Friday, December 2, 2016

II Peter 3

In 1:12  Peter says he wants to remind us of the truth of our calling by Christ.
In 1:13 he speaks of stirring us up with his reminders.
And again here, in 3:1, he speaks again to stir up our minds to remember the Word, that of the prophets and that of our Lord.

Remember, he tells us, that even though mockers say that Christ isn't coming, He surely is.
Remember, that God established the heavens and earth, and as long as they are still standing You have proof that the Word of God still stands.
Remember that there is a day coming when all the universe as we know it will be destroyed.
Remember that the Lord is waiting patiently because of His great love for us, because we wants all of us to come to repentance.
Remember that He is coming and we need to be living in holiness and godliness until that day.
Remember that He will establish a new heaven and a new earth.
Remember to be on guard so that we won't follow the false teachers but stay steadfast in His Truth.

Grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, Peter exhorts us, for that day is coming.

Father in heaven,  be Lord of our hearts and lives, that we may be steadfast in Your Truth, growing in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus.  We ask this in His holy Name, amen.

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