Thursday, June 21, 2018

Acts 3:1-10 -  John and Peter went up to the temple "at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer."  3:00 in the afternoon.  Three times a day, time was set apart for prayer in the temple - 9 am, 12 pm, and 3 pm.  This was Daniel's practice while in captivity .  John and Peter apparently kept to that practice also.
This particular day was used by God to do something amazing.

As they approached the gate called "Beautiful", (which seems to be a bit of a mystery).. Peter and John noticed a beggar who asked them for alms.  Alms could be defined as a gift of charity or an act of mercy.  Peter and John gazed at the man.  He may have expected to receive a gift.. a few coins that would help him through the day.. but what he received was so much more!  Peter said, " I do not possess silver or gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene - walk!"  Then he grabbed the man by the right hand and pulled him to his feet.   No hesitation!

" Immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened and with a leap, he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God."  The man who had been lame since birth was able to walk for the first time in his life!  Incredible!

As a result of this miracle two things happened - Peter preached another sermon that resulted in many more being saved; and then he and John were arrested..

Father in heaven,  You are the divine healer and restorer.   Peter testified that this healing came on the basis of faith in the name of Jesus and the faith  that came through Him was the source of perfect healing.  We continue to believe that Jesus is our Healer and we look to Him for our every need.  We pray that You would give us the faith to not hesitate!  We know many who are in need of physical healing and ask that You would do that incredible work in their lives.. We know some who need spiritual healing and ask that in the name of Jesus they would be saved.  We thank You that You do not lose patience with our slowness to act and to believe.  Grant us the kind of faith that Peter and John had.  Thank You Lord that all things are in Your Hands and You are faithful to do it! Amen.

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