Thursday, June 7, 2018

Ezekiel 29-32  The Lord addresses Egypt, Pharaoh, in particular, for his arrogance in proclaiming himself the god of the Nile.  All judgements will be justly administered and the guilty will Know that the the One and only God, the God of Israel is the LORD.   Pride, whether of one's power or beauty.. or whatever.. will not be unpunished.  Chapter 32 is a climax and summation of all the prophecies and judgements declared starting back in chapter 25.   The final word for everyone of these nations is the same,  they are all there:

" All of them are slain, fallen by the sword, whose graves are set in the remotest parts of the pit, and her company is round her grave. All of them are slain, fallen by the sword, who spread terror in the land of the living." ( v23)  Assyria, Elam, Meshech and Tubal, Edom, and Egypt.  All of them spread terror.  All of them were slain.  All of them were sent down to the "lower parts of the earth".  All of them "bore their disgrace".  All of them were broken.

No matter how powerful, how rich, or how mighty.. in the sight of the Holy God who is the Lord, they were shameful, uncircumcised , terrorists.. judged for their sins and sent to Sheol.

This is how it was in the days of Ezekiel and how it is in our days.  We hear and witness for ourselves the arrogant boasting of the terrorists of our day.. and we can be assured that God sees them too.  He will judge them according to their works and they will be cast down into the pit along side Pharaoh and his mulitude.

Father, thank You for being just and merciful.  Thank You that those who terrorize others will be judged for their actions.  May mercy fall on their victims.  Many Christians are being persecuted even now in Egypt.  Lord, surround them with Your favor and with Your lovingkindness.  Surround them with songs of deliverance.  May they know that the Holy God who created the heavens and the earth is on their side. May they look to You and know Your grace.  Come to us, Lord Jesus, and fill the earth with Your glory, we pray, in Your Name.  Amen.

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