Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Acts 7 - Stephen's sermon.   Stephen was accused of blasphemy .  They said that he was speaking against the Temple, the Law, the altar, and the "customs" of Moses.  The high priest said to Stephen, "Are these things so?"  And Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit answered....

He began at the beginning.. Abraham's covenant with God. He outlined the events that led to slavery in Egypt and the calling of Moses to deliver them.  Stephen reminded his listeners of the fact that their ancestors all rejected Moses, rejected God, and failed to keep the commandments.  They had persecuted every prophet that God had sent! And now, they were doing the exact same thing!

The leaders of Israel were guilty of killing the One who they claimed to be waiting for.  They were offended that anyone would speak against the Law of Moses.. but they didn't even keep it themselves.
Instead of responding with repentance and faith... they responded in anger and hatred.  They dragged Stephen out of the city and stoned him to death with their own hands.  Where they had not dared to judge and kill Jesus themselves, but insisted on Pilate's participation.. they did not hesitate to kill Stephen.

Stephen gazed into heaven and "saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God".  His testimony was heard by all of them there.  Even though they tried to cover their ears.. the witnesses heard and saw what happened.  Stephen "called upon the Lord" at that moment.  He said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" Then he pleaded with the Lord to not hold this sin against those who were killing him.

From that time on persecution broke out against the believers.  There was no hesitation to kill christians. All the church scattered, except the apostles.

Father in heaven, how holy and gracious, how wise and how awesome You are.  Stephen was able to face death with grace and power, because of Your Spirit in him.  Those who heard him had to be changed.  We know that Saul was there and that he heard Stephen.  Was this something that he remembered and relayed to Luke as he wrote the book of Acts?  We needed this example of how to die for You.. in faith and with power through Your Spirit.  Thank You for reminding us that no matter what we face.. You are watching, You are faithful,  and You will receive our spirits when we call upon You.   What a precious hope we have in Christ Jesus!  May we be faithful to keep our eyes on You, Lord.  To seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness .. and to walk by faith and not by sight.  You are our God and there is none other!
Be glorified in our lives, in our thoughts, and in our relationships today.. we pray, in Jesus' name. amen.

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