they would also use the name of Jesus to cast our evil spirits, but the problem was.. they didn't know Jesus!  The evil spirit in one man overpowered these 7 brothers and left them wounded and naked!   As this became known,  "fear fell upon them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was being magnified."  This led to a great movement of God in the hearts of many believers, who.. " kept coming, confessing and disclosing their practices."  Many had been involved in magic.. so much so that when they brought all their books together to burn.. they found it was 50.000 pieces of silver worth !  If one coin was equivalent to a days labor.. this was a vast sum of money.  The Lord blessed this action and " the word of the Lord was growing mightily and prevailing".  

Paul was beginning to think about moving on.  He wanted to go to Jerusalem and back to Macedonia.  He was also longing to go to Rome.  The Lord was preparing his heart for what was ahead of him.
Meanwhile he was sending Timothy and another follower, Erastus, into Macedonia to work there.

A problem cropped up in Ephesus .  A silversmith named Demetrius started a campaign against the church and Paul specifically.  Ephesus was the site of the shrine of Artemis (also associated with  the Roman goddess - Diana).
The city of Ephesus was one of the largest in that day.  The temple of Artemis was one of the Seven wonders of the World.  Artemis was supposed to be the daughter of Zeus and Leto.  She was the goddess of fertility.  She was the patron deity of wild animals.... protecting them from mistreatment.
She was portrayed as a young virgin in a  tunic with her hair pulled back.. or as a mature woman with multiple breasts- a symbol for her gift of fertility.  Ephesus was the center of worship for Artemis.
Demetrius was upset that his business was being affected by the reformation of those who now believed in Jesus and no longer worshiped Artemis.  The message that ".. gods made with hands are no gods at all.." was clearly preached by the church in Ephesus and this angered Demetrius.  He stirred up the business men who crafted the statues and such using his silver.  He stirred up the whole town until a mob formed and in the confusion they all rushed into the theater .. dragging along Gaius and Aristarchus, some of Paul's companions . This theater still exists.. it was huge, seating 24,000.
Imagine a mob of that size shouting and pushing and in utter confusion!

The Jews tried to make Alexander address the crowd, but the people were stirred up, crying out
 "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians"!  They quieted down only when the town clerk calmly explained that they needed to go through the proper legal channels with their complaints and that this "disorderly gathering"  would get them all in trouble! With that the crowd dispersed.

This led Paul to make his way from Ephesus to Macedonia once again.

The world will always look to its own interests and be angered with the Truth.  We may not have temples to the goddess Artemis.. but we have idols in our day just the same.  In this chapter of Acts there are two areas of "business" that were affected by the transformation of the lives of believers in Jesus Christ - the magic - or occult business; and the silver/craftsmen's business.  What businesses are affected in our world when men and women of God turn away from satan's strongholds?  Where is sorcery and false religion prevalent?  The media comes to my mind.. and just listen to the rants of Hollywood's finest.. They are often the most vocal when it comes to the ways of the Lord and to the lives of Christians.   Their anger and hatred are palpable.  Another angry group are those in political positions.. they promote their liberal agendas, hoping to win over those who make money from those sinful practices.  So, like Demetrius, they stir up businesses and they stir up the mobs.. and many are so confused they don't even know why they are gathering!

We as Christians can learn and follow the example of the Christians of Ephesus who confessed and disclosed the evil practices that we have been hiding.  We need to open our whole lives to the Lord and surrender every and all idols.. even if it costs us..

Father in heaven,  we come once more to bow before You and declare that You alone are Lord!  You alone are God and we will serve no other.  Renew our spirits and refresh our hearts that we might be faithful and good servants of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  Be glorified, magnified, and exalted in Your Church and may the Word of the Lord prevail in our city!  In the Name of the Mighty Lord, Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Acts 18  Paul leaves Athens and goes to Corinth where he meets Aquila and Priscilla.  Silas and Timothy finally catch up with him there and they stay for a year and a half preaching and teaching; building the church there.   God moves Paul again, this time heading back towards Caesarea.  Aquila and Priscilla travel with him to Ephesus, where they stay and meet Apollos.  Apollos is a believer, but needed to know a bit more, which Aquila and Priscilla teach , explaining " to him the way of God more accurately."   Apollos heads back to Achaia ( where Corinth is located) and becomes a powerful apologetic  preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love how God brings fellow workers alongside us for the work that He has for us to do.  Tent-makers, evangelists, teachers, and servants.. are all part of the team that the Lord used to start churches all over Greece, Syria, and the Roman Empire.  He used Dr. Luke to write it down, so we can learn and be encouraged.

No matter who we are.. or what job we hold, or once held.. God can use us to:

testify that Jesus is Christ ( v5)

strengthen other disciples in the faith ( v23)

be "mighty" in the Scriptures ( v24)

be "fervent in spirit" (v25)

explain "the way of God more accurately" when needed ( v26)

help "those who had believed through grace" (v27)

This is why it is so important to be part of a family/body of believers.  To have a church family that will come alongside you and pray for you.. to strengthen you when you are weak, to pray for you to have wisdom when you are confused.. to encourage you by the Word of God.  So thankful for my church family and for special prayer partners who have shared my burdens.. especially through this year as I faced some challenges.

Father in heaven, I praise You and rejoice in Your love and grace to us.  I pray for my family and for my church family, that we may be faithful to trust You with all our hearts and lean on You, not on our own understanding.  May we acknowledge You.. know that You are here.. in all our ways and surrender to Your leading.  Direct our steps today Lord.  Reveal Your will and help us to trust and obey!  We need You, Lord.  Unless you "build the house" all our efforts are in vain.  We can do nothing on our own.. But we have a great and wonderful God Who is our Rock, our Provider, our Hope, and the Lover of our souls. You never fail and never forsake Your children!  Be glorified in Your people today I pray, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Lord. amen.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Acts 17  Paul travels through Greece, stopping at Thessalonica, Berea, and then Athens.  In Thessalonica Paul preaches in the Jewish synagogue and some come to believe, but others form a mob.  Paul and Silas are sent away to Berea where the Word is received.  People there examined the Scriptures and many believed.  However the troublemakers from Thessalonica come and Paul leaves Silas and Timothy behind, heading to Athens.

Paul waits in Athens for Silas and Timothy, but is "provoked" by all the idols he finds there.  Paul takes the opportunity to speak Truth to anyone who would listen.  He ends up in the Areopagus - "the hill of Ares" - so that he can sit before the philosophers and explain his "new teaching".

Paul's message here starts differently than those he spoke in the synagogues.  These people did not have any knowledge of the Lord.. they only  had their Greek gods and idols.  They were "religious" in the sense that they feared the demonic power behind their false gods.  Paul starts at the beginning - introducing them to the One True God - " The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth.." 

The One True God:

".. does not dwell in temples made with hands;" 

" .. is not served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all life and breath and all things."

".. made from one, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation..." 

It is God who puts into the hearts of men to seek Him.. " to grope for Him and find Him".

It is God who is close to each of us, "for we live and move and exist" in Him.

We are His "offspring".  He is not like gold or silver or stone - He is not formed by man's thoughts or art.  He formed us!

The One True God has declared that all men should repent from their "ignorance".  For, " .. He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead." 

Father in Heaven, You are the One True God, holy and infinite, all powerful and transcendent above all creation.  You have formed us and in You we live, breathe , and move. Like those in Athens, our world is full of men and women who walk in ignorance of Who You are.   Lord, open the hearts of mankind to receive the message of salvation through Jesus Christ our Savior.  We know the day is coming when all will be judged in righteousness.. and we pray for the lost, the "religious ", the oppressed, and the rebellious.. and even the wicked.. to repent and come to Jesus for the forgiveness that He alone can provide.  We need You Lord God, to open our eyes and hearts to Your Word and to fill us with Your Spirit for the work of the Kingdom.  May Your will be done in us today  we pray.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Acts 16 Paul takes Silas and returns to some of the churches he and Barnabas had founded.  He finds Timothy in Lystra and takes him along on their trip.  Luke apparently joins them in Troas, as he changes from using "they/them" to "we" in his narrative.  Paul and the gang are "forbidden by the Holy Spirit" to speak in Asia.  They tried going to Bithynia, but were also stopped from going that direction.  Unable to go north or east, Paul has a vision that sends them west.. to Macedonia. And we are so thankful he obeyed!  The first convert in Europe comes as Paul speaks along the riverside in Philippi.  This convert is Lydia, who listened to Paul.. " and the Lord opened her heart to respond.."

Lydia invites the team to come stay at her home and a new church is begun.  Paul and Silas went back to the river to pray.. apparently every day.  A slave girl began to follow them.  Being a fortune teller, this girl had an evil spirit, who interestingly called out, " These men are bond-servants of the Most High God, who are proclaiming to you the way of salvation."   This annoyed Paul after a while and he commanded the demon to depart from the girl. But this made her owners angry, since they made money from her fortune telling.  These men called the magistrates in and they arrested and beat Paul and Silas.

But, God was not through with His plans for Phillipi.  In jail, Paul and Silas sang hymns until an earthquake came and shook the prison house and unfastened all the chains and opened all the doors!
Even then,  God was not done..  for He was opening the heart of the jailer and his family to be saved.

When Paul is told to leave the prison quietly, he politely refused.. for the magistrates had illegally judged and beaten him, a Roman citizen, without a trial.  He insisted that they come face to face with him and release him the proper way.. which they did.

God opened the door for the gospel of Jesus Christ in Europe.  Because of that, we are able to trace the spread of Christianity to our own country!  Thank You Lord!   Paul's letter to the Philippians shows that this church grew and matured.  They sent help to Paul when he was imprisoned in Rome.
They meant a lot to Paul and to the ministry of the gospel.

Father, thank You for opening the heart of people to receive Your Word and to believe in Jesus.  Thank You for sending out men and women of God to preach the Truth around the world.. and  for coming to us.. to me, that I might also be saved.  Your grace abounds and Your mercies never end. So, once again I ask that You will saved my loved ones, Lord.  Please open their hearts that they might also believe in Jesus.  Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Acts 15  Thankful that these issues were addressed by the church so many years ago!  Those who wanted all Christians, Jews or Gentiles to be under the Law of Moses.. could not keep the Law and did not understand that Christ fulfilled the whole Law.  How wonderful that we are under the covenant of Grace and not the covenant of the Law.

As the elders of the Church in Jerusalem met, it is interesting to see that James, the brother of Jesus, has now stepped up into a leadership role.  What a transformation!  He grew up along side the Son of God and did not believe.. until after Jesus rose from the dead.  Now, he understood the Word and was led by the Holy Spirit.  The decisions that were made at that council resulted in freedom for all of the church to worship according to the grace of Jesus instead of the Law of Moses.

Three things were asked of the Gentile believers:
1. Abstain from things sacrificed to idols.
2. Abstain from partaking of blood and things strangled.
3. Abstain from fornication.

These 3 things were moral issues more than ceremonial laws.  If Jews and Gentiles were to become united into one body, then some agreements had to be made.  The Jews would agree that the Gentiles did not have to be circumcised or to follow Jewish laws.  The Gentiles would be willing to give up idols and immortality .  The agreement was that all.. Jew or Gentile "are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way..." 

There is a great old hymn.. "Tell me the old, old story"... and I think about it now as I marvel again at the message of salvation.  Eph. 2:8 "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; "  And, Romans 3:24-25 " .. being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith...."

Tell me the old, old story
Of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory, 
Of Jesus and His love;
Tell me the story simply
As to a little child, 
For I am weak and weary, 
And helpless and defiled. 

Tell me the story slowly
That I may take it in-
That wonderful redemption,
God's remedy for sin;
Tell me the story often, 
For I forget so soon;
The early dew of morning
Has passed away at noon. 

Tell me the story softly
with earnest tones and grave; 
Remember I'm the sinner
Whom Jesus came to save;
Tell me the story always,
If you would really be,
In any kind of trouble, 
A comforter to me. 

Tell me the same old story
When you have cause to fear
That this world's empty glory 
Is costing me too dear;
Yes, and when that world's glory 
Is dawning on my soul, 
Tell me the old, old story; 
Christ Jesus makes thee whole. 

Tell me the old, old story,
Tell me the old, old story, 
Tell me the old, old story
Of Jesus and His love. 

Father in heaven,  how can we ever thank You enough for the salvation that You have granted to us though  the grace of the Lord Jesus?  How wonderful, how marvelous is your infinite love and kindness to us!  While we were still in our sin and darkness.. You sent Your son to be the payment for our guilty souls!  Precious Savior, we thank You and praise Your Holy Name!  Fill us with Your Spirit, Lord, that we might be Your witnesses wherever we are today.  May the old, old story be our song to those who need to hear it !  In Jesus' name we pray, amen. 

Friday, July 13, 2018

Acts 14  Paul and Barnabas continue their trip, preaching the Word, speaking boldly, and persevering through difficulties.  In  Lystra the two are mistaken for Zeus and Hermes.. and had to stop the people from offering sacrifices to them.  But, after that Jews came and caused an about-face.. and Paul was stoned and left for dead.

Even with all of that, many people came to believe in Jesus and churches were begun.  As they returned home to Antioch, Paul and Barnabas joyfully reported all that God had done.  This statement is notable.. " .. they began to report all things that God had done with them and how He had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles."  A door of faith..   The Bible Knowledge commentary makes 3 points about this statement:
1." It shows that Gospel had gone to the Gentiles."
2. "It was a 'by-faith' message and not by works of the Law"
3. "God did it, for He opened the door." 

It is God's grace that opens a way for  us to come to faith, to believe the good news, that Jesus came to give eternal life to all people, Jew or Gentile, man or woman.  He opens a door so that all who will believe in Him  can  receive forgiveness of their sins.  He opens a door so that all can be freed from sin, death, and hell.  God opens the door for us and by faith we walk in .. into His Kingdom.. into His arms.. into His Body.   Amazing Grace!

Father in heaven ,  we seek Your continued grace.. to open that door for our unsaved loved-ones!  Please call them to Yourself and grant them the faith to believe and receive. O Lord,  You alone can save.. all of grace!  How wonderful You are!  Praise Your Holy Name.  Amen!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Acts 12 -  I have been thinking about yesterday's passage- and I am encouraged by what the Lord reveals to us through Peter's release:

As we think about how Peter was chained in a dark cell and that the Lord sent an angel to bring light..  we can be encourage that  He can do the same for us.
As we think about how Peter's chains fell off - we can be encouraged that the Lord can remove every chain that binds us.
As we think about how the angel led Peter out of the prison, past 4 squads of soldiers - we can be encouraged that nothing can  stop the Lord from freeing us!
As we think about how Peter was kept safe from Herod's plans - we can be encouraged that our God is able to take care of us, no matter what we are facing... even when others may plan evil against us.

Our God is great!  His ways will always be accomplished for us, as we trust in Him.  Hallelujah!

Acts 13- Paul and Barnabas are sent out on their first missionary journey.  They travel to Cyprus, preaching the Word.  Then they go on as far as Pisidian Antioch.  It is here that Luke records the message that Paul has been delivering as he traveled.  The crux of his message goes like this:

God chose to make the people of Israel great as they lived in Egypt.
He chose to deliver Israel from Egypt and brought them into the promised land.
He established judges and then gave them a king when they asked for one.
Saul was removed and David became king,  because he was willing to do all the will of God.
The offspring of David, "according to promise" is Jesus, the Savior.
John the Baptist proclaimed His coming.
The Jewish rulers rejected Him.
He was crucified, buried, and then raised from the dead.
"And we preach the good news of the promise made to the fathers, that God has fulfilled this promise to our children in that He raised Jesus, as it is also written ... " 
David died and his body decayed, but Jesus rose from the dead according to Scripture.
"Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and through Him everyone who believes is freed from all things from which you could not be freed through the Law of Moses." 

The people loved this message and wanted to hear more. The next week, Paul and Barnabas returned to the synagogue to preach again, but this time  "nearly the whole city assembled to hear the Word of God."  However the Jews became jealous and started trouble.  Paul and Barnabas left the city and went to Iconium.

Father in heaven,  we are so thankful that Paul continued to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, for it is because of his ministry that we are able to come to know forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ.  Thank You that nothing can stop Your Word or Your Spirit from bring the Truth to  "as many as [have] been appointed to eternal life" so that they might believe.  Fill our land with this good news once again Lord, that more will be saved.  Give us the boldness to also speak out the Truth to those around us.  Use me Lord to lead others into the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I ask this in His name. Amen.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Acts 12  Herod Agrippa was an evil man. He had James killed and was planning on killing Peter.  But, God had a different plan.  As Peter was in prison, waiting for his execution, he slept.. chained up and guarded by 4 squads of soldiers.  Even this could not stop God's plans for Peter.

As God's people prayed:
An angel appeared in the cell.
Light entered the darkened place.
Peter was struck on his side to wake him up.
His chains fell off.
He had to be told to get dressed.
He was led out by the angel, still in a fog.
The gates opened themselves.
And Peter found himself freed.

Great joy!  So great that the servant girl couldn't wait to tell the others.. and forgot to open the gate!

When Herod heard that Peter had disappeared, he searched for him, executed the guards, and left town.  Sitting in his royal robes, Herod was addressing his audience when they began to praise him..
Because Herod did "not give God the glory".. he was judged severely.. "and he was eaten by worms and died."

The Word of God could not be stopped, but Herod was.

Our God never changes.  He will accomplish His plans and fulfill the purposes He has for each of us.
He can free us from the darkest of places.
He can release us from every chain.
He can open any door.
He can stop the most powerful or the most evil of men.
He will provide the way for His Word "grow and to be multiplied."

Father in heaven,  You are holy, mighty, and infinite.  We choose to give You all the glory in every circumstance.  We praise You for the rescue of those children in Thailand.  We praise You for the life provided for our friends expecting their first child.  We praise You for granting us the Word of life and Your Spirit to lead us in it.  Abba, our world is in need of You.  Our hearts break at the wickedness that causes young men to kill others.. to kill children, to spread fear and evil in their ways.   How patient You are with this evil world.  Lord Jesus, we need You.  We desire to see You return and rescue us from this dark world that sometimes seems like a prison cell.  Yet, Lord, we know You have a plan and a purpose for all things.  There are many more that need to hear the good news of salvation in Your Name.  Send forth more workers into Your harvest field, Father.  Let Your Name be praised in all the earth.  In Jesus' name we pray. amen.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Acts 11  The Lord chose to use Peter to preach to the Gentiles at Cornelius' house, even though He could have done it without him.  They were really ready to believe before Peter even stepped in the door. But, it was necessary for Peter to witness this so that he could testify to the church in Jerusalem about what God was doing.  God included the Gentiles in His Kingdom.  The message of salvation through believing in Jesus as the Lord and Christ was not just for Jews.  It began to spread through the nations.  The church in Antioch became a central location for the work that God was beginning.  And it all started with a few men from Cyprus and Cyrene who preached the Word to the Greeks in Antioch.

Barnabas and Saul led that church for a year.  They taught the disciples there and became the launching place for ministry.  When a prophet named Agabus told about a famine that was coming, it was this church that began to prepare to help those in Jerusalem.

That reminds me of the story of Joseph, who interpreted Pharoah's dreams, about a 7 year famine that was coming after 7 years of abundant crops.  Joseph planned wisely and helped Egypt as well as his own family when the famine came... We recently read this story in a Bible study about faithfulness.
And Joseph was indeed, faithful.  But, I'm thinking about the wisdom of preparing for the future ahead.  We live in a world where there are days coming when there could be times of famine... not necessarily food, although that could happen.. but a famine of the Word of God.  There are many countries where this has already happened.. where the Word is outlawed or Bibles are scarce..  We can't imagine that happening here.. but it could.  How do we prepare?  How do we help those in the midst of that kind of famine?

Father in heaven, we thank You for including us in Your Kingdom.  Thank You for bringing us Your Word that we might believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.  Lead us in the work of ministry. Show us how to prepare and help others in need of Your Word.  Expand our vision beyond ourselves to the needs of others.  Thank You for being patient with us and for allowing us to be part of the work that You want to do.  May Your will be done!  In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Acts 9:32-10:48

Peter traveled around Israel, ministering to others.  In Lydda he healed a man who had been paralyzed and bedridden for 8 years.  In Joppa, he raised Tabitha from the dead.  Many more people came to believe in Jesus through these miraculous works.

While Peter was staying in Joppa he had an unusual vision.  God prepared Peter for a new work.  By showing him that He had the authority to cleanse what had once been considered "unholy".. Peter was open to the next instruction, which was to go to the home of a Gentile centurion in Caesarea.

God's work was evident in Cornelius' life already.  This man was "devout".  He feared God.  He prayed.  He gave alms to Jewish people.  He was respected by his servants and those he commanded. He was obedient to follow the instructions of the angel that visited him.  When Peter came and told them about Jesus.. Cornelius and his household immediately believed and were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Two passages stick out to me.  10:34-35 " ... I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right, is welcome to Him." And, 42-43 " And He ordered us to preach to the people, and solemnly to testify that this is the One who has been appointed by God as Judge of the living and the dead. Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins." Here is the gospel in a nutshell...  God welcomes any and all who will come to Him through Jesus Christ.  

We come to know Jesus by believing.  Peter was a witness, chosen by God.. to testify that Jesus was anointed by God,  that He was crucified on a cross,  and that He was raised from the dead on the third day.  Peter testified and those who believed his testimony were saved.  We are welcome to come to Him in the very same way!

Father in heaven, holy is Your Name. We bow in reverent fear before You.  You are God and there is no other. You sent Jesus to be our Savior.  You have appointed Him to be the Judge of the living and the dead.  May we be found in Christ alone. He is our only hope.  He is our Lord and King.  What amazing grace You have shown to us.  Let Your Word fill our hearts and minds that we might grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord.  Anoint us with Your Spirit that we might also be faithful witnesses of Your Truth, that others might also believe in Jesus and be saved.  We ask this in the powerful name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Acts 9:1-31 Saul of Tarsus takes it upon himself to persecute the believers.  He goes so far as to ask for warrants to arrest those in Damascus and heads there to capture Christians.  But, Saul is interrupted by Jesus.  What an amazing experience that must have been.  One minute you are walking or riding along.. and the next you are surrounded by a light from heaven. And, standing there.. is Jesus.

I would love to meet Jesus this way, wouldn't you?  Furthermore, I would love for Him to stop my unsaved loved ones in their tracks, so that they might also be saved.  I know that Paul is a unique person and that the Lord works through His Word and His people.. but I also believe that this is not the only way He reaches men and women.  We often hear of Jesus appearing to Muslims through visions and dreams.  My prayer is that He would also appear to some of my family members!

Saul is left blinded by his encounter with Jesus on the road.  For 3 days he is blind, he does not eat or drink.. and he prays.  The Lord answers his prayers by sending Ananias, who prays for Saul, who is healed, baptized, and strengthened.

God's plans are unique to each of us.  He brings us to Himself in different ways.  We may be young or old, rich or poor, male or female..  He decides and calls us.  So thankful for the love of Christ that reaches us individually.... intimately... and is perfectly planned for each of us.

Father in heaven, may You be glorified in our lives.  May Your Kingdom be seen in our actions through faith.  May Your grace be shed abroad in our hearts.  And may we bear much fruit as we abide in Jesus, the True Vine.  May I not waste my life on lesser things Lord.. take me and use me as You will. amen.