Thursday, June 14, 2018

Ezekiel 38-39  The Lord gives Ezekiel a prophecy concerning the far future of Israel.  After He gathers all of Israel back into His land, there will be a great army that will come against them from the north .  But, this army, made of many nations together, will fail.  God will destroy them all.. so much so that it will take 7 months for the Israelites to bury all the dead.

God's purpose in all this is to "magnify" and sanctify Himself.  The nations will know Him.  Israel will know Him.  He will set His glory among the nations!  All the nations will see His judgements and there will be no doubt that it is God who has done this.

What happens to Israel will be a testimony to all the world.. that God is Who He says He is. May we willingly confess it now!

Father in heaven,  we trust in You to do all that You have said.  That day will come just as You have decreed it.  Even now, we see that the nations look at Israel and desire to destroy her.  Yet, they cannot.  Bring Israel into the truth of Who You are that they may know that their Messiah is Jesus.
May they willingly bow before You and worship You only.  Protect them from the evil ones.
Father, bring our nation to know You .. to know that You are the Lord, the God of heaven and earth.
Pour out Your Spirit on the house of Israel.. and on the nations, including our nation.  We are in desperate need of repentance and revival. Open our hearts and eyes.. that we might be prepared for the return of our King Jesus.  We pray in His name. amen.

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