Friday, June 8, 2018

Ezekiel 33  The Lord repeats a message that was first presented in chapter 18 - Each person is responsible for his own behavior and will be judged according to his own ways.  Ezekiel was appointed as a watchman for Israel.  He was responsible to speak the words that the Lord gave him to speak.  If a person listened and repented.. then he would be saved.  If a person listened but refused to obey.. then he was responsible for his own choice.

The Lord also warns about staying on the right path.  If a person, who has been "righteous" turns and sins.. all his past righteousness will not save him.  He is still guilty.  But, if a person who was wicked, turns from his sin and "practices justice and righteousness" , then he will be saved.  Ezekiel preaches the message as God gives it.

In verse 21 the message that Ezekiel knew was coming finally came, " The city has been taken." Everything that God said would happen - happened. No more warnings..
The people wanted to argue with God.  He had given the land to them as a possession.
God does not compromise with them:
" You eat the meat with blood in it, lift up your eyes to your idols as you shed blood. Should you then possess the land? You rely on your sword, you commit abominations, and each of you defiles his neighbor's wife. Should you then possess the land?"
The short answer is "NO"!

Life is in the Lord's hands.  He has established the rules.  He calls the shots.  It is His way and no other!  He calls us to holiness, to right living according to His rules.  He calls us to hear His word and obey it.  He calls us to turn to Him and not to any other.  And, when we turn away, when we don't obey, when we fall short... then we deserve the judgements we receive.

But, O how thankful we are that He has made a way back to Him!  
He has shown us mercy and not judged us as we have deserved!  
He has shown us grace by giving us a Redeemer who paid the price we could not pay. 
He has given us His righteousness.  He has called us blameless and pure!
What a compassionate and kind God we serve!

Thank You Father for granting us repentance for the our sins, forgiving us our iniquities, and making us whole through Jesus Christ. We live by faith in the Son of God who loved us and delivered Himself up for us!  Your love is amazing!  Thank You for every gift that You have given to us in Christ Jesus.  All glory and honor and blessing we offer to You.  Amen.

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