Monday, June 4, 2018

Ezekiel 26-28:19 The judgement on Tyre.

Over and over the Lord had pronounced judgements and then declared, " they will know that I am the Lord".   Tyre was a city-state built on a rock at the edge of the Mediterranean Sea.  It had become the center of trade for all the nations.  It was beautiful, wealthy, and very proud.  The Lord declared the destruction of Tyre that would be so terrible that all the nations around her would tremble.
And yet, the Lord instructs Ezekiel to lament the destruction of Tyre. In that lament ( chapter 27) we are given a detailed picture of this great city..

Tyre was surrounded by the sea ( v4)
Its architecture was perfect in beauty (v4)
They used "planks of fir" from Senir, cedar from Lebanon, and oak from Bashan. ( v5-6)
They had ivory and boxwood from Cyprus.
They had "fine embroidered linen from Egypt" ( v7)
And it goes on and on.. rowers, pilots, repairers and sailors.. men of war and armed guards.. all part of the beauty and perfection of this magnificent city. ( v8-11)

Verses 12-24 give a picture of the wealth of Tyre through their vast trading network.  Some sold and some bought..
Tarshish traded "silver, iron, tin, and lead" for Tyre's wares.
Javan, Tubal, and Meshech traded slaves and bronze vessels for merchandise .
Beth-togarmah used horses and mules as payments.
Dedan traded "ivory tusks and ebony."
Aram paid with "emeralds, purple, embroidered work, fine linen, coral, and rubies." 
Judah and Israel traded "wheat.. cakes, honey, oil, and balm." 
Damascus bought wine and wool.
Vedan and Javan bought "iron, cassia, and sweet cane"
Arabia bought "lambs, rams, and goats"
Sheba and Raamah traded with spices, precious stones, and gold.
Others traded with "choice garments", carpets, and "tightly wound cords"

It all was glorious and wonderful.. but God declared that all of it would "fall into the heart of the seas on the day of your overthrow." (27:27)

The king of Tyre would be overthrown because he called himself a god.  He was wise, he was rich, and he was powerful.  But, when his heart was "lifted up because of [his] riches", the Lord judged him and he died at the hands of strangers.

Ezekiel 28:12-19 is a lamentation over the demise of the king of Tyre. Here, Ezekiel switches to a reference to the fall of Satan.. the king of Tyre as opposed to the ruler of Tyre who was " a man and not God".  
Satan had been created to be "full of wisdom and perfect in beauty".  
He was "in Eden, the garden of God".  
He was covered with precious stones.
He was "anointed" as a "cherub who covers" or guards the "holy mountain of God".   
He was blameless "until unrighteousness was found" in him.

This sin "filled" him with "violence".  And, he was cast down, removed from his high position, and judged.  His future is certain.. he will spend eternity in the sea of fire.

Likewise, the city of Tyre was condemned for the sin of pride.. exalting herself and not acknowledging the Lord God.  Sidon, the sister city of Tyre would also join in the judgement of God and they would know that He is the Lord.

Verses 25-26, tacked onto the end of this chapter, return to the future of Israel..
They would be gathered back to their homeland.
They would be secure and fruitful and God would avenge their enemies for the scorn they endured.
"Then they will know that I am the Lord their God." 

Father in heaven,  we are thankful that all the past and all the future events are in Your hands.  We thank You for patiently and lovingly bringing us to the knowledge that You are the Lord.  We recognize and confess once again that we are poor and weak.. we are beggars in the presence of our King.  We ask that You remove all unrighteousness that is found in us, that we not be cast out of Your presence, but brought in through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ!  All our hope is in the amazing grace and mercy that You have  poured out on us through our Savior.  I  once again proclaim Your Word, " I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and delivered Himself up for me."  Only by this truth can we come into Your presence ..I thank You and praise You and give You all honor and glory.  In Christ Jesus, Amen.

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