Friday, June 29, 2018

Acts 8  This chapter briefly introduces Saul.. he was a young man who watched the robes of those who rose up against Stephen,  he fully agreed with the stoning of this man of God, and he took upon himself the mission of "ravaging" the church.  In this way, he became the one responsible for the scattering of the church.

The rest of this chapter focuses on Philip.  Philip was also one of the 7 men chosen, along with Stephen, to minister to those in need in the church.  God had a different plan for Philip, as he had for Stephen.  He sent Philip to Samaria to preach Christ to them.  Signs and wonders were performed.  Unclean spirits were sent away.  The paralyzed and lame were healed.  Even the sorcerer, Simon, believed and was baptized .  Peter and John heard what was happening and came down to Samaria to see what was happening there.  They prayed that the Holy Spirit would fall upon these new believers and they laid their hands on them, " and they were receiving the Holy Spirit".  

It is here that Simon learns an important lesson.  He wants to have the same authority as the apostles.. to lay hands on others to impart the Holy Spirit also.  The problem is that he offers to pay for such a privilege.  Peter rebukes Simon, calling this wickedness, gall of bitterness in his heart.  Simon needed to repent of this.. and he asks for Peter to pray for him, " so that nothing of what you have said may come upon me." 

Philip is then told to go to Gaza.  He is on a desert road and comes upon a chariot.  The Ethiopian court official of Candace, the queen of the Ethiopians, is riding along this desert road, reading from the book of Isaiah.  The Lord uses this to open the door for Philip to tell this man about Jesus.  The man believes, asks to be baptized.. " I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God".. is his clear testimony.

Philip is "snatched away" by the Holy Spirit and found himself in Azotus, where he continues to preach the gospel, " until he came to Caesarea." 

Father in heaven,  like Stephen and Philip, some of us are called to serve in ways that are beyond our job descriptions.  Let us be filled with Your Spirit also, Lord.. that you will use us to tell others about Christ.  There are some in our world today who are like Simon, wanting to buy whatever it takes to have power.  They need to know that only You give the free gift of salvation.  There are some like the Ethiopian man, looking for someone to answer their questions.. may we be obedient to your calling.. even to the desert places.. so that we will be there to give them the answers about Jesus.  We can't imagine what it would be like to be snatched away from one place to another by Your Spirit.. but Lord, take us to where You want us to be, that we might serve You with full devotion and obedience.
We pray this in the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. amen.

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