Monday, June 18, 2018

Ezekiel 44-48  These chapters continue to reveal what will happen in Israel during the Millennium .  The structures are put in place for worship on a daily basis as well as for the feasts to be observed yearly.  In addition to the priests and levites, there will also be a Prince, David, who will be present and part of the ministry at the temple.  Offerings will be sacrificed.  Worship will be similar to the past with some changes.  The land will be re-apportioned to the tribes of Israel.

I have to admit that I do not understand why all of this will happen.  I don't think I have really thought about this time in the future.  We think of Christ's return or of our own passing into eternity. But, we don't think about life continuing on earth.. but, here it is. God will fulfill His Word and all of His promises to Israel.  We can trust Him to fulfill all His promises to us too.

Father in heaven,  be exalted and praised.. may every tongue and tribe and nation know that You alone are the Lord, the One and only God.  We proclaim that You alone are worthy of our worship and praise.  You are Everything to us.  Thank You for saving us and for giving us Your Spirit, that we might know You more and more.  Have Your way in us today.  I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and King. Amen.

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