Friday, June 15, 2018

Ezekiel 40-43  The rest of the book written by Ezekiel is relaying a vision that he receives of a new temple. These chapters give a general description of the temple and the return of the Glory of God, filling it.  The remaining chapters give other details for what will happen to Israel when this is established.

The Bible Knowledge Commentary suggests that this temple will be built during the 1000 year reign of Christ, after His return.  Whatever it means, just the fact that Ezekiel records this in such detail indicates that it is important.

The new temple will exhibit the restoration of Israel as the people of God.  It will establish Israel itself as the center of God's Presence on earth.  The details presented reveal to us a God who cares about beauty and organization.  From the presence of guard houses and the added details of engravings, we learn that this place has precise purposes.  The size of it is interesting.  The thing that is most intriguing to me is that animal sacrifices will be offered there.  Why?

Father in heaven, only You know what this is really all about. We cannot begin to fathom what You have planned for the future. But, You have instructed us to set our minds on things above.. so  we want to think about what You have revealed to us in Your Word. There is so much that we do not know about the future. But the one thing that we know for sure is that You will be with us... We will be able to see You in a way that we cannot see You now.  As Ezekiel experienced these visions.. we will experience the reality.  This world will pass away.. but a new heaven and a new earth.. with the surpassing glory of Your Presence will be greater than anything we have ever imagined.  Jesus, our King will sit on the throne and reign forever!  No more sin.  No more darkness.  No more separations between us and You.  Hallelujah!  Come Lord Jesus! Amen.

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