Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Acts 1 - Luke begins his second book, researching and recording what happened after Jesus was resurrected.  He begins with a significant event, the ascension of Jesus.  After spending 40 days "speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God", He tells them to go to Jerusalem and wait...

They were to wait for the Holy Spirit to baptize them.  They wondered if that meant that the Kingdom of Israel would be restored.  Jesus tells them that the coming of the Kingdom is "fixed" by the authority of the Father... "but" what is coming is the something amazing... " you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." Change is coming!

The ascension is another one of those things that I would love to see!  I hope there is a video replay of the life of Jesus when we get to heaven!   He is talking to them one moment and the next He is lifted up into the clouds.. and gone!  They couldn't believe it and stood there staring until two angels showed up to send them on their way to Jerusalem .

The apostles, joined by the family of Jesus and others... a total of "about one hundred and twenty persons".. met in an upper room where they were staying.  Peter takes charge and leads them into prayer for the purpose of naming a replacement for Judas.  Here we learn of Judas' death and the field named Hakeldama, the field of blood.  Matthias is chosen to fill this position... and is never heard of again...

In this prayer, Peter or someone else said, " Thou, Lord who knows the heart..."  The Greek word here is "kardiognostes" - a heart-knower.   So, it is really, " Lord, the heart-knower of all men.. show us.. "   Remember when Samuel was sent to anoint one of Jesse's sons as the king of Israel and the Lord said, "... for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." ( I Sam. 16:7)   Jeremiah 17: 10 says, " I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds. " 

Our Father in heaven,  You are the  " Heart-knower".. who sees us, who searches our hearts, who tests our hearts.. and who judges according to what is in our hearts.  We are an open book before You. You know us better than we know ourselves.. for our hearts are sometimes deceitful and sometimes hardened.  We desire that You search our hearts and remove all unrighteousness. We  pray, even as Paul wrote in Romans that You who searches the hearts.. will intercede for us "according to the will of God". ( 8:27).  You have called us. You have justified us.  You will glorify us.. for You are with us!
Hallelujah!  Nothing can separate us from Your great love, " which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."   Take our hearts, Lord and form them, take our wills and conform them to Your own... take our minds and transform them by Your Word.. we surrender all to You.  Amen.

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