Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Ezekiel 37  The vision given to Ezekiel and the message of the restoration of Israel into one nation, forever dwelling in God's presence... is one of the most beloved stories in this book.  Try to even imagine what Ezekiel saw!
A valley covered with dried out bones..
Muscles and ligaments and tendons.. beginning to cover the bones.
Flesh and skin added to cover the sinews.
The wind, the breath of God coming from the east, west, north, and south.. filling the bodies with life.
A complete... ."exceedingly great army" standing at attention before Ezekiel.

Yet, even more exciting to Ezekiel  and to us... is the promise that God gives him!
Israel, scattered, broken, captured, slain... will make a full recovery!
God, Himself, will bring His people back to His land and restore them into one nation.
He will cleanse them.
He will deliver them from idolatry.
He will give them a new King.
He will bless them with "everlasting peace".
He will multiply them.
He will set His sanctuary in their midst.
He will dwell with them.
He will be their God and "they will be [His] people.

"And the nations will know that I am the Lord who sanctifies Israel, when My sanctuary is in their midst forever."

Lord God, You are Holy and Sovereign over all the earth.  You have said that You will completely restore and sanctify Israel.  You alone can do it!  We look forward to the day when we see all Your promises fulfilled.  We long for the day when King Jesus reigns in righteousness forever.  It will be a joy to see Israel restored.. and even more joyful to see what You have in store for all of us!  Our imaginations cannot begin to fathom the glory of Heaven, the reality of eternal life, and the greatness of our King.  Thank You for the Word that gives us glimpses of Your glory.  Come, Holy Spirit and help us to know You more and see You more clearly.  We ask this in the name of our Lord and King , Jesus Christ. Amen.

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